Embrace Your Sisters
Embrace Your Sisters (EYS) fills a unique niche in breast cancer services by providing short-term emergency financial assistance to residents of 13 counties in the Finger Lakes Region, including Allegany, Cayuga, Chemung, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Tioga, Tompkins, Wayne and Yates. A variety of volunteer opportunities are available throughout the year in conjunction with our fundraising events, which include Tea for Two Fashion Show in the spring and The Positively Pink in Pittsford Breast Cancer Walk in the fall. (Updated 1/2024)
Family Promise of Greater Rochester
Family Promise of Greater Rochester (formerly RAIHN) is a not-for-profit, interfaith, culturally competent organization that assists homeless families to achieve sustainable independence by supporting them with tailored services, including shelter, food, personalized case management, & a diverse network of caring volunteers. We offer online Volunteer Training. Volunteer opportunities include: Drive the Family Promise van, transporting guests between host congregations and the Day Center; Assist at the Day Center with clerical tasks, toy or house cleaning, maintenance projects, or donation sorting & organizing; etc. Additional opportunities include grocery shopping, moving household goods, and prevention and diversion programs. (Updated 7/2021)
- Rochester, NY
- https://www.fpgroc.org
- Beth Bojarski
- (585) 506-9050
- beth@fpgroc.org
Finger Lakes Care Giver Institute at Lifespan
If you know someone who is caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s/dementia or other forms of memory loss, then you know someone who needs help. Our Partners in Caring program trains and matches volunteers with local families to provide support. With just a few hours per/week, volunteers can give a caregiver some free time to shop, nap, take a walk or visit with a friend while you spend time with their loved one – talking, taking a walk, doing a puzzle, looking at photos, listening to music – just being a friend. This gives the caregiver a few hours to take care of their own needs and “catch a breath” from their caregiving duties. Those interested can sign up by themselves or “buddy up” with a friend, be trained, and then serve together. (Updated 2/2024)
- Rochester, NY
- http://www.lifespan.org
- Mary Alice Schmidt
- maschmidt@lifespan-roch.org
Finger Lakes Community Action
We currently need volunteers to connect with our Foster Grandparents, ages 55 and over. This includes food box delivery, assisting with in-service meetings, recognition events, fund-raising activities, special projects, advocating for them, filling out paperwork, and teaching basic computer skills. Volunteers are used as needed, primarily during the school year. Opportunities can be "one-time only " or "ongoing" for a specified time period. Opportunities are available in Wayne, Ontario, Seneca, Yates, and Livingston counties. Call (315) 333-4155 ext. 3211. (Updated 3/2024)
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- Gregory Peck
- (315) 333-4155
- gregory.peck@waynecap.org
Foodlink is a Rochester-based nonprofit dedicated to ending hunger and building healthier communities by addressing both the symptoms and root causes of food insecurity. We serve as the hub of the emergency food system across a 10-county service area. Volunteers are critical to our mission and we offer an array of opportunities for individuals, families, or groups. Volunteers can register and schedule themselves on our website. Training and orientation will take place during the volunteer shift. Explore how you can get involved and begin your volunteer journey with Foodlink today. (Updated 3/2024)
Friendship House
Volunteers are needed to help organize & restock the food pantry, clean, etc., for our thrift store/food pantry that has been in the area for 45 years. Open every Wednesday, 5-7 p.m., and Friday & Saturday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. The pantry/thrift store can be used by anyone residing in the Marcus Whitman school district for food, clothing, and winter coats. (Updated 10/2017)
Ganondagan State Historic Site: Friends of Ganondagan
Ganondagan welcomes volunteers for many events throughout the year. Volunteer needs include children's activities, hospitality, recycling, and more. Our biggest need is the Indigenous Dance & Music Festival, held the fourth weekend in July. Other needs include Living History in September, a Husking Bee in October (picking, husking, and braiding corn), Canandaigua Treaty Day in November, the Native American Winter Arts Festival in December, and the Native American Winter Games in February. (Updated: 2/2024)
Geneva Center of Concern - Geneva Food Pantry
Volunteers are needed to sort donated items, work the front desk, stock pantry shelves, and work with clients in need of food. Pantry is open Monday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Volunteers work 2.5-hour shifts. Volunteers are especially needed on Saturday mornings in the thrift store, 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (Updated 2/2024)
- 58 Avenue D, Geneva, NY 14456
- https://genevacenterofconcern.org/
- Cheryl Toor or Linda Geoia
- (315) 789-1117
- genevacoc@gmail.com
Geneva Public Library
Regular tasks include wiping surfaces, ensuring items are in proper order, checking items for damage, or helping with our book sales. See the library's website for further description. (Updated 2/2024)
Gilda's Club of Rochester
Our volunteers create the enthusiastic energy here at Cancer Support Community (CSC) at Gilda’s Club. They are an integral part of helping make CSC run smoothly. There is a wide range of opportunities to share your time and skills to support people affected by cancer. Volunteer opportunities are always changing. Visit the volunteer webpage for the most up-to-date information. (Updated: 2/2024)