APCI does this by:
- Facilitating the strategic planning process
- Guiding, building and providing infrastructure for the College's comprehensive assessment of student learning through an established coaching model
- Creating the infrastructure and capacity to support an interconnected planning model
- Providing oversight and support of policy creation and updating within the shared governance structure
- Managing, reporting, and leading discussions of institutional data to support continuous improvement
- Fulfilling requests for data, research, and surveys
- Supporting institutional and program accreditation
- Completion of compliance reporting to federal, state, and other external agencies
- Managing the College's IRB and IACUC processes
Data, Research, and Survey Support Requests
In order to streamline data-related requests, APCI uses an electronic support ticket system for internal requests.
The request system is designed to facilitate communication with ticket status updates, messaging, and an archive of individual support requests.
Depending on the complexity of the request and the volume of other requests we are receiving, it make take anywhere from a couple of days to several weeks to complete your request.
If you're using Explorer as your web browser, you will not be able to successfully submit a request. Please open the link below in Chrome or Firefox.
Institutional Review Board
Finger Lakes Community College's Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews human subject research proposals to ensure protection of the rights, welfare, and wellbeing of human subjects involved in research conducted at the College and compliance with established standards.
Those wishing to engage in research or data collection involving human subjects must request review and approval through the College's IRB. This policy applies to college divisions and employee, students as well as those external to the institution who wish to use FLCC students or staff for human subjects research.
To initiate the IRB process, the investigator must submit a request using the electronic support ticket system. This request will help ensure that the investigator is directed to complete the applicable research form. Exempt and Expedited forms apply if there is no more than a minimal risk involved. If the study is determined to be greater than minimal risk, full board review is required.
If you're using Explorer as your web browser, you will not be able to successfully submit a request. Please open the link below in Chrome or Firefox.
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Finger Lakes Community College's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) reviews research to ensure compliance with standards and regulations related to the treatment of animals.
This policy applies to college divisions and employees, students and any outside researchers and regulatory agencies or licensed individuals participating in research at the College.
To initiate the IACUC process, the investigator must submit a request using the electronic support ticket system. This request will help ensure that the investigator is directed to complete the applicable research form.
If you're using Explorer as your web browser, you will not be able to successfully submit a request. Please open the link below in Chrome or Firefox.
Assessment at FLCC
Assessment empowers the FLCC community to participate in a process of continuous improvement with a focus on an improved student experience and improved student learning both in and out of the classroom.
Assessment at FLCCHours
Mon–Fri: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm