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Community Standards FAQs


I received a letter charging me with a Student Code of Conduct offense at FLCC. What should I do now?

It is important for you to attend the conduct conference to begin resolving the alleged offense. The letter states the date, time, and place for your conference. The letter also states the offense(s) in question. Please review the Code to find information regarding your alleged offense(s), potential sanction(s), and the conduct process.

What is a Conduct Conference?

The purpose of the conduct conference is to review the alleged offense(s) and what information was received by the College, provide you with an opportunity to present your version of what did or did not occur, and advise you of the potential sanction(s) for the alleged violation(s). During the meeting, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and receive information about the student conduct process and what was reported about your behavior. You will also have an opportunity to describe in your own words what may or may not have occurred. If you are found responsible, based on the information in the file and the information you provide during your conference, there are various sanctions that could be imposed.

What types of sanctions can be imposed in my case?

Sanctions are determined by the seriousness of the incident and if there are prior Code violations. There is a range of sanctions used by the Community Standards and Counseling Office, including written warning, an alcohol/drug assessment, conduct probation, and conduct dismissal from FLCC. If damage to property is involved, restitution may be required as part of a sanction. This list does not include all sanctions. Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct Policy for a complete list of sanctions.

What is the purpose of sanctioning students who have violated the Code of Conduct?

The purpose of sanctions is to provide students with an opportunity to learn from experience and bring greater awareness of the impact of choices on themselves, others, and the FLCC community. Sanctions are the outcomes resulting from a student being found responsible for violating the Code of Conduct. Included among the purposes of the conduct process are promoting good citizenship, respect, honesty, and decency, and with proper regard for the rights of others and addressing behaviors that interfere with or threaten the welfare of the College community.

Will I be suspended or dismissed from FLCC for this incident?

Suspension or dismissal is an unlikely outcome for most conduct matters. However, serious or repeated violations may result in these sanctions. If suspension or dismissal from FLCC is a potential sanction - it will be discussed during the conduct conference.

What is the standard used to determine if I am responsible for violating the Code of Conduct?

The standard of evidence used to determine responsibility is preponderance of evidence. That is, is it “more likely than not” that a student violated the Code.

What happens if I do not attend the conduct conference?

Choosing not to attend a scheduled meeting after proper notification may result in an additional offense, Failure to Comply. The conduct officer may also choose to make a decision regarding your responsibility for violating the Code without your presence. Such decisions do not presume a finding of responsibility.  

Additionally, until a student attends a conduct conference and completes any assigned sanctions, a “hold” will remain on their account. The “hold” prohibits students from changing course schedules, registering for future courses, and obtaining transcripts until they complete the conduct process.

Can I have my mom, dad, or an advisor present at the Conduct Conference?

In nearly all cases no, the conference will be conducted in private with the conduct officer and involved student only. Only in matters of sexual misconduct may a student choose to have a supporter attend the meeting with them. Supporters' roles are limited during these meetings. More information about this is available in the Code.

Will anything appear on my academic transcript due to this incident?

Individual student conduct records are kept confidential, and nothing from them appears on a student's academic transcript. However, hazing and other serious violations of the Student Code of Conduct, especially conduct which leads to the death or serious physical injury to another person, may result in a permanent transcript notation (PTN). A permanent transcript notation will appear on a student’s official academic transcript as grades of AW for the classes during the semester in which the sanction is imposed and a brief comment on the transcript noting sanction and date(s).

Do you notify my parents/guardians about my alleged offense?

Conduct files are protected under a federal law called the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FLCC does not generally disclose information regarding conduct conferences/hearings with parents/guardians without your written permission to do so. However, if a student is found responsible for a violation of the alcohol/drug offense, the student’s parent(s)/guardian may be notified.

Will the conduct officer be aware of any prior offenses?

Prior offenses are only considered in sanctions if a student is found in violation of College policy for the present incident. Prior violations are not considered when making determinations regarding students' responsibility for an offense.

What should I do if I have also been charged criminally? Isn't this double jeopardy?

The FLCC conduct process is separate from criminal proceedings. If you've already been to court for the alleged incident, then you may have fulfilled your obligation to any violation of local, state, or federal law. You have not, however, met your obligation for FLCC policy. Even if the courts found you "not guilty" or determined there was not sufficient evidence to hear your case in court, you must still meet with the conduct officer to resolve the matter with the College.

Can FLCC take conduct action if the incident took place off-campus?

Yes, conduct off-campus which violates the Code is subject to conduct action. Students are subject to the Code of Conduct during academic terms, for which they are enrolled, during breaks, between semesters, during college holidays and vacations, and during periods of suspension.

What can I do if I do not like the conduct decision made at the end of my Conduct conference?

All students have the opportunity to appeal any decision by a conduct officer. There are specific criteria upon which an appeal may be filed. If the sanction imposed did not result in suspension, dismissal and/or a permanent transcript notation, you may request an appeal to the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs. If the sanction imposed involves suspension, dismissal and/or a permanent transcript notation, you may request an appeal to the Conduct Board. The appeal process is outlined in the Student Code of Conduct Policy.

How long are conduct files kept?

Conduct files are normally maintained by the Community Standards and Counseling Office for a period of seven years, after which the file records may be purged. Cases involving suspension, dismissal, and permanent transcript notation will be retained permanently.

Why is there a hold on my transcripts and/or course registration?

There are two primary reasons you may have “hold” on your student account from the Community Standards and Counseling Office: (1) failure to complete the conduct process, attend a conduct conference, or respond to a letter from the conduct officer and (2) failure to complete sanctions as a result of a previous conduct decision. To address the hold and make arrangements for it to be ended, please contact the Community Standards and Counseling Office at (585)785-1211.

What types of issues or cases does the Community Standards Office have responsibility for resolving?

The Community Standards and Counseling Office is responsible for reviewing and resolving all reports of alleged offenses regarding academic misconduct and various other behaviors, including but not limited to, Physical or Mental Abuse or Harm to Others, Possession or Use of Dangerous Weapon, and Unlawful Possession of Alcohol and/or Other Drugs. This list is not inclusive of all offenses. Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct Policy for a complete list of offenses. When a report is received, a conduct officer determines how the case will be processed based upon the information presented.


How will I know if my student is facing College conduct action?

Generally, the only way you will know if your student is facing conduct action will be if your student shares that information with you. Communicating with your student about how they are doing academically and socially is a helpful method of showing your student that you are supportive and concerned with their progress and adjustment to college life.

Can I be present during my student's conduct conference?

In nearly all cases no, the conference will be conducted in private with the conduct officer and involved student only. Only in matters of sexual misconduct may a student choose to have a supporter (including a parent) attend the meeting with them. Supporters' roles are limited during these meetings. More information about this is available in the Code.

How can I best support my student in this process?

The most important way you can help your student is by being supportive while holding them accountable for their decisions if they were involved in the alleged incident. You can also help identify and encourage them to seek resources for intervention opportunities regarding alcohol or drug use and abuse, anger management, and others so that your student can be successful at FLCC. Finally, allow and expect your student to make the necessary arrangements to have this matter resolved. This includes attending meetings and completing sanctions. When family members intervene and "take over" it is not generally educationally beneficial for the student or for effectively resolving the matter.

What records does FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) cover?

With few exceptions, FERPA protects the privacy of all students' "education records." Education records are defined as any records which are directly related to a student and are maintained by an educational agency or institution. Common examples of student records protected by FERPA include grades and conduct files.

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