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Printing Access

The library provides free access to computers, word processing, and printing. Follow the instructions below to get started.

Computer Access

Our computers operate on a first-come, first-served basis. During the semester, the busiest time at the library is between 1:00 and 2:00 p.m. There will be more free computers at other times.

Can I send email at the library?

Yes, you are able to use internet-based email, such as your FLCC email, Gmail, or Yahoo mail accounts. We prefer that you keep emailing and chatting to a minimum so that everyone will have a chance to use the computers for class-related research.

Can I do word processing here?

All computers in the library have access to word processing. The library laptops are equipped with the Microsoft software suite. Laptops can be checked out from the circulation desk using your student ID card. The library instruction lab (3515) on the 3rd floor of the library and 1515 on the 1st floor are also equipped with the Microsoft software suite. Hours for 3515 and 1515 are posted outside the room and on the second-floor calendar by the elevator. The campus computer lab offers additional word processing access.

Printing at the Library

Click on the word "File" in the top left corner of the screen, then select "Print" and click on "OK." (It may take a minute, but please be patient.) If you have trouble printing, please let the reference librarian know.

There is no charge for printing, although we suggest limiting it to 25 pages at a time.

Where will my materials be printed?

The stand-up terminals print at the far right printer. At the sit-down terminals, the four computers closest to the reference desk print on the printer closest to the reference desk. The next eight computers print at the printers at the far end of the row.  The default printer will appear on the print screen with a checkmark. People often change the printer destination.

Please ask the reference librarian for help if you cannot find your print job. Regardless of your location in the library, the library laptops print to the laptop printer on the second floor in front of the reference desk.

How do I only print the pages that I need?

Internet browsers offer the ability to "print preview." Go to File, Print Preview to determine the number of pages in your article and to find the page numbers for specific pages. You can also select the text you want to print, then go to file, print, and click "Print selection."

Why won't this print?

There are many possible reasons for this (browser, network, website, computer problem). The best thing to do is ask a reference librarian for help.