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Center for Teaching and Learning

The Gladys M. Snyder Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) helps foster and support innovation, collaboration, and opportunities for professional development in all areas of teaching effectiveness. Since its inception in 1991, the CTL has served the pedagogical needs of all faculty dedicated to the academic development of our students.


History and Sponsorship

Major funding for the activities of the Center for Teaching and Learning are provided through the Gladys M. and Harry A. Snyder Memorial Trust, administered through Chase Manhattan Bank in Rochester, NY.

During her lifetime, Gladys M. Snyder, a Canandaigua resident, was actively involved in supporting the Teaching Center at Finger Lakes Community College. Her generous donations have allowed for enhanced faculty development opportunities that otherwise would not be possible. In 1972, the FLCC Foundation created the "Professional Staff Fund," with monies from Gladys Snyder to underwrite faculty and staff development. In 1997, FLCC became a beneficiary of Mrs. Snyder again through her will and trust. In February 2000, the FLCC Board of Trustees named the College's teaching center the Gladys M. Snyder Center for Teaching Excellence in honor and recognition of Mrs. Snyder and her long-standing support and vision for excellence in teaching. In the Spring of 2008, the Teaching Center Planning Board approved a change in the name of the center to the Gladys M. Snyder Center for Teaching and Learning.

For additional resources and events details, visit the CTL Employee Portal page or contact the CTL Coordinator.

Access CTL Resources 

Room: 4620


Dave Ghidiu, Faculty Coordinator
Phone: (585)785-1330