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Facilities and Grounds

We provide an aesthetically pleasing, safe, clean, and healthy educational environment by providing timely and positive solutions. Facilities and Grounds is responsible for all FLCC main campus buildings and grounds.

Building Maintenance

Mechanical/ Electrical Maintenance

Mechanical/ Electrical Maintenance includes all work related to:

We monitor and control all building temperature set points.


General Maintenance work includes:

Event Scheduling

The Maintenance Department performs limited event support, including:

The work order system has an event module. Please schedule the event as early as possible and provide as much detail as possible. Facilities can meet with you to review the details before the event.

Office Moves

A cabinet member must approve office moves. Once approved, you can submit a work order, and the Director of Facilities will review the space and coordinate the move with staff and IT.

Project Management

Grounds Maintenance

Maintenance of Lawns, Gardens, Athletic Fields and CMAC

Trash and Litter

Police the area and pick up and dispose of all trash and litter on the grounds and parking lots.

Maintenance of Sidewalks, Paved Parking Lots, and Roads

Repair and maintain surfaces and perform snow and ice removal during winter months.

Trail Maintenance and other odd jobs

Housekeeping Maintenance


Day-shift personnel are primarily responsible for maintaining the restrooms, keeping them stocked with paper products, emptying trash, cleaning horizontal surfaces, and cleaning spills.

The night shift thoroughly cleans the restrooms, including mopping.

Classroom, Corridors, Open Areas

The cleaning staff is responsible for floors, surfaces, and trash throughout the building. Please note that office occupants need to put garbage cans in the corridor if they want them emptied. A work order is required if the office occupant wants the carpet vacuumed. 

Floor Care

Scheduling and conducting the stripping and waxing of tile floors and shampooing of carpets. This work is performed when classes are not in session.

Room: 2252


Buildings and Grounds Hours:
Mon-Fri: 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Cleaning Maintenance Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 a.m.
Sat: 3:00 p.m. - 11:30 p.m.