Search for Volunteer Opportunities
Explore our volunteer opportunity database to discover agencies and organizations that align with your interests. Gain valuable experience while making a difference in the community.
Please note that some agencies have listings indicating a need for regular volunteers, while others sometimes post special events representing one-time volunteer opportunities. We have dozens of agencies in our databank and will continue to build on that information.
If you don’t see a volunteer opportunity that fits, please visit this site again and look for updated opportunities. If you want to list a volunteer opportunity, let us know.
Search our databank by looking in any of the eight specific categories or by viewing all agencies in the system. These include:
- Animals and the environment
- Arts and culture
- Children and youth
- Computers and technical
- Education and literacy
- Health-related
- Seniors
- Sports and recreation
Track Your Hours
If you are a would-be volunteer: When you find an agency that interests you, use the contact information provided to call or email the agency and apply to become a volunteer.
Please let the Office of Student Life know when you complete any volunteer hours by completing a Service Hours Tracking Form. This information will help us report on the great work that FLCC students, staff, and faculty have accomplished in our community.
Submit Completed Service Hours
If you represent an agency and would like to have your volunteer opportunities included on this site, Contact the Student Life Office at FLCC by calling (585)785-1264 or e-mailing us at Volunteer opportunities can also be submitted using our.
Volunteering can be a rewarding experience for both the volunteer and the agency associated with a mission or project. Thank you in advance for supporting the community with your most precious commodity – your time!
Mon-Thu: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.