The archives organize photos according to the Archives Classification Scheme.
RG= Record Group
RG 0 = Governing Bodies
- 0/1 - Board of Trustees
- 0/1/1 - Minutes (see bound volumes)
- 0/1/2 - Bylaws
- 0/1/3 - Committees
- 0/1/4 - Members
- 0/1/4/1 - John C. Britting
- 0/1/5 - Correspondence
- 0/1/6 - Operating Policy Manual
- 0/2 - Ontario County
- 0/2 - Correspondence
- 0/2/1 - Employee newsletter (see also CSEA Visions)
- 0/2/2 - Annual picnic
- 0/2/3 - Public employee recognition day
- 0/3 - Board of Supervisors
- 0/3/1 - 1969 Controversy over future of CCFL
- 0/4 - SUNY Board of Supervisors
- 0/5 - Advisory Councils and Committees
- 0/5/1 - Environmental Conservation Advisory Council
- 0/5/2 - Campus Regulations and Communication Committee
- 0/5/3 - Vocational Education Advisory Committee
- 0/5/4 - Advisory Committee on Energy Resources and Utilization
- 0/6 - New York State Department of Education
- 0/7 - SUNY
RG 1 - President's Office
- 1/1 - Annual Reports
- 1/1/1 - Report to the Community
- 1/2 - Budget
- 1/2/1 - Budget Planning
- 1/3 - Correspondence
- 1/3/1 - Speeches
- 1/3/2 - Summer work week
- 1/3/3 - College Closings
- 1/3/4 - Holiday Cards
- 1/4 - Academic Calendar
- 1/4/1 - Official Holidays
- 1/5 - Governance Committees
- 1/5/0 - Governance Task Force 2001-
- 1/5/0/1 - Governance Constitution Spring 2003
- 1/5/0/2 - Governance Review Committee 2009-
- 1/5/1 - Curriculum
- 1/5/1/1 - Jan Plan Planning
- 1/5/1/2 - Summer Session Planning
- 1/5/1/3 - Curriculum Review Committee 1985-1988
- 1/5/2 - Financial Strategies
- 1/5/3 - Grounds, Facilities, and Safety (formerly Buildings & Grounds)
- 1/5/3/1 - Minutes
- 1/5/3/2 - Correspondence
- 1/5/3/3 - Studies
- 1/5/4 - Human Resources
- 1/5/4/1 - Employee Recognition - see also 4/10 for Employee Recognition Events
- 1/5/4/2 - Mentoring Program
- 1/5/4/3 - Professional Days Planning Subcommittee
- 1/5/5 - Long Range Planning
- 1/5/5/1 - SESA (Strategic Excellence Set-Aside) Subcommittee
- 1/5/6 - Student Services
- 1/5/7 - Teaching and Instructional Assessment
- 1/5/8 - Governance Link (minutes of committee meetings)
- 1/5/9 - Development
- 1/5/10 - Assessment
- 1/5/11 - Calendar
- 1/5/12 - Communications
- 1/5/13 - Academic Policies
- 1/5/14 - Academic Senate 2003-
- 1/5/15 - College Council 2003-
- 1/5/16 - Senate/Council/Administration Minutes 2003-
- 1/5/17 - Governance Work Group Meeting Minutes
- 1/6 - Chancellor's Awards
- 1/6/1 - Librarianship
- 1/6/2 - Professional Service
- 1/6/3 - Teaching
- 1/6/4 - Students
- 1/6/5 - Applications
- 1/6/6 - Faculty Service
- 1/6/7 - Scholarship and Creative Activities
- 1/6/8 - Classified Service
- 1/7 - Disaster/Emergency Plan (?)
- 1/8 - Organizational Charts
- 1/9 - Master Plan, Institutional Plan, Strategic Plan
- 1/10 - Middle States Report
- 1/10/1 - Preparation
- 1/10/2 - Visitation
- 1/10/3 - Institutional Self-Study Handbooks
- 1/10/4 - Correspondence with Middle States Association
- 1/10/5 - Reports
- 1/10/6 - Standards for Accreditation
- 1/10/7 - Self-Study Data Files, mostly 1992
- 1/11 - Middle Management Forum
- 1/12 - President’s Cabinet
- 1/13 - President’s Meetings
- 1/14 - College Philosophy and Mission Statement
- 1/14/1 - Institutional Priorities
- 1/14/2 - Mission Review Work Group 2004
- 1/14/3 - Sustainability Mission Statement, Vision and Philosophy
- 1/15 - College Hour Policy (see also union meetings)
- 1/16 - Re-organization and Re-structuring
- 1/17 - Section 504 Committee (Handicap Accessibility)
- 1/18 - Retention Committee
- 1/19 - Image and Marketing Task Force
- 1/20 - Enrollment Management Team
- 1/21 - Task Force on Academic Structure
- 1/22 - President's Symposium for Community Leaders
- 1/23 - Finger Lakes Hour
RG 2 - Campus Bargaining Groups
- 2/1 - CSEA
- 2/1/1 - Charter
- 2/1/2 - Minutes
- 2/1/3 - Contracts
- 2/2 - Faculty Association (give dates) (NEA-NY)
- 2/2/1 - Charter
- 2/2/2 - Constitution
- 2/2/3 - Minutes (see bound)
- 2/2/4 - Committees
- Academic Standards
- Blue Ribbon Committee on Student Learning
- Board of Trustees Liaison
- By-laws and Constitution
- Cultural Affairs
- Exit Essay
- Faculty Affairs
- Faculty Development
- Faculty Retreat
- Flower and Gift
- Grievance
- Merit
- Negotiations
- Nominating
- PAC (Political Action Committee)
- Promotion
- Public Information
- Social
- Steering
- Student Affairs
- Student & Cultural Affairs
- 2/2/4.5 - Ad Hoc Committees
- 2/2/5 - Resolutions
- 2/2/6 - Contracts
- 2/2/7 - Associated Community College Faculties (ACCF)
- 2/2/8 - Social Events (see also CCFL Faculty Wives Association)
- Holiday Party
- 2/2/9 - Annual Report
- 2/2/10 - Executive Committee Minutes
- 2/2/11 - Correspondence
- 2/2/12 - Task Force on Organizational Structure
- 2/2/13 - Treasurer
- 2/3 - Professional Association (NEA-NY)
- 2/3/1 - Charter
- 2/3/2 - Minutes
- 2/3/3 - Committees
- 2/3/3/1 - Grievance
- 2/3/3/2 - Labor Relations
- 2/3/3/3 - Professional Affairs
- 2/3/3/4 - Professional Development
- 2/3/3/5 - Sunshine
- 2/3/3/6 - Auxiliary Services
- 2/3/3/7 - Negotiations
- 2/3/3/8 - Professional Achievement Awards
- 2/3/4 - Constitution
- 2/3/5 - Contracts
- 2/3/6 - Parties & Receptions
- 2/3/7 - Correspondence
- 2/3/8 - Executive Committee Minutes
- 2/3/9 - Assessment of the Membership Program
- 2/3/10 - Sick Bank
- 2/3/11 - Newsletters (Kazoo)
- 2/3/12 - Professional Development Leave Applications
- 2/3.5 - Civil Service Staff
- 2/4 - Teaching Faculty Bargaining Council (independent)
- 2/5 - Faculty Club (Non-affiliated union)
RG 3 - Faculty
- 3/1 - Teaching Faculty Forum
- 3/2 - Handbooks
- 3/2/1 - Adjunct Faculty
- 3/2/2 - Faculty
- 3/3 - Faculty Seminar
- 3/4 - Faculty Council of Community Colleges
- 3/5 - Teaching Center / Center for Teaching & Learning (CTL)
- 3/5/1 - Brochures
- 3/5/2 - Brown Bag Workshops
- 3/5/3 - Teleconferences
- 3/5/4 - Book Discussions
- 3/5/5 - League of Innovations
- 3/5/6 - Teaching Squares
- 3/6 - Faculty Exchange Program
- 3/7 - Newsletters
- 3/7/1 - CCFL Faculty Mentor 1990-1995
- 3/8 - Course Preparation
- 3/9 - Educational Philosophy
- 3/10 - Professional Development
- 3/11 - Teaching Collections
RG 4 - Human Resources
- 4/0 - General Correspondence
- 4/1 - Benefits
- 4/1/1 - Retirement
- 4/1/2 - Health Insurance
- 4/1/3 - Vacation & Sick Days & Leave Exchange
- 4/1/4 - Tax information
- 4/1/5 - Tuition Waivers
- 4/1/6 - Sabbaticals & Leaves of absence
- 4/1/7 - Credit Union
- 4/1/8 - Life Insurance
- 4/1/9 - Flexible Spending
- 4/1/10 - Salary Information
- 4/1/11 - Release Time and Stipends
- 4/1/12 - College Savings
- 4/2 - Employee Policies
- 4/2/1 - Employee Handbook
- 4/2/2 - General Policies and Procedures Handbook
- 4/2/3 - Sexual Harassment
- 4/2/4 - Violence on Campus
- 4/2/5 - Drug & Alcohol
- 4/2/6 - Crisis Response
- 4/2/7 - Smoking
- 4/2/8 - Handicap Access
- 4/2/9 - Right to Know Law & Hazard Communication Standard
- 4/3 - Position Searches
- 4/3/1 - Director of Curriculum & Instruction
- 4/3/2 - Misc positions
- 4/3/3 - President
- 4/3/4 - Dean of College
- 4/3/5 - Vice President for Academic Affairs
- 4/3/6 - Director of Campus Safety
- 4/4 - Student Employment (includes work-study program)
- 4/5 - open
- 4/6 - Affirmative Action
- 4/7 - Staff Directories / Telephone Directories
- 4/7/1 - Office Assignments
- 4/7/2 - Office Hours
- 4/8 - Job Descriptions
- 4/8.5 - Job Postings
- 4/9 - Orientations for Faculty and Staff
- 4/10 - Employee Recognition Events - see also 1/5/4/1 for event planning
- 4/10/1 - Employee Volunteer Recognition
- 4/11 - Promotions and Continuing Appointment
- 4/12 - Emeritus Status
- 4/13 - Excellence in Higher Education Training Program
- 4/14 - Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- 4/15 - Evaluations, Performance Reviews
- 4/16 - Lists of New Employees
RG 5 - Administration/Treasurer
- 5/0 - Correspondence
- 5/1 - Safety and Security
- 5/1/1 - Correspondence
- 5/1/2 - Campus Safety Handbook and Brochures
- 5/1/3 - Fire Drills
- 5/1/4 - Parking
- 5/1/5 - College Vehicles
- 5/1/6 - CCFL Contingency Plan 1990
- 5/2 - Controller
- 5/2/1 - Bursar
- 5/2/2 - Payroll
- 5/2/3 - Purchasing
- 5/3 - Business Services (Central Services)
- 5/3/1 - Announcements & Correspondence
- 5/3/2 - Handbook
- 5/4 - Development Office
- 5/4/0 - Correspondence
- 5/4/1 - Alumni Relations
- 5/4/1/1 - Newsletters - Ambassador
- 5/4/1/2 - Student Alumni Association (includes Alumni Banquet & Dedication Dinner)
- 5/4/1/3 - Distinguished Alumni Awards
- 5/4/1/4 - Exceptional Service Award
- 5/4/1/4/1 - Storefront Pioneers Award Celebration
- 5/4/1/5 - The Peg and Raker: FLCC Woodmen Newsletter
- 5/4/2 - FLCC Foundation
- 5/4/2/1 - Deer on Parade
- 5/4/2/2 - Scholarships and Awards
- 5/4/2/3 - Visiting Scholars Forum
- 5/4/2/4 - Press Conferences
- 5/4/2/5 - Go Green Student of the Month
- 5/4/2/6 - Book Feast
- 5/4/2/7 - Golf Tournament
- 5/4/2/8 - Official Minutes
- 5/4/2/9 - Financial Statements
- 5/4/2/10 - Foundation Ledgers
- 5/4/2/11 - Founders Day
- 5/4/3 - Newsletters
- 5/4/4 - Campaigns
- 5/4/5 - Grants Office
- 5/5 - Tuition Information
- 5/6 - Administration Manual
- 5/7 - Travel and Conference Reimbursement
RG 6 - Planning and Facilities Management
- 6/1 - Institutional Computing
- 6/1/1 - Correspondence
- 6/1/2 - Computer Planning
- 6/1/2/1 - Instructional Computing Planning Group
- 6/1/3 - Computer Training
- 6/1/4 - Newsletters
- 6/1/5 - Brochures
- 6/1/6 - Web Pages
- 6/1/6/1 - Electronic Publications Advisory Group
- 6/2 - Buildings and Grounds
- 6/2/0 - Correspondence
- 6/2/1 - Maintenance
- 6/2/2 - Physical Plant - General
- 6/2/2/0 - Correspondence
- 6/2/2/1 - Facilities Happenings Newsletter
- 6/2/3 - Business Institute
- 6/2/4 - Downtown Campus
- 6/2/5 - Eastview Extension Center
- 6/2/6 - Geneva Extension Center
- 6/2/7 - Newark/Wayne County Extension Center
- 6/2/8 - Seneca Army Depot Extension Center
- 6/2/8.5 - VA Rental
- 6/2/9 - Victor Extension Center
- 6/2/10 - Williamson Extension Center
- 6/2/11 - Lincoln Hill Campus
- 6/2/11/1 - Auditorium/Tech Ctr Project
- 6/2/11/2 - Arboretum
- Serenity Garden
- 6/2/11/3 - Campus Maps and Site Plans
- 6/2/11/3/1 - Soil and Water Conservation Plan
- 6/2/11/4 - Greenhouse
- 6/2/11/5 - Gymnasium
- Putt Moore Court
- 6/2/11/6 - Library expansion project and other library projects
- 6/2/11/6/1 - Library Plans
- 6/2/11/6/2 - Library Equipment and Furniture
- 6/2/11/6/3 - LAIP [Library Automation Implementation Plan]
- 6/2/11/7 - Lincoln Hill site plan and construction
- 6/2/11/8 - No Smoking Zones
- 6/2/11/9 - Ontario Building
- 6/2/11/10 - Peonies (1971)
- 6/2/11/11 - RPO/FLPAC
- 6/2/11/12 - Telephone System - Voice Mail News and College Switchboard
- 6/2/11/13 - Trails and Woodlot
- 6/2/11/14 - Vertical expansion project
- 6/2/11/15 - Student housing
- 6/2/11/16 - Student Center/Union
- 6/2/12 - West Hill Nature Preserve
- 6/2/12/1 - West Hill Resource Inventory and Land Use Management Master Plan 1977
- 6/2/13 - Recycling
- 6/2/14 - Viticulture Center
- 6/2/15 - Russel Station
- 6/2/15/1 - Russell Station Resource Management Plan
- 6/2/16 - Camp Warren Cutler
- 6/2/16/1 - Camp Warren Cutler Natural Resource Inventory
- 6/2/17 - Camp Babcock-Hovey
- 6/2/17/1 - Camp Babcock-Hovey Conservation Plan 2000-2005
- 6/2/17/2 - Camp Babcock-Hovey Conservation Plan 1990-1995
- 6/2/19 - Davis Mountain
- 6/2/19/1 - Davis Mountain Master Plan
- 6/2/18 - Savannah Evergreen Farms
- 6/2/18/1 - Inventory and Recommendations for Fishery Ponds
- 6/3 - Institutional Reporting
- 6/3/1 - CCFL Data Book
- 6/3/2 - Enrollment Reports & Statistics
- 6/3/3 - Program Review Reports
- 6/3/4 - Non-returning student survey
- 6/3/5 - Newsletters - Information on Office of Planning & Institutional Assessment
- 6/3/6 - Survey of Graduates - see also 7/3/1/5 Alumni Follow-up Study
- 6/3/7 - Student Opinion Survey 1985-
- 6/3/8 - Survey of College Staff
- 6/3/9 - County Survey
- 6/3/10 - Facilities and Equipment Report
- 6/3/11 - Student Profiles
- 6/3/12 - Program Cost Analysis
- 6/3/13 - Proposal Writing Handbook
- 6/3/14 - SUNY Undergraduate Alumni Outcomes Survey
- 6/4 - Policies & Plans
- 6/4/1 - Facility Policies Manual 1976
- 6/4/2 - Facilities expansion plan
- 6/4/3 - ADA Facilities Improvement Plan 1995-97
- 6/4/4 - Handbook for Equipment, Inventory Control and Guidelines
- 6/4/5 - Facilities Needs February 1983
- 6/4/6 - Facilities Master Plan - 1997
- 6/4/6/1 - Facilities Master Plan Update 2003
- 6/4/6/2 - Facilities Master Plan Update 2007
- 6/5 - Surveys/Studies
- 6/5/1 - Hazardous Material Safety Survey Study 1989
RG 7 - Student Services (includes Student Code of Conduct, Student Handbook)
- 7/0 - Dean of Students
- 7/0/1 - Code of Conduct
- 7/0/2 - Student Handbook
- 7/0/3 - Correspondence
- 7/0/4 - Student Bill of Rights
- 7/0/5 - Enrollment Bulletin
- 7/0/6 - Campus Referral Guide
- 7/0/7 - Student Services Newsletter - The Open Door 1995-96
- 7/0/8 - Academic Standards and Policies
- 7/0/9 - Military Deployment
- 7/1 - Registrar
- 7/1/1 - Correspondence
- 7/1/2 - Registration
- 7/1/3 - Student Records Policies
- 7/1/4 - Webadvisor
- 7/1/5 - "W" Grade Debate (withdrawal from class)
- 7/2 - Admissions
- 7/2/1 - Applications for Admission
- 7/2/2 - Reports
- 7/2/3 - Guides
- 7/2/4 - Admissions Update Newsletter
- 7/2/5 - Correspondence
- 7/2/6 - Finger Lakes Visions (guidance counselor newsletter)
- 7/2/7 - Recruitment
- 7/2/8 - Testing
- 7/3 - The Center for Advisement and Personal Development
- 7/3/0 - Brochures, Survival Guides
- 7/3/1 - Career Counseling
- 7/3/1/1 - Brochures
- 7/3/1/2 - Employer Handbooks
- 7/3/1/3 - Newsletters - World of Work, Career Connection
- 7/3/1/4 - Marketplace (job listings)
- 7/3/1/5 - Alumni Follow-up study
- 7/3/2 - Chaplain
- 7/3/3 - Counseling Services
- 7/3/4 - Development/EOP (Educational Opportunity Program)
- EOP newsletter
- 7/3/5 - Placement/Transfer Opportunities
- 7/3/6 - Advisement
- 7/3/6/1 - Advisor’s Handbook
- 7/3/6/2 - SUNY General Education Requirements
- 7/3/7 - Crisis Intervention Team
- 7/3/8 - Information Tables
- 7/3/9 - Help Desk
- 7/4 - Financial Aid
- 7/4/1 - Brochures
- 7/4/2 - Scholarships
- 7/4/3 - Work Study
- 7/5 - Student Health
- 7/6 - Student Activities
- 7/6/1 - Clubs
- Afro-Latin Club
- Art Club
- Arts & Criticism Club
- Business Club
- Communications Club
- Computer Club
- Conservation Club
- Conservation-Outdoor Rec Club
- Criminal Justice Club (see also Police Science Club)
- Culinary Arts Food Club
- Cultural Diversity Club
- DECA (New York State Association of the Distributive Education Club of America) - CCFL Chapter
- Environmental Awareness Club
- FLCC Tenant Association
- Health & Fitness Club
- Horticulture Club
- Hotel Management Club
- Hospitality Student Association
- Human Services/Social Science Club
- International Student Club
- Legal Society
- Literary Club
- Music Club
- New Horizons Club (Adult Student Club)
- New York State Collegiate Veterans Organization - CCFL Chapter
- Newman Club
- Nursing Club
- Police Science Club (see also Criminal Justice Club)
- Psychology Club
- Science Club
- Science and Technology Club
- Secretarial Club
- Ski Club
- Social Science Club
- Radio Club
- SAVE (Student Voluntary Action Center)
- Student Volunteer Services Bureau
- Technology Club
- Theatre Club
- Youth Volunteers
- 7/6/2 - Fraternities/Sororities
- InterGreek Council
- Alpha Beta Gamma-Nu
- Alpha Psi Delta
- Arethusa Eta
- Delta Chi Omega
- Kappa Sigma Epsilon
- Omicron Upsilon Iota
- Tau Sigma Pi
- 7/6/3 - Government (Student Association)
- 7/6/3/1 - Constitution (get new copy)
- 7/6/3/2 - Student Senate Minutes
- 7/6/3/3 - Finances and Funding
- 7/6/3/4 - Correspondence
- 7/6/3/5 - Elections
- 7/6/4 - Music
- Finger Lakes Chorale & other choral groups
- Finger Lakes Symphony & other orchestras
- Finger Lakes Wind Ensemble & other bands
- See also 12/2 - Concerts
- 7/6/5 - Newspapers
- CCFL Newspaper, (1969?)
- Nundawa Press, March 1968-May 1969
- La Mistral, Spring 1969
- The Record, Sept. 1971-September 1972
- Thursday Morning, October 1972
- Siphyll News/A Newspaper, November-December 1972
- Daily Stoned, Fall 1974
- The Informer, November 1975-?
- The Finger, Spring 1980
- The Laker Ledger, Fall 2013-present
- 7/6/6 - Orientation
- 7/6/7 - Radio Station/Radio Club
- 7/6/8 - Social Board
- 7/6/9 - Sports
- 7/6/9/1 - Baseball (men's)
- 7/6/9/2 - Softball (women's)
- 7/6/9/3 - Basketball (men's)
- 7/6/9/4 - Basketball (women's)
- 7/6/9/5 - Cross-Country
- 7/6/9/6 - Intermurals
- 7/6/9/7 - Tennis
- 7/6/9/8 - Woodsmen's team
- 7/6/9/9 - Lacrosse
- 7/6/9/10 - Ski Passes
- 7/6/9/11 - Cheerleading
- 7/6/9/12 - Men's Soccer
- 7/6/9/13 - Women's Soccer
- 7/6/10 - Theater
- Children's Theater
- Dinner Theater
- Summer Theater
- Student Plays
- 7/6/11 - Magazines
- Art
- 7/6/11/1 -34 South Main
- 7/6/11/1.5 -34 CCFL Fine Arts
- 7/6/11/2 -Windows
- Literary
- Nothing except loneliness
- Softstones Literary Magazine
- Thoughts from one to two
- The Ghost of Ben Franklin
- Review
- Writers Bloc Review (2008-2011)
- The Finger
- 7/6/12 - Student Action Groups
- 7/6/13 - Student IDs
- 7/6/14 - Housing
- 7/6/15 - Field Trips
- 7/6/16 - Open
- 7/6/17 - Student Awards - see also 12/2 Widmer's Honors Banquet
- 7/6/18 - Spring Break and other Student Trips
- 7/6/19 - CAP - Co-curricular Achievement Program
- 7/6/20 - Honor Societies
- 7/6/20/1 - Phi Theta Kappa
- Distinguished Educator Awards
- 7/6/20/1 - Phi Theta Kappa
- 7/6/21 - FLCC Mascot History
- 7/7 - College Relations
- 7/7/0 - Correspondence
- 7/7/1 - Newsletters
- 7/7/1/1 - This Week (missing fall ’83)
- 7/7/1/2 - CCFL Newsletter November 1973-July 1978
- 7/7/1/3 - CCFL Inside Oct. 1984-March 1985
- 7/7/1/4 - Faculty Views Fall 1968-Spring 1969
- 7/7/1/5 - Finger Lakes Chronicle 1995
- 7/7/1/6 - The Finger Lakes View 1977-1978
- 7/7/1/7 - Kanandarque Report Oct. 1967-Feb. 1969
- 7/7/1/8 - President’s Reports April 1968-Jan. 1973
- 7/7/1/9 - CCFL Campus Voice Spring 1983
- 7/7/2 - Press Releases
- 7/7/3 - Folders
- 7/7/4 - Speaker’s Bureau
- 7/7/5 - Recruitment Materials
- 7/7/5/1 - Brochures
- 7/7/5/2 - Factsheet
- 7/7/5/3 - Prospectus
- 7/7/5/4 - Viewbook
- 7/7/5/5 - Program Descriptions
- 7/7/5/6 - Adult Student Guide
- 7/7/6 - Course Offerings, Class Schedules
- 7/7/6/1 - Community Outreach Bulletin (includes BOCES course offerings)
- 7/7/6/2 - Addendum
- 7/7/7 - Catalogs- see boxes 12-15
- 7/7/8 - College Stationary and Business Cards
- 7/7/9 - Brochures about Office of College Relations
- 7/7/10 - Guides to Advertising, Publication, and Media Relations, June 1999
- 7/8 - Geneva Center
- 7/9 - Newark Center
- 7/10 - Victor Site
- 7/11 - Other Off-Campus Sites
- 7/12 - Activities Calendar/Arts Calendar
- 7/13 - Dean's List
- 7/14 - Grading
- 7/15 - Examinations
- 7/19 - One-Stop
RG 8 - Academic Affairs
- 8/0 - Dean of Academic Affairs Correspondence
- 8/0/1 - Dean's Meetings
- 8/0/2 - Progress Report on College Programs
- 8/0/3 - Department Head Assignments
- 8/1 - Office of Instruction
- 8/1/1 - Educational Technology Center
- 8/1/1/1 - open
- 8/1/1/2 - AV Correspondence
- 8/1/1/3 - AV Services Handbook
- 8/1/1/4 - Media Newsletter
- 8/1/1/5 - Etc, etc. Newsletter
- 8/1/1/6 - Workshops
- 8/1/1/7 - FLCC-TV
- 8/1/2 - Early Warning Notices
- 8/2 - Independent Study
- 8/3 - Honors Program
- 8/3/1 - Honors House Alumni Art Gallery
- 8/4 - Academic Departments and Programs
- 8/4/0 - Degree and Certificate Programs
- 8/4/0/1 - Course Syllabi
- 8/4/1 - Open
- 8/4/2 - Business (including Retailing)
- 8/4/2/1 - Hotel & Resort Management
- 8/4/2/2 - Internships
- 8/4/3 - Conservation/Horticulture
- 8/4/3/1 - Muller Field Station (includes Wild Roses newsletter)
- 8/4/3/2 - 30 year Anniversary
- 8/4/3/3 - Specimen Inventories
- 8/4/3/4 - Conservation Program History
- 8/4/4 - Developmental Studies
- 8/4/4/1 - News from Developmental Studies
- 8/4/4/2 - Faculty Guide to Students with Disabilities
- 8/4/4/3 - Academic Support Center
- 8/4/5 - EMS
- 8/4/6 - Language and Philosophy (includes English)
- 8/4/6/1 - The Write Place (writing center)
- 8/4/6/1/1 - Write Place Advisory Board
- 8/4/6/2 - Language Testing
- 8/4/6/3 - Writing Initiative Pilot Project - First Year Composition (FYC)
- 8/4/6/4 - Writing Intensive Courses - Development Committee
- 8/4/7 - Mathematics and Computing Services
- 8/4/8 - Mechanical Technology
- 8/4/9 - Music
- 8/4/10 - Natural Science
- 8/4/11 - Nursing
- Self-evaluation
- Department Meeting minutes 1968-1970
- 30 year Anniversary
- Articulation Plans
- Job Descriptions
- 8/4/12 - Physical Education
- 8/4/12/1 - Weight Room
- 8/4/12/2 - Gym
- 8/4/12/3 - Massage
- 8/4/13 - Physical Science
- 8/4/14 - Social Science
- 8/4/15 - Visual and Performing Arts
- 8/4/16 - Engineering Science
- 8/4/17 - Secretarial Science
- 8/4/18 - Criminal Justice and Police Science
- 8/4/19 - Paralegal
- 8/4/19/1 - Accreditation
- 8/4/20 - Viticulture
- 8/4/21 - Human Services
- 8/5 - Library Services
- 8/5/1 - Correspondence
- 8/5/2 - Periodicals Guide
- 8/5/3 - Library Workbook
- 8/5/4 - Dispatch Newsletter 1985-1987
- 8/5/5 - DILE and ILRAC grants
- 8/5/5/1 - Grant Reports
- 8/5/5/2 - Grant Proposals
- 8/5/5/3 - DILE (Designing Innovative Learning Experiences) History
- 8/5/6 - Learning Resources Center
- 8/5/7 - Organizational Chart
- 8/5/8 - Library Publications
- 8/5/8/1 - Library Brochures
- 8/5/9 - Library ComiCon 2014-
- 8/5/10 - SUNY Open Access 1974
- 8/5/11 - Library Study-a-Thon 2015-
- 8/5/12 - Library Archives
- 8/5/13 - Library Budgets
- 8/5/14 - Annual Reports/Statistics
- 8/5/15 - HEGIS and NCES Reports
- 8/5/16 - Division of Instructional Services (DIS)
- 8/5/16/1 - DIS staff meeting notes 1985-1993
- 8/5/16/2 - DIS and Middle States
- 8/5/17 - Library Poetry Readings
- 8/5/18 - Library Advisory Committee 2014-
- 8/6 - Continuing Education
- 8/6/0 - Correspondence
- 8/6/1 - Elderhostel
- 8/6/2 - Gemini Program
- 8/6/3 - The Institute for Workforce Development
- 8/6/4 - Community Education (includes correspondence)
- 8/6/4/1 - Kid's College
- 8/6/4/2 - SUNYSat and other Teleconferences
- 8/6/4/3 - College for Living
- 8/6/5 - Newsletters
- 8/6/6 - Brochures
- 8/7 - Tech Prep Program
- 8/8 - Academic Council (Department heads’ meetings)
- 8/9 - Academic Affairs Staff Meetings
- 8/10 - BOCES
- 8/11 - Faculty/Teacher Evaluation
- 8/12 - External College Partnerships
- 8/12/1 - Empire State College
- 8/12/2 - Medaille
- 8/13 - SUNY Learning Network (SLN) (Online courses)
- 8/14 - GED program
- 8/15 - Academic Commons
RG 9 - Misc. Offices
- 9/1 - Dean of the College
- 9/1/1 - Correspondence
- 9/1/2 - Speeches
- 9/1/3 - Dean's Committee
- 9/1/4 - Dean's Meetings
- 9/2 - Assessment (see also Assessment Committee)
- 9/2/1 - Correspondence
- 9/2/2 - Issues in Assessment
- 9/2/3 - SUNY General Education Assessment Plan 2011-2012
- 9/2/4 - Learning Framework
- 9/3 - Director of Curriculum and Instruction
- 9/3/1 - Correspondence
- 9/4 - VP and Dean of Academic and Student Affairs
- 9/4/1 - Correspondence
- 9/4/1/1 - "The Bulletin"
- 9/4/1 - Correspondence
- 9/5 - Division of Institutional Advancement
- 9/5/1 - Correspondence
- 9/5/1/1 - Arts & Culture at FLCC
- 9/5/1 - Correspondence
RG 10 - Auxiliary Services (CCFL/FLCC Association, Inc.)
- 10/1 - Bookstore
- 10/2 - Cafeteria
- 10/3 - Child Care Center
- 10/4 - Vending Machines
- 10/5 - Smartsaver ID
- 10/6 - Student Union Wellness Center Proposal
RG 11 - Misc. Campus Groups and Committees
- 11/1 - AWFLCC
- 11/2 - CCFL Faculty Wives Association (CCFLFWA)
- 11/3 - Sunshine Club 1968-1973
- 11/4 - Employee Wellness Committee
- 11/4/1 - Healthy Lifestyles Newsletter
- 11/4/2 - Student Wellness Committee 1999-2000
- 11/5 - Rochester Area Colleges (RAC)
- 11/6 - Lively Arts Council
- 11/7 - Benefits and Charities
- 11/7/1 - United Way/United Fund
- 11/7/2 - Special Olympics
- 11/7/3 - CROP walk
- 11/7/4 - Food Cupboard
- 11/7/5 - Oxfam
- 11/7/6 - Camp Good Days and Special Times
- 11/7/7 - Blood Drives
- 11/7/8 - Breast Cancer Walk
- 11/7/9 - Virtual Closet (interview clothes for students)
- 11/8 - NYS Association of Junior Colleges
- 11/9 - Open
- 11/10 - Personnel Committee
- 11/11 - Safety Committee
- 11/12 - Writing across the curriculum
- 11/13 - Campus Book Group
- 11/14 - Sustainability Committee
RG 12 - Campus Events
- 12/1 - Formal
- 12/1/1 - Commencement
- Addresses
- Invitations
- Programs (missing 1998)
- Planning
- Dedications
- 12/1/2 - Nursing Advancement (capping ceremony)
- 12/1/3 - Convocation
- 12/1/4 - Presidential Inaugurations
- 12/1/4/1 Dr. Roy I. Satre
- 12/1/4/2 Dr. Charles J. Meder
- 12/1/4/3 Dr. Daniel Hayes
- 12/1/4/4 Dr. Barbara Risser
- 12/1/4/5 Dr. Robert K. Nye
- 12/1/5 - Lincoln Hill Campus Dedication
- 12/1/6 - Lincoln Hill Groundbreaking
- 12/1/7 - FLCC 20th Anniversary
- 12/1/8 - FLCC 25th Anniversary
- 12/1/9 - Library Dedication 10/19/1996
- 12/1/10 - FLCC 40th Anniversary
- 12/2 - Less Formal
- Activities Day
- African American/Multicultural read-in
- Alcohol Awareness Week
- Appreciation Dinner
- Art Exhibits
- Black History Month
- Career Day
- Career Fairs
- Community College Week
- Concerts - see also specific campus groups
- Global Awareness Series
- Fall Picnic
- Family Day (see also Parents Day)
- Film Festivals
- Honors Banquets
- Constellation Brands Scholarship Reception (Widmer's Honors Banquet) - see also 7/6/17 Student Awards
- Interfaith Banquet
- Interfaith Breakfast
- Lakers Day
- Lectures, misc.
- Literary Field Trip (high school students), made "The Collection"
- May Day
- Open House
- Parents Day (see also Family Day)
- Plays (for student plays see 7/6/10 Theater)
- Poetry Readings
- President's Holiday Reception
- Scholar's Forum Series
- Spring Arts Fair / Festival
- Student Holiday Reception
- Vietnam War Information Day
- Women's Week
- Year End Dinner Dance
- Year End Picnic
RG 13 - Workshops and Conferences
- 13/1 - On-campus
- 13/1/1 - Convocation
- 13/1/2 - Professional/ Opening Days
- 13/1/3 - Open
- 13/1/4 - For the Public
- 13/1/5 - Workshops for Adjuncts
- 13/1/6 - Friday Conversations
- 13/1/7 - Summer Camps
- 13/2 - Off-campus
RG 14 - History of the School
- 14/1 - Controversy over Establishment of College
- 14/2 - Campus Facilities Controversy
- 14/3 - Philosophy and Goals for CCFL 1967
- 14/4 - Campus response to terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001
- 14/5 - Alma Mater
- 14/6 - College Oral Histories
RG 15 - College / Community Partnerships
- 15/1 - George M. Ewing Canandaigua Forum
RG 16 - Biographical Information (will include retirement info, cross ref to newspaper clippings, etc.)
- 16/1 - Faculty and Staff
- 16/2 - Student biographical information
0/1 - Board of Trustees
Date | Subject | Size |
1960s | Original Board of Trustees: Jack Tobin, Ray Probst, Dennis McNamara, John Hopkins, Connie Carpenter, Mike Michaels, Ken Whitcomb, John Britting, Art Munson | 5x7 |
3/11/68 | Board of Trustees meeting, Ruth Legg (secretary to Board), John Britting, Ray Probst, Dennis McNamara, Mike Michaels, Art Munson | 5x7(3) |
late 1960s? | Dr. Collins Carpenter, Chairman of Board of Trustees, Mike Michaels at meeting | 8x8, 3x3(2) |
March 1977 | Linda Beaulieu, Marge Van Iseghem, Howard Jaquith, Sandy Simmons (student rep), Walter Neenan, Elwood Garner, Michael Michaels, John Britting, Donald Burgen, Al Learned | 5x7 |
August 1984 | Bill Bigham, John Britting, Willie Russ (student rep), Nancy Langer, Walter E. Neenan, Gail Love, Lyle Brown, Ernest Hilton, Howard R. Jaquith, Louis Kieswetter | 8x10 8x10 color 11x15 |
1988 | Andrew Harkness, Pauline Valesko, Gail Love, Deborah Magavero (student rep), Nancy Langer, John Britting, Lyle Brown, Bill Bigham, Pat Burns | 8x10(3) |
Sept. 1988 | Dedication of college seal: Charles J. Meder, Thomas O’Brien, John Britting | 5x7(5) |
1989 | Pat Burns, John Britting, Lyle Brown, Bill Bigham, Nancy Langer, Matt Naiva (student rep), Philip Oestreich, Gail Love | 4x5 |
March 1989 | Pat Burns, Philip Oestreich, John Britting, Michael J. Miller (student rep), Pat Bolan, Bill Bigham, Nancy Langer, Andy Harkness, Lyle Brown, Gail Love | 5x7 |
March 1989 | Bill Bigham, John Britting, Lyle Brown, Pat Bolan, Andy Harkness, Nancy Langer, Michael J. Miller (student rep), Gail Love, Philip Oestreich | 5x7(10) |
June 1989 | John Britting, Frank Talomie (assemblyman) | 5x7 |
1989 | Pat Burns, John Britting, Lyle Brown, Bill Bigham, Nancy Langer, Matt Naiva (student rep), Philip Oestreich, Gail Love | 3x5 color 5x7 |
January 1990 | Andrew Harkness, Gail Love, Pat Burns | 5x7(2) |
January 1991 | Philip Oestreich, Gail Love, Pat Burns | 5x7 |
1991 | Lyle Brown, Philip Oestreich, Pat Burns, John Britting, Barry Rude (student rep), Gail Love, Nancy Langer, Bill Bigham | 5x7(2) |
January 1992 | John Britting, Pat Burns, Thomas Tantalo (student rep), Philip Oestreich, Lyle Brown, Gail Love, Bill Bigham, Ed Bugliosi, Nancy Langer | 5x7, 3x5 color |
0/3 - Board of Supervisors
1970s-1980s? | Supervisors Christmas Party?: Carlene Lankton, Ray Vecchi, Jack Bricker, Fran McElwee | 5x7 |
Dr. Roy I. Satre, Jr., first president of Finger Lakes Community College
1968 | Dr. Satre and family (wife Patricia, daughter Helen, son Roderick, twins Bruce and Brian) | 5x7 |
? | Dr. Satre | 3x5(2),5x7 |
? | Dr. Charles Meder, Dr. Collins "Connie" Carpenter (chairman of Board of Trustees), Dr. Satre | 5x7 |
September 1968 | Billboard "Congratulations and Best Wishes to Dr. Roy I. Satre, Jr. President Community College of Finger Lakes" | 3x5 |
September 19, 1968 (Inauguration) | Lt. General Lewis B. Hershey, director of selective services, and Mrs. Lewis B. Hershey, Lt. Hershey spoke at inauguration | 8x10 |
Inauguration | Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation Male Chorus (sang at inauguration) | 8x10 |
Inauguration | Dr. Collins Carpenter (Chairman of Board of Trustees), Dr. S.V. Martorana (University Dean for Two-Year Colleges), Lt. General Lewis B. Hershey (director of selective service), Samuel B. Gould (Chancellor of State University), Dr. Satre | 8x10(4) |
Inauguration | the procession | 8x10 |
Inauguration | the stage while the Rochester Gas and Electric Male Chorus performs | 8x10 |
Inauguration | Samuel B. Gould (Chancellor of State University), Dr. Satre, Dr. Charles Meder | 8x10 |
Inauguration | Michael J. "Red" Simeone (Mayor of Geneva) | 8x10 |
Inauguration | Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey and Dr. Satre | 8x10 |
Inauguration | Helen Satre (Dr. Satre's daughter), Mrs. Lewis B. Hershey, Patricia Satre (Dr. Satre's wife) | 8x10 |
Inauguration | the press | 8x10 |
Inauguration | the audience | 8x10(2) |
Inauguration | T. Hamilton Kennedy (Mayor of Canandaigua), Mrs. Patricia Satre (Dr. Satre's wife), Dr. Satre, Michael J. "Red" Simeone (Mayor of Geneva), Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey (director of selective service, speaker at inauguration) | 8x10, 5x7(3) |
Inauguration | police presence (there was a protest against Lt. Gen. Hershey's appearance) | 5x7 |
Inauguration | Board of Trustees Chairman Dr. Collins "Connie" Carpenter, Dr. Satre, Congressman Samuel S. Stratton, County Board Chairman Philip J. Rowley | 8x10 |
Inauguration | Congressman Samuel S. Stratton, County Board Chairman Philip J. Rowley, Board of Trustees Chairman Dr. Collins "Connie" Carpenter, Dr. Satre, Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, Mrs. Patrica Satre (wife of Dr. Satre) | 8x10(2) |
Inauguration | Ruth Legg and Congressman Samuel S. Stratton | 8x10 |
Inauguration | photo proofs | 8x10, 15 sheets |
Inauguration | Candid shots | 5x7(22) 8x10(4) |
Inauguration | Brig Gen. Joseph W. Barron, spoke at inauguration | 8x10 |
Inauguration | Samuel B. Gould (Chancellor of State University), Dr. Satre | 8x10 |
Dr. Charles J. Meder, 2nd president of FLCC and former dean of college
1970s? | Dr. Meder portrait | 2x4(4), 8x10 |
1975? | Dr. Meder sitting on floor of empty office (in new Lincoln Hill campus?) | 5x7 |
11/78 | Dr. Meder portrait | 3x5(2) |
1980s? | Dr. Meder posing on campus | 3x5(2) |
1980s? | Dr. Meder portrait | 3x5(2) |
1980s? | Dr. Meder | 3x5 |
1980s? | Dr. Meder giving speech | 5x7 |
1980s? | Dr. Meder at podium | 5x7 |
1980s? | Dr. Meder at gathering | 8x10(2) |
1980s? | Dr. Meder portrait | 5x5(2), 5x7(2), 3x5(3) |
1989 | Dr. Meder at a desk | 5x7 |
? late 1980s, early 1990s? | Dr. Meder giving a speech | 8x10 |
1990s? | Dr. Meder and model of pavilion | 3x5(2) 5x7(2) |
1990 | Dr. Meder portrait | 5x7(2) |
1992 | Dr. Meder and Gail Love (Board of Trustees) at commencement | 5x7 |
1992 | Dr. Meder and Dr. Collins "Connie" Carpenter (former Board of Trustees member) at Foundation Dinner | 3x5 |
1990s? | Dr. Meder portrait | 3x5 |
1990s? | Dr. Meder portrait | 5x7 |
1990s? | Charles Hatterich and Dr. Meder at Pres. award dinner | 5x7 |
1980s? | Dr. Meder accepting an award at Kiwanis Club | 5x7 |
1990s? | Dr. Meder and Connie Carpenter at Dr. Meder's retirement party | 5x7 |
? | Dr. Meder and Tom Ryan, mayor of Rochester | 5x7 |
Dr. Charles J. Meder, Inauguration
10/1/73 | Candids including Putt Moore, Dr. Meder, Dr. Satre, Mrs. Marion Javits, David Gaesser, Assemblyman James Emery, Jacob Javits, Grove Nagel, Elwyn Herendeen (chair board of supervisers), Don Wickham (SUNY trustee), John Haluch, Chuck Miller, trombone choir (Richard Southard, Alan Bomwell, Lawrence Poole, Mark Bradley, John Baldwin, Pierce Edmunds, Nancy Donahue, Warren Brook, Timothy Wesley, Robert McChesney, Craig Devereaux, Brian McCorkle), Rochester Gas and Electric Chorus, Anne Johnson, Guy Ward, Mrs. Meder, Ray Probst | 3x5(58) color |
Dr. Daniel Hayes, 3rd president of FLCC
September 12, 1992 | Inauguration: Dr. Meder | 3x5 |
12/93 | Mike Nozzolio, Dr. Hayes, Bill Baxxon | 5x7 |
Summer 1994 | Consortium for Supplier Training Partnership: Ellen O'Neill, Dr. Hayes, Richard Roth | 4x6 |
? | Dr. Hayes at podium | 5x7(2) |
Faculty and Staff, A-C
? | Adams, Jeff - Educational Technology | 2x2(3) |
? | Alverman, Jerry - Finance Officer | 2x2(3) |
mid 1970s | Arnold, Carol - Counseling | 5x7 |
? | Baird, Jim - Business | 2x2(3) |
late 1960s, 1980s | Banaszewski, William "Bill" - Conservation | 2x3, 5x7, 4x5 |
Feb. 1969, 1980s | Barrett, Joyce - Nursing | 2x3, 2x2(2) |
3/7/90 | Bizzaro, Pat | 5x7 |
Aug. 1970 | Bloom, Emily - Nursing | 2x3(2) |
Aug. 1968 | Bostrom, Ed | 2x3 |
1980s? | Boughton, Karen - farewell party, includes Ed Rivenburgh, Jack Coons, Kathy Bollen, Jude Thines, Bruce Bridgman, Barb Chappell, Nancy Van Zetta, Don Friday | 5x7(3) |
early 1970s, 1980s | Bricker, Jack - Social Science | 2x3, 8x10 |
1980s | Brockman, Brenda - Business | 2x2(3) |
1980s | Cable, John - Dean of Faculty | 5x7(2), 2x2 (2) |
? | Capozzi, Mary | 8x10 |
2002 | Capozzi, Mary | 4x6 |
Sept. 1970 | Carter, David | 2x3 |
July 1970 | Champaigne, John | 2x3 |
1970s | Champaigne, Peg | 2x3 |
1969 | Clark, Rebecca - Nursing | 3x5(4) |
Sept. 1969 | Clarkson, John | 2x3 |
1970s-1990s | Cole, Judy - Student Activities, photos include Karla Taylor, John Socha at Judy Cole's retirement dinner | 5x7(5) 5x7 |
1970s | Corbit, Al - Career Counseling | 5x7 |
Aug. 1970 | Cowie, Charlotte | 2x3 |
1977 | Croft, Elizabeth | 4x5 |
Faculty and Staff, D-F
3/13/92 | Davis, Rene (coach) | 5x7 |
Feb. 1968-1990s | DeCamp, William "Bill" - Counseling | 2x3(2), 5x7(8) |
June 1968 | DeCamp, Marcia Phillips - Business Administration | 2x3(2) |
June 1989 | Dodge, Martin - Conservation | 5x7 |
Sept. 1970 | Dolch, George - Dean of Students | 2x3 |
March 1968-1980s | Downing, Rochelle - Chemistry | 2x3(3) |
August 1969 | Drake, Lee - Biology | 2x3(2) |
June 1968 | Dunham, Darrow "Ike" - Math | 2x3(2) |
Sept. 1970 | Eckert, Donald - Math | 2x3 |
? | Ernhout, Steve - Buildings and Grounds | 2x2(3) |
Dec. 1967-1990s | Fedder, Alice - Librarian, photo of retirement | 2x3, 3x3, 5x7(2) |
1980s | Fernandez, Victor - Counseling Center | 2x2(3) |
Oct. 1968 | Foster, Richard | 2x3(2) |
1980s | Friday, Don - The Institute | 2x2(3) |
1980s-1990s | Friedman, Peter - Dean (and Social Science) | 5x7, 2x2(2), 3x5 |
1980s | Fyfe, Ken - Development | 2x2(3) |
Faculty and Staff, G-I
mid 1970s | Gailor, Ed - Ass't Director of Admissions | 5x7(2) |
1970s-1990s | Glover, Joanne - Secretary to Dr. Meder | 5x7(3), 3x5, 3x3 |
1970s | Goodno, Gary - English, Film | 2x3(2) |
1970s | Guy, Dorothy - Secretary to John Meuser | 5x7(2) |
March 1970 | Haluch, John - Science | 2x3(2) |
June 1970, 1970s | Harkness, Andrew | 2x3(2), 3x5 |
June 1970 | Henderson, Frederick - Data Processing | 2x3(2) |
1970s | Howell, Cathy - Secretary in Admissions | 5x7(3) |
Sept. 1972-1980s | Hunt, Sherman - Math | 2x3(2), 2x2(2), 5x7 |
Sept. 1972-1980s | Hurlbutt, Marilyn - Nursing | 2x3(2), 2x2(2) |
Sept. 1971 | Insalaco, Tom - Art | 2x3(2) |
Faculty and Staff, J-L
Aug. 1970-1980s | Johnson, Anne - Science Tech | 2x3(2), 2x2(3) |
Sept. 1970-1980s | Kennedy, Ed - Psychology | 2x3(2), 2x2 |
Dec. 1989 | Kramp, Bill - Computers support | 5x7 |
Sept. 1967-1980s | Lankton, Carlene - English | 2x3(2), 3x3(2), 8x10 |
Sept. 1967-1980s | Legg, Ruth - Theatre, College Relations | 2x3(3), 3x3, 3x4, 5x7, 2x2(3) |
late 1960s | Locke, William G. | 2x3 |
1980s | Lomber, Elaine | 3x5 |
Sept 1968 | Loomen, Ardell | 2x3 |
1980s | Lyons, Steve - Security | 2x2(3) |
Faculty and Staff, M-O
1980s | Malinowski, Len - Math | 2x2(3) |
Sept. 1970, 1970s | Maus, Henry - Social Science | 2x3(3), 5x7 |
March 1968 | McDonald, Patricia | 2x3 |
1980s | McKinley, Myrna - Switchboard | 2x2 |
1970s | McKone, Sheila - Financial Aid | 5x7(3) |
Aug. 1968-1980s | Meuser, John | 2x3(2), 5x7, 2x2, 2x3 |
June 1970 | Miller, Chuck - Phys Ed | 2x3(2) |
1970s | Miller, Ralph - Dean of Faculty | 5x7 |
mid 1970s | Miller, Sue - Director of Financial Aid | 5x7 |
Aug. 1969 | Miller, Vickie - Phys Ed | 2x3(2) |
July 1968-1980s | Mills, Jane | 2x3, 2x2(3) |
June 1968-1980s | Mooney, Frank - Science | 2x3(2), 2x2(4) |
Aug. 1972 | Moore, Dennis "Putt" | 2x3(2) |
Aug. 1990 | Morris, Bob - English | 5x7 |
1980s | Muehlig, Craig - Director of Financial Aid | 2x2(3) |
1980s | Nacca, Joseph - English | 2x2(2) |
late 1960s | Nagel, Grove - Admissions | 2x3(2) |
Dec. 1967 | Norod, Elizabeth | 2x3 |
1970s | O'Hanlon, Jerome "Jerry" | 2x3(2) |
Faculty and Staff, P-R
1980s-1989 | Palumbo, Mary Lou - Developmental Studies | 5x7(2), 3x5 |
1970s | Pauling, Linda - Library, ILL | 2x2 |
1970s | Pennock, Robert | 3x3 |
1980s | Phillips, Joanne - Security | 5x7 |
1970s | Pietropaolo, Patricia - Science | 3x4(2) |
1980s | Post, Sandra - Business | 2x2(3) |
1970s | Prescott, Linda - Secretarial Science | 3x5 |
April 1968 | Proud, Gary | 2x3 |
1970s | Prull, David - Biology | 2x3(2) |
Dec. 1969-1980s | Quick, Doris - English | 2x3(2), 2x2(3) |
Feb. 1968 | Quiggle, Jack I. | 2x3 |
1969 | Ray, John | 2x3 |
1990s | Reese, Dick | 5x7 |
June 1970 | Reetz, Donald - Business | 2x3(2) |
1990s | Richardson, Benjamin - Sociology | 5x7 |
1980s | Roenke, Henry | 2x2(2) |
Sept. 1969 | Russell, Bill - Accounting | 2x3 |
Faculty and Staff, S-U
August 1970-1980s | Schelansky, Marie DeWilde - Nursing | 2x3, 2x2(3) |
Aug. 1969-1980s | Schoonmaker, Cathy - Nursing | 2x3(2), 2x2(3) |
Oct. 1968-1970s | Schriver, Dorothy Flowers | 2x3(2), 5x7(2) |
1980s | Smith, Frank - Conservation | 3x3 |
Feb. 1968 | Smith, Raymond - Math | 2x3(2) |
1970s? | Socha, John | 5x7 |
1990s | Sparks, Gretchen - Developmental Studies | 5x7 |
late 1960s-1990s | Sproule, Willard | 2x3(3), 2x2(3) |
1/88 | Stewart, Ronna - Child care director | 3x5 |
1980s | Taylor, Mike - Student Activities | 2x2(3) |
1986, 1980s | Thorpe, Al - Dean of Community Education | 8x10, 2x2(3) |
1980s | Thurn, Theresa - Library AV clerk | 2x2 |
1980s | Tobey, Sharon (Socha) - Nursing | 2x3, 2x2(2) |
June 1970 | Totten, Leon - Business | 2x3 |
Faculty and Staff, V-Z
1970s | Valesko, Polly - Secretary to finance officer (sitting on floor of office with no furniture) | 5x7 |
1980s | Van Wyyckhuyse, Don | 3x4 |
1980s | Walker, Bruce - Maintenance | 2x2(3) |
1969 | Wallace, Helen - Bookstore | 5x7(2) |
February 1990 | Welch, Tom - mailroom | 5x7 |
Sept. 1971-1980s | White, Chris - Conservation | 2x3, 2x2(3) |
1970s | White, Donna - Nurse | 5x7(2) |
1970s | Williams, James - Biology | 2x3(2) |
1988-89 | Williams, Harry - county award for safety: includes Frank Rouse, Dr. Meder, Bob DeLeo, Linda Holland, Clyde Beebe, John Hicks | 5x7(5) |
1970s-1990s | Williams, Wayne - Art, includes photo of Wayne Williams painting mural | 2x3(2), 3x3(3), 5x7(2) |
1980s | Wilsey, Mary - Business | 2x2(4) |
early 1970 | Woolston, Loren S. | 2x3 |
Faculty and Staff, group photos
1960s-1970s | John Haluch, Ike Dunham, Bill Banaszewski, Ray Smith, Jack Quiggle, Jim Williams, Shelly Downing, Vicki Miller, David Prull, Lee Drake | 8x10 |
late 1960s | Joanne Glover, Sandy Bacon | 3x3 (2) |
late 1960s | Dr. Meder and Jack Lavery (first dean of students) | 3x3 |
Fall 1969 | Joyce Barrett, Theresa Crowther, Marcia Phillips DeCamp, Rebecca Clark, Mae Michaels, William Russell, Catherine Schoonmaker, Elizabeth Norod, Ruth Brown, Daniel Della Pietra | 8x10 |
pre-1970 | Faculty and staff: front l to r: Patricia MacDonald, Alice Fedder, Carlene Lankton, Marcia Phillips DeCamp, Mae Michaels, Elizabeth Norod, Sally Wing, Jane Mills, and Rebecca Clark Fitzgerald. Second row l to r: Ike Dunham, Bill Sanderl, Willard Sproule, Jack Bricker, Ed Bostrum, John Lavery, Richard Foster, Wayne Williams, Charles J. Meder, Jim Williams, and John Meuser. Third row l to r: (name unknown), Dorothy Flowers Schriver, Rochelle Downing, Ruth Legg. Fourth row l to r: Richard Wilkins, Roy I. Satre, Bill DeCamp, Ray Smith, Jack Quiggle, Loren Woolston, C. Frank Mooney, Gary Proud, Bill Banaszewski, Grove Nagel, and John Haluch. | 8x10 |
early 1970s | David Prull, Al Corbit Elaine Lomber, Grove Nagel, Ed Kennedy, ?, Chuck Miller, Emily Bloom, Charles Meder, Jerry O'Hanlon, Vicki Miller | 8x10 |
1970s | Al Corbit and panel | 5x7 |
1970s | Valerie Pfaltzgraf, Lorice Harris, Mary Locke, Beverly Antinoro, Mary Miller | 5x7 |
1970s | Ralph Miller (Dean of College), Willard Sproule (Language Arts) | 8x10(2) |
1970s | Henry Roenke (Conservation), Patricia Pietropaolo (Phy. & Nat. Sciences), Robin Braun (Asst. Librarian), Richard Mellow (Student Life Intern) | 8x10 |
1970s | Dorothy Flowers Schriver, Grove Nagel, Mary Miller | 8x10 |
1970s (Main St. campus) | Richard Wilkins and Mary O'Brian (his secretary) | 8x10 |
1970s-1980s |
Jim Baird, Linda Prescott, Beryl Johnson, Kevin Rowe, Marc Courchesne, Fred McNamara Elizabeth Croft, Patricia Pietropaolo, Richard Caulk, Al Thorpe, Margaret Kohl, Ruth Winter |
5x7 |
1970s-1980s | Lois Horgan (Nursing), Peter Friedman (Social Science), Joseph Nacca (Language Arts), Stephen Smith (Educational Media and Communications Specialist) | 8x10 (2) |
1970s-1980s | Marge Simmons, Judy Cole, Carol Tichener, Gladys Paxton, Deborah Wheaton | 5x7 |
1980s | Marilyn Hurlbutt, Ruth Legg, Lee Drake | 5x7 |
1980s | Vicki Miller and Jerry O'Hanlon | 5x7 |
1980s | Joann Moore, Pat Lussow, Norm Godin, Zeke Lockmeyer, Peter Friedman, Dave Fry, John Cable, Jude Thines, John Garvey | 8x10 |
1980s | Jerome O'Hanlon, Henry Maus | 8x10 |
1980s? | Board of trustees member Ernest Hilton and Jack Bricker | 5x7 |
1980s? | Don Friday, Pam Rivers, June Lincoln | 5x7 |
1981 | Bill DeCamp and Al Corbit | 5x7 |
1989 | Bud Amann & Supervisor John Hicks | 5x7 |
1980s-1990s | Ed Morrell, Jack Bricker | 8x10 |
1995 | Tom Edmunds, Christine Moldenhauer, Don Friday, Barbara Schreiber, Muriel Coleman |
5x7(2) |
1995 | Mike Nozzolio, Dr. Hayes, Randy Kuhl, Don Friday | 5x7(2) |
9/97 | John Haluch and Ed Morrell in library | 5x7(2) |
Students - Individual
1968 | Ruth Bump and William Sanderl (professor) | 5x7(2) |
1/2/69 | Diane Holmes | 5x7 |
January 1971 | "Reviewing the Score": David Honness, Lynn Munson, Joan Kautz, Madeline Laurence (sophomore at CCFL) | 5x7 |
1976 | Ralph F. Campbell '73 conservation grad, working at Cummings nature center | 8x10 |
5/2/78 | Michael Allen, DEC | 3x5 |
May 1980 | Jill Byington and totem pole | 5x7 |
1989 | Stella VanCour - student doing internship in China | 5x7 |
? | Tor Constantino | 5x7 |
Candids - Exterior
1970s-1990s | includes Ruth Legg, John Socha, students | mixed |
Candids - Interior
various | candids | mixed |
1/5 - Governance Committees
8/94 | Governance meeting: Carol Urbaitis, Fran Freeman, Corinne Canough, Putt Moore | 5x7 |
2/2 - Faculty Association
1969 | Rochelle Downing (president of faculty association) and Dr. Roy Satre | 5x7 |
1969 | Rochelle Downing (president of faculty association) and Dr. Roy Satre | 5x7 |
early 1970s | Faculty wives: Priscilla Reetz, Holly Pennock, ?, Dr. Meder | 5x7 |
4/10 - Employee Recognition
6/89 | Pat Pietropaolo, Keith Batman, Louise Mulvaney, Jim DePalma, Mary Capozzi, Joelle Zimmerman, Michele Howland, Pat Malinowski | 5x7 |
5/1 - Campus Safety
7/94 | Steve Lyon | 5x7(2) |
5/4 - Development Office
Fall 1993 | Cynthia J.W. Woolley, Ellen O'Neill, Linda Dunsmoor Iannicello | 5x7(3) |
5/4/1/2 - Alumni Association
1980 | James Carra (alumni award recipient) | 8x10 |
1989 | Alumni Association Officers: Hank Roenke, Jackie Glaser, Bob Cook, Ray Geary, Karla Taylor, Nancy Langer | 5x7 |
1989 | Pam Herrington, Jackie Glaser, Bethany Graham-Wadeikis, Bob Cook, Hank Roenke, Jackie Glaser, Nancy Langer, Ray Geary | 5x7(4) |
1990 | Rich Rivers | 5x7 |
3/23/90 | Alumni reception: Joe Nacca, Barb Chappell, Bea and Charles Meder, Ruth Legg | 5x7(2) |
Spring 1990 | Ray Geary, Adrienne Hallinan, Barb Hackel, Nancy Wooden '90 | 5x7(3) |
Summer 1990-1991 | Alumni picnic: Ray Geary, Denny Hicks | 5x7(7) |
1/9/91 | Charles Rouse | 5x7(2) |
10/91 | Alumni cruise | 5x7(2) |
12/20/91 | Carla Amorese | 5x7(6) |
4/30/93 | Tor Constantino | 5x7(2) |
Summer 1993 | Alumni Association Golf Tournament: Jim Sullivan, Sam DeSalvo, Jim Baird, Bruce Bridgman | 4x6 |
Sept. 1993 | Alumni picnic: Kenneth Campbell, Dr. Hayes | 5x7(2) |
3/16/94 | Alumni phonathon: Monique Frappier, Michael Fogle, Phanny Nguon, Darryl Evans | 5x7 |
4/20/94 | Jean Meenan | 5x7 |
4/26/94 | Randi Kennard | 5x7 |
11/11/94 | Campbell family | 5x7 |
12/1/94 | Karen Heidrich | 5x7 |
1994 | Alumni staff: Patty Schwarzweller, Linda Quartaro | 5x7 |
4/6/95 | Grace Madera and Hank Roenke | 5x7 |
10/95 | Ann McGuane | 5x7 |
3/96 | Jake Makepeace, Tim Newland, Lisk - Alum | 5x7(4) |
1990s | Phyllis Todd, Linda Quartaro | 3x5(2) |
1990s | Phanny Nguon | 5x7(2) |
5/4/2 - The Foundation
Aug. 1992 | Foundation Board Officers: Anne Henry, Donald Zamperetti, Martin Hayes, Charles E. Hetterich | 5x7 |
1992 | Dr. Meder and Connie Carpenter, Foundation President's award, Dr. Marvin Rapp, Dr. Stu Steiner, Charles Hetterich | 5x7(3) |
1993 | Foundation Dinner Marvin Sands award winner: Marvin Sands, Mickey Sands, Ellen O'Neill, Dr. Hayes, Dr. Meder | 5x7(7) 3x5(38) color |
1994 | Foundation dinner Danny Wegman award winner: Danny Wegman, Stency Wegman, Dr. Hayes, Wayne Williams with sculpture, Wegman family | 5x7(7) |
1995 | George Hamlin IV, foundation award winner | 5x7 |
1996 | Foundation Dinner - Dr. Connie Carpenter, Dr. Daniel Hayes, Ellen O'Neill, 2 musicians | 5x7 |
5/4/5 - Grants
Jan. 1971 | Banking: Gary McLouth (Chairman of Education for Finger Lakes Chapter of American Institute of Banking), Robert Pennock (Dean of Continuing Ed), Dr. Satre, Edward Clark (President A.I.B.) | 5x7 |
5/28/92 | IEC donation: Dr. Meder, Roger Main (President, IEC), Tim Kennedy (VP, IEC) | 5x7(2) |
6/2 -Buildings and Grounds
1970s | Jim Miller, Keith Murphy, Ed Beasley | 5x7 |
Spring 1976 | Dedication of Dewey Memorial Tree: The Dewey family including Helen E., Barbara, David, Mrs. Alfred H., Richard, Robert, Alfred H.; Hank Roenke, Keith Murphy | 5x7(2) |
1980s | Don Van Wyyckhuyse, Frank Davis, Steve Varney, Ted Stiggins | 3x5 |
6/2/4 - Main Street Campus
1968-69 | Cook House (administration building) | 3x3(13), 3x5(14), 5x7(2), 8x10(3) |
1970s | Art Gallery at 34 S. Main | 3x5 |
1970s | Office of Admissions and Dean of Students, Parrish St. | 5x7(3), 3x3 |
1970s | Candid shots of Main St. campus | 2x2(6), 5x7 |
1970s | Classrooms | 5x7(2) |
1970s | Fine Arts Studio (34 S. Main) | 5x7(3) |
1970s | Veterans Administration Building 7 (Vocational Education), classroom | 5x7(4) |
1970s | Hook Building (faculty offices), offices | 5x7(2) |
9/3/69 | "Buildings Before" | 5x7(7) |
1970s | Old Thompson Hospital, north Main st. | 3x5(6) |
Jan 1975 | Sommers Building? | 5x7 |
early 1970s? | Student center with students in front | 8x5 |
6/2/11 - Lincoln Hill Architects and Models
1970s | Model of campus, Ray Probst | 6x8(2), 8x10 |
1970s | Aerial view of Lincoln Hill campus site | 3x5(3) |
1970s | Design for CCFL campus | 5x7 |
Dec. 1970 | Architect's Signing - Fred Thomas, Angelo Franco, Robert Tallman (architects), Dr. Satre, Reese Davis (assistant librarian), Alice Fedder | 5x7(8) |
1970s | Bob Ross and John Halauch with Lincoln Hill Plans | 7x7 |
6/2/11 - Lincoln Hill Before Building
1968 | Lincoln Hill | 5x7(2), 3x3(5) |
March 1971 | Faculty on Lincoln Hill: including Jack Bricker, Bill Banaszewski, Bill DeCamp, Lee Drake, Dr. Meder, among others | 5x7(2), 3x3(10) |
6/2/11 - Lincoln Hill Construction
Nov. 12, 1971 | Groundbreaking: Connie Carpenter, Ray Probst, Jack Tobin, Clyde Beebe, Bob Mueller, Bill McGowan, Jackson DeBolt, Mike Michaels, Fred Thomas, Angelo Franco, Dr. Meder | 8x10(2) |
Early 1970s | Site with construction | 8x10(6), 5x7(2), 3x5, 3x16 |
6/2/11 - Lincoln Hill Moving in
Mid 1970s | Moving in | 5x7(4) |
Mid 1970s | John Meuser and Ed Gailor | 5x7 |
6/2/11 - Lincoln Hill Exterior Shots
1970-1990s | exterior | various |
Oct. 1977 | page proofs | 8x10(7) |
6/2/11 - Campus construction 1991 and later
1991 | exterior | 5x7(6), 3x5(3) color |
6/2/11 - Campus Flood 1981
1981 | exterior, interior flooding and clean-up, Sharon Emblidge (social science), Ken Fyfe, photo proofs | 5x7(14), 8x10 |
6/2/11 - Lincoln Hill Classroom Candids
late 1990s | "A" wing classroom, Media equipment | 5x7(2) |
6/2/11 - Finger Lakes Performing Arts Center, Lincoln Hill
7/10/71 | RPO performance on Lincoln Hill (before shell construction) | 3x8(2), 5x7 |
Summer 1978 | Refreshment stand | 5x7(2) |
Summer 1979 | RPO, Erik Kunzel, Tony DeChario, people on lawn | 5x7(15) |
? | views of crowds on lawn | 8x10(3) 4x8(2) |
? | proofs | 8x10(4) |
April 1983 | Construction of shell | 5x7 |
July 16, 1983 | Award given to Tony H. DeChario from RPO | 8x10(2) |
7/0 - Dean of Students
Jan. 1974 | Student Life Staff: Donna White (nurse), Bill DeCamp, Dorothy Schriver, Grove Nagel, Jane Frank (graduate intern), John Meuser, John Champaigne | 5x7 |
3/96 | Carol Urbatis and student | 5x7(2) |
7/1 - Registration and Registrar's Office
1968? | Dr. Satre, first student, Dr. Meder, Students registering | 5x7(10), 4x4, 8x10 |
9/3/69 | Billboard advertising Fall classes | 5x7 |
1970s? | Registration: Leon Berthiaume, students, John Champaigne, Ed Morrell | 5x7(14) |
Fall 1976 | Registration | 5x7 |
Fall 1977 | Jeanne Crane assists student, Ike Dunham, John Haluch, and student | 5x7(2) |
1980s? | Registration: Bill Banaszewski and student, Dan Marion, Edie Lawson | 8x10, 5x7(5) |
Summer 1989 | Julia Geislert and student, Dan Marion and students | 5x7(2) |
1/94 | John Cromartie and student, Mary Capozzi and students | 5x7(2) |
7/94 | Nancy Purdy and student | 5x7 |
8/96 | Jack Bricker and students, John Pietropaolo in background | 5x7 |
7/2 - Admissions
10/5/94 | Ann Pontius and student | 5x7 |
1970s | John Meuser and Vic Fernandez and information fair | 5x7 |
7/3 - Center for Advisement
1970s | Bill DeCamp and students | 8x10 |
1990s | Brenda Smith, Victor Fernandez, Ingrid Young, Cathy Petruccione, Anne Foxenburgh, Laurel Ley, Barb Schreiber, Corinne Canough |
5x7(4) |
12/12/91 | Tim Hamlin and student, Barb Schreiber and student, Brenda Smith and student | 5x7(4) |
5/23/90 | Barb Schreiber, Tor Constantino (student) | 5x7 |
7/90 | The center, exterior | 5x7(4) |
1994 | The Center staff: Daniel Haynes, Carol Urbaitis, Barb Schreiber, Billie Bedford, Corinne Canough, Victor Fernandez, Brenda Smith, Laurel Ley, Karen Kraeger, Peggy Riley, Laila Leon-Paliotti | 5x7 |
7/94 | Ingrid Young and student, Corrine Canough and student, Billie Bedford and student, Rick Spaulding, Ingrid Young, Cathy Petruccione, Vickie Blazey | 5x7(7) |
3/96 | Brenda Smith and student, Vickie Blazey and student, Murial Coleman and student | 5x7(4) |
3/98 | Vic Fernandez and student | 5x7(2) |
late 1990s | Laurel Ley Begy, Brenda Smith, Barbara Schreiber, Vic Fernandez, Corinne Canough, Cathy Petruccione | 5x7 |
7/3/5 - Transfer Opportunities
1970s? | Transfer Fair in gym | 5x7 |
mid-1990s | Transfer Fair in gym | 5x7(2) |
7/4 - Financial Aid
1990s | Carol Vetter and student, Nancy Van Zetta and student | 5x7(3) |
1994 | Angela Monnat and students including Regina Sleeman | 5x7(3) |
1/96 | Susan Romano and student | 5x7 |
? | student candid | 5x7 |
mid-1990s | Susan Romano and student | 5x7 |
7/5 - Nurse's Office
1980s? | Pat Bizarro (school nurse) and students, including Norm Hecker | 8x10(2) |
7/6 - Student Activities
8/94 | Lynda Wood, John Socha, and students | 5x7 |
7/6/1 - Law Enforcement Association
Spring 1968 | Dr. Meder, law enforcement people, and students | 3x5(3) |
7/6/2 - Fraternities/Sororities
5/15/69 | Sigma Kappa Chi: Anthony Capozzi, James Newberry | 5x7(2) |
1970s | Business Dept. Nu chapter: Cynthia Westfall, Alice Page, Carol Hecker, Eileen Fiscus, Jean Louis Boudreau | 3x3(4), 5x7 |
1970s | Kappa Sigma Epsilon information table | 5x7 |
1980s | Tau Sigma Pi: Ron Demico, Mark Fiorido, Dave Pisarski, Dan Clark, Paul Sawicki | 8x10 |
9/89 | Kappa Sigma Epsilon: Thomas Mulheron, Patrick Weissand, Michael Butts, KSE picnic: including John Haluch, Dr. Meder | 5x7(3) |
9/93 | Delta Chi Omega | 5x7 |
7/6/2 - Phi Theta Kappa (Honor Society)
October 1986 | Jack Chambers, Lori Nevill, Christine Michaels, Pam Nagel, Barry Stilwell, Keith Royal, Michelle Capozzi, James Harvey, | 5x7(5) |
March 1987 | Induction: Jack Chambers, Jane McComb, Pam Nagel, Dr. Althia DeGraft Johnson | 5x7(2) |
Spring 1988 | Induction ceremony: Steven Giessler, Amanda Johnson | 5x7(2) |
Spring 1989 | Induction ceremony: Nancy Hallstead Purdy, Amanda Johnson, Lynette Miller | 5x7 |
4/24/90 | Bill Bendschneider | 5x7 |
1992? | Theresa Burns Fisher | 5x7(2) |
1993 | PTK award: Sandy Springer, Louise Mulvaney | 5x7(2) |
1993 | PTK art award recipient: Barbara Bertram Senglaub | 5x7 |
7/6/3 - Student Government Association
1969 | Meeting of student government | 5x7 |
1970s | student president Guy Ward | 3x5 |
1974-75 | Dianna Martin, Nancy Mincer, Bethany Graham, Karen Baxter, Ed Czaplinski | 5x7 |
May 1976 | Joan Pierce, Rosemary Pusey, Linda Coddington, Lynne Molina, Anne Lambert, Tom Marotta, Randy Paddock, Frank Saeva | 5x7 |
1981 | Dr. Meder and student president Fred Barton III | 3x5(2) |
1986-87 | Debi Bailey and President Charles J. Meder | 5x7 |
1988 | Deb Magavero and President Charles J. Meder | 5x7(2) |
1988-89 | Michael J. Miller and President Charles J. Meder | 5x7(2) |
1989-90 | Matt Naiva, President Meder | 5x7, 6x6(2) |
1991 | Former student presidents at Judy Cole's retirement dinner: Barry Rude, Guy Ward, Beth Graham-Wadeikis, Sandi Simmons, Rich Simbari, Donna Smith, Juliann Sykes, Deb Magavero, Mike Miller, Matt Naiva | 5x7(2) |
1993 | Jessica Horton, Sue Naiva, Ken Campbell | 5x7(3) |
May 1996 | Dan Henries, Kate Kornbau, Mary Beth Schwartz | 5x7(3) |
7/6/4 - Music
2/9/90 | Dr. Susan Matteson recital | 5x7(6) |
5/4/90 | Finger Lakes Chorale | 5x7(3) |
5/18/90 | Spring Arts fest candid | 5x7(2) |
6/22/90 | Finger Lakes Wind Ensemble | 5x7(2) |
2/3/92 | The Lincoln Hill Singers: Dr. John Walker, Dr. Susan Matteson, singers | 5x7 |
? | band playing at Sonnenberg, band candid, chorus candids | 8x10(6) |
4/6/95 | Wind Ensemble: Mo Sherrill and band | 5x7(7) |
7/6/5 - The Informer
1989 | "The infamous February 1982 Informer" | 3x5 |
7/6/6 - Orientation
Spring 1968 | Orientation picnic candids: including Jack Bricker, Jack Quiggle, Bill DeCamp, Alice Fedder, Charles Meder, Jim Williams, Sandy Bacon, Dr. Satre at podium | 5x7(20), 3x5(21) |
1969 | Picnic at Roseland | 5x7(3) |
late 60s | VA Hospital: includes Dr. Meder, Dean John Lavery, Ruth Legg, Grove Nagel | 3x3(7) |
Fall 1977 | Candid | 5x7 |
early 1980s | Karla Downing at freshman orientation doing flip | 3x3 |
Sept. 1982 | Orientation: includes: Tommie Schaffer, Deb Lewis, Gary Smith, Doug French, Valarie Vicci, Trish McGrath, Peg Pratt | 6x7 |
Fall 1989 | Jim Baird and Matt Naiva, candid corn shucking | 5x7(2) |
1992 | candid | 3x5 color |
9/97 | Orientation picnic | 5x7, 3x5(25) |
1970s | Dr. Meder, John Socha, student | 5x7 |
7/6/9/1 - Men's Baseball
3/29/93 | Coach Bob Lowden | 3x5 |
1993 | team photo, candids | 3x5(2) |
3/96 | Coach Bob Lowden | 3x5 |
1990s | candids | 5x7(22), 8x10(2) |
late 1980s and early 1990s | team photos | 5x7(2), 3x5 |
7/6/9/2 - Women's Softball
1991-1992 | candids | 5x7 |
? | candids | 3x5 |
7/6/9/3 - Men's Basketball
10/19/90 | Putt Moore, Gil Jackson, Matt Colegrove, Cory Anderson, Dick Pullen, Matt Watson, Kevin Hernandez, Bill Keehle, Asst coaches Carl Pimm and Abe Hara, R.J. Brenner, DeWayne Bennett, Corey Boatwright, Dave Rizzo, Sean Miller, Todd Baxter, Dan Brown | 5x7 |
10/15/92 | Darren Sneddon, Jerry Weathersby, ?, Kory Wright, Mark Kiser, ?, Coach Gil Jackson, ?, John Pietropaolo, ?, Barry Ouimette, Adrian Whitmire, Kurt Friel | 8x10 |
1990 | Putt Moore and David Pullen | 5x7(2) |
? | candids: including Putt Moore, Dave Pullen, Corey Boatwright, Dave Rizzo, Dick Pullen, Matt Colegrove, Cory Anderson, Chris Mack, Chris Dibble, Mark Zenoski, Fred White, Todd Hallett, Larry Ingalls, Jim Cobbit, Jeff Streeter, Mike Sheedy | 5x7(48), 8x10(2), 3x5(4) |
7/6/9/4 - Women's Basketball
1987-1988 | candids: including Jeff Simmons, Pattie Willis, Lara Riter, Mickey Record | 5x7(9) |
1988-1989 | candids: including Patti Willis, Karen Miller, Lori DeLyser, Jen Repard | 5x7(7) |
1989-1990 | candids: including coach Mickey Record, Dee Dee Craig, Jennifer Zapfel, Dianna Gabriel, Stacy McIntyre | 5x7(11) |
1990-1991 | candids: including Paula Keith | 5x7(2) |
1991-1992 | candids | 5x7(2) |
1992-1993 | candids | 5x7(8) |
1993-1994 | team photo | 5x7 |
no dates | candids | 5x7(5), 8x10(2) |
7/6/9/5 - Cross Country
1986 | Kent State Invitational: Dave Stell, Matt Bain, Norm Hecker, John Bricker, Joe Macomber, Mike Braun, Dr. John Cable, Jack Coons | 8x10 |
1988 | Coach Bruce Bridgman, Chris Graff, Lynn Bucholtz, Bob Houle, Chris Lauster, Tom McGinnis, Wade MacLaren, Shane Watson, Greg Viola, Julie Murdock, Steve Sceling | 5x7 |
1989 | Coach Bridgman, Lynn Bucholtz, ?, Wade MacLaren?, Steve Sceling, Rob Hoppough, Shane Watson, Lew White, ?, Jim Bricker, Mark Sadari | 5x7 |
1990 | Marc Sidare, Bill Opett, Greg Young, John Cascini, Lew White, Coach Bruce Bridgman, Rob Hoppough, Stewart VanBuren, Chuck Taylor, Phil Fahrenholz, John Mayou, Jim Bricker | 5x7 |
1991 | Chris Ells, Paul Muller, Rose Cleary, Dawn Young, Angela Fuller, Doug Diver, Dave Englert, Coach Bridgman, Stewart VanBuran, Rich Cole, Rick Raner, Phil Fahrenholz, Mike Trickey, Coach John Coons | 5x7 |
1991 | Lew White | 5x7 |
3/24/93 | Mark Salva | 5x7 |
? | Coach Bridgman, Mark Salva, Mike Wallace, Chris Lawson, John Mayou, Rick Rainer, Shan Lynch, Xavier Holiday, Brian DiFranco, Coach Coons, Chris Hamelinck, Mike Trickey, Chris Ells, Irene Spangenberg, Rose Cleary, Ken Burroughs, Chris Diver, John Cascini | 5x7 |
9/1/93 | John Lonz | 5x7 |
9/1/93 | Mike Fogle, Coach Bridgman, Coach Coons, Chris Lawson, John Lonz, Becky Pierce, Brian Hoover, ? | 3x5 |
1992 | Dawn Young, Ingrid Wisner, Irene Spangenberg, Rose Cleary, Coach John Coons | 5x7 8x10 |
? | Dawn Young, Angela Fuller, Coach Coons, Rose Cleary | 5x7 |
? | Rose Cleary, Ingrid Wisner, Irene Spangenberg, Coach Coons | 3x5(4) |
1994 | Ken Burroughs | 5x7 |
January 1996 | Naomi Grizenko, Terry McKenna, Shannon Fuller, Faithe Bassett, Jamie Coleman, Coach Coons | 5x7 |
? | John Cascini | 5x7 |
1990s | Coach Bruce Bridgman | 3x5 |
? | ?, Coach Coons, Jane Brownlee | 5x7 |
? | Candids: including Chris Lawson, Dennis Bisig, Rob Hoppough, Lynn Bucholtz, Jim Bricker, Lew White, Scott Willis, Brian Hoover, Rose Cleary, John Cascini, Chris Ells, Ken Burroughs, Doug Diver, Mike Trickey, Phil Fahrenholtz, Angela Fuller, Chris Taylor, Bill Opett, Dawn Young, Irene Spangenberg, Jamie Coleman | 5x7(18), 3x5(3) |
7/6/9/8 - Woodsmens Team/ Timber Sports
1970s | Dave Hutchings doing surveyor's chain throw, Tim Keech, Mark Abraham, Bob Vermey, Bill Dean, Mike Schneider, Jay Peck, Keith Murphy, Marty Dodge, Dave Hutchings, Jan Cornelius, Cathy Carr, Hank Roenke, Ellen Weber, Joe Doucette, John Kuniskus, Mark Vallely, Nancy Robson, Sue Cook, Jeff Towner, Cathy Cogswell, Lori Franklin, Monica Schwalbach | 3x5, 5x7(7) |
1975? | Kathy Deyo Bullis (1st woman on woodsmen's team) | 5x7 |
? | ESF teams | 5x7(3) |
early 1970s | Sue Cook, Nancy Robson | 5x7(3) |
1986 | Regina Reinschmidt | 5x5 |
1988 | Fingerlakes A Team: Tim Vanderlinde, Kurt Palmateer, Bret Banaglia, Chuck Congdon, Tim Middleton, Scott Clouse | 3x5(2) |
1989 | Marty Dodge, Amy Mott, Chuck Congdon, Russ Winter, Kurt Palmateer, Heather Caldwell, Karen Eisenhart | 5x7(7) |
1990s | Renee Noble, Colleen Hyland, Heather Caldwell, Krishell Clouse, Shannon Banfield, Andrea Robarge, Amy Mott, Anne Barrington, Erika ? | 5x7(2), 3x5 |
1991 | Anne Barrington, Amy Mott, Heather Caldwell, Paul Pfinniger | 5x7(3) |
1990s? | Matt Karp, Greg Muscato, Jim Fyfe, Dennis Anderson, Scott Bingham (sp?), Steve Birch, Jamie Finch Varney, Colleen Herrington, Elana Hansen, Andy Schreiner, Ryan McFarland, Paul Pfinniger, Steve Birch, Peggy Gebhart, Ann Staples | 5x7(7), 3x5 |
6/95 | Marty Dodge | 5x7 |
7/6/9/9 - Men's Lacrosse
1990s | Coach Curt Smith and team, candids | 5x7(4) |
7/6/9/10 -Women's Lacrosse
7/6/9/11 - Cheerleading
1975-1976 | Paula O'Brien, Linda Harter, Susan Zimmerman, Dawn McClelland, Mary Beth Thannert | 5x7 |
7/6/9/12 - Men's Soccer
1980s | team photo 1986, candids including Mike Rieger | 3x5(3), 5x7(7), 8x10(2) |
1990s | candids including Mike Rieger, Eric Marsh | 5x7(7), 3x5(31) color, 3x5(2) |
7/6/9/13 - Women's Soccer
1980s? | candids | 5x7 |
1986 | team photo including Steve Connelly | 8x10 |
1989 | candids | 5x7(6) |
1991 | candids | 5x7(4) |
1993 | candids and team photos | 5x7, 3x5(25) |
1994 | candids | 5x7(3) |
1995 | candids | 5x7(2) |
1990s? | candids and team photo with Steve Connelly | 5x7(4) |
7/6/10 - Drama - Children's Theatre
1986 | children watching play (great photo) | 5x7 |
mid-80s | candids: Shawn Coates as prince | 5x7(4) |
1/89 | Sleeping Beauty | 5x7(4) |
1/12/90 | The Wonders of Storybook Land | 5x7(9) |
1/14/91 | Dish for a King: Francine DiTomaso, Jeff Manning, Tracy Makovitch, Jack Stover, Bill Pettine, Joe Gundy, Aaron Newman | 5x7 |
1/13/92 | Rumpelstilskin: Michael Lancaster, Sheri Coe, Doug Sloth | 5x7(2) |
1/95 | Mystery of Gumdrop Dragon: Monique Temko, Jessica Ashley, Astrid Ryan, Chris Burns | 5x7(3) |
1/96 | Invisible Dragon | 5x7 |
7/6/10 - Drama - Plays
1970s? | New students: Shelly Bronson, Mrs. Bronson, Todd Bronson, Ruth Legg, Colleen O'Mara, actress dressed as asian | 5x7, 3x5 |
1977 | Little Mary Sunshine: Nancy Hildebrandt, Basia Lubicz, Sherry Beach, Susan Sheldon, Marilyn Chester, Evelyn Bottorf | 5x7 |
1981 | Family Day: Paula Morrow, Rebecca Borst, Noralee Baker, Jack Wilson | 5x7 |
1982 | Anastasia: Colleen O'Mara, Nancy Lord, Michael Hartson, Celeste Hamilton, Leif Herr-Gessell | 5x7(2) |
1985 | Jeff Adams and students | 5x7 |
1986 | Butterflies are Free: Shawn Coates, Marcy Sells, Rebecca Taft, Robert Hotchkiss | 5x7(10) |
1987 | Death Trap: Shawn Coates, Andrew Bahstat (Bahjat?), Family Day (Harvey?): Jim Thompson, Susan Leach, Sef Kline | 5x7(6) |
1988 | Ten Little Indians: Elizabeth Simone, Jim Thompson, Susan Leach, Judy Denniston | 5x7(5) |
1989 | The Nerd: Aaron Newman, Erik Balcome, Jennifer Fischette, Bryan Sanders, Parent's Day: Judy Denniston, Patrick Powell, Doug Ewalt | 5x7(4) |
1990 | The Hollow: Erik Balcome, Eric Lewandowski, Albert Precourt, Bryan Sanders, Andrew Gardner, Traci Makovitch, Jennifer Robie, Nancy Lee, Aaron Newman, Kelly Fogarty, Nuts: Eric Lewandowski, Jennifer Gorman, Bill Pettine, Jennifer Fischette | 5x7(15) |
1991 | The Wake of Jamey Foster: Richard DeBadts, Michael Lancaster, Tessa Case, Sunny Van DeWater, Nancy Lee, Traci Sanders | 5x7(2) |
1992 | Murder on the Nile: Rory Smith, Sheri Coe | 5x7 |
1993 | Subject to Change: Maureen Connelly, Larry Van Cassele, Elizabeth Seager, Lori Lloyd, Sheri Coe, Rory Smith, Greater Tuna: Frank Storace, Adam Kyzia | 5x7(10) |
3/2/94 | Murder by the Book: Susan "Lily" Scott, Adam Kuzia, Frank Storace, Doug Copeland | 5x7(4), 3x5 |
7/6/14 - Student Housing
1986-1995 | candid | 5x7(8) |
7/6/17 - Student Awards
April 1970 | Jolene Capozzi (student), Mrs. Dru Malavese (Dir. of West Ontario Chapter of American Red Cross), Rev. Michael Garber (chapter chairman) | 5x7 |
Nov. 1971 | Nursing Scholarship: Mrs. Walter Colf (Chairman of scholarship com.), Thomas Pond (student), Margaret Brady (Nursing Dept. chair) | 5x7(2) |
October 1972 | Nursing Scholarship: Marilyn Rolland (Ontario Co. Ext. Center), Linda Post (student) | 5x7(2) |
Nov. 1972 | Bankers Scholarship: John Champaigne (Financial Aid Director), David Helfer (student), Mrs. Jane Eggleston (Pres. of Ontario Co. Bankers Ass.) | 5x7 |
March 1978 | Secretarial Science winners of Kodak Scholarships: Gloria Carmel, Cathy Poole, Monica Foy, Professor Marcia Phillips DeCamp, Tammy Milliman, Kathy Allen, Kodak Scholarships: Gloria Carmel, Cathy Poole, Monica Foy, Tammy Milliman, Kathy Allen, Martin Bracato, Kurt Vay, Harry Watt | 5x7(2) |
May 1982 | Barbara C. Conley and ?, recipient of Philip Michlin Memorial Scholarship Award for accounting | 4x4 |
1988 | Sheriff's Association Award: Don McCarthy, Brian Hendricks, Gary Stewart | 5x7 |
Sept. 1989 | Jane Brownlee: Alton B. Corbit scholarship winner | 5x7 |
Dec. 1989 | Sheriff's Ass. Scholarship: Major Richard A. Schaff (Monroe Co. Sheriff's Office), Jack Bricker, Paul Phillips, Michael Rieger, Gary Stewart (Ontario Cty Sheriff), Don McCarthy | 5x7(2) |
Feb. 1989 | Mark Zenowski (student), Putt Moore | 5x7 |
April 1989 | Joe Pratt (student) | 5x7 |
April 1989 | Kraig Kettlekamp and Bud Amann | 5x7(2) |
April 1989 | Linda Hooper, winner of RIT Outstanding Transfer Scholarship | 5x7(4) |
April 1990 | Horticulture award: Keith Knopick, Angela Merola, Paul Auburn | 5x7 |
May 1990 | Chamber of Commerce award winners: Debra Stephens, Matt Lanzoni, Joyce Stull | 5x7 |
Aug. 1990 | NJCAA All-American: Bob Lowden, Erik Morrell (student), Jack Coons | 5x7 |
1990-1991 | Sheriff's Award: Andrew Meloni (Monroe Co. Sheriff), Patrick Gallagher (student), Gary Stewart (Ontario Co. Sheriff) | 5x7 |
7/16/91 | Academic All-American: Bruce Bridgeman, Lew White (student), Peter Friedman, Putt Moore | 5x7(2) |
Dec. 1991 | Sheriff's Award: Phil Povero (Ontario Co. Sheriff), Jeff Ellis (student) | 5x7 |
April 1994 | Putt Moore, President Dan Hayes, John Loncz (student), Bruce Bridgeman | 5x7 |
7/6/18 - Spring Break and Other Trips
May 1974 | Washington trip: Jack Bricker and students | 8x10 |
1970s? | ski trip | 5x7 |
1986 | ski trip | 5x7(2) |
? | Bowery trip | 5x7(4), 8x10 |
? | Social Science trip to Washington: Henry Maus, Barb Chappell, students, Frank Horton, Jack Kemp | 8x10(2) |
? | Washington trip | 8x10 |
7/7 - College Relations
Summer 1969 | Fair Exhibit | 3x5(4) |
1990s | FLCC commencement photo used as backdrop for President Clinton's speech at the American Association of Community Colleges | 5x7(2) |
7/8 - Geneva Extension Center
Feb. 1975 | Counseling Advisory Committee: Al Corbit, Rev. W.G. Lloyd, Shirley Thibault, Rosa Blue, John Chipembere, James Pinkerd, Wendall Obey | 5x7 |
1989 | Curt Smith and class, Geneva renovation, Keith Batman and students, Ray Geary, Sue Smith, John Cromartie, Jim Armstrong, Marge Troll, John Cromartie and student at registration | 5x7(12) |
1991 | Bob Burns and class | 5x7 |
1992 | Donna Nolan-Cheesman and registration, Vic Fernandez and student at registration, Dr. Ben Richardson and students | 5x7(9) |
1993 | Karen O'Donnell, John Cromartie, Marge Troll, and students | 5x7(2) |
1994 | Gil Jackson, Jim Armstrong, student, Janet Irwin, student, John Cromartie, Luvenia Cowart, Susanna Engman-Benedict, Suanne Butwell, Marge Troll | 5x7(2) |
various | Candids, including Helen Crowley | 5x7(23), 3x5(2) |
various | Keith Batman, John Cromartie, and student | 5x7(7) |
? | Building exterior | 5x7(3), 8x10 |
1995 | Jim Armstrong, John Cromartie and student | 5x7 |
2/96 | Computer lab | 5x7 |
7/9 - Newark Extension Center
? | Newark Development Center | 5x7 |
4/27/90 | Construction at Newark | 5x7(10) |
8/22/90 | Ribbon cutting ceremony: James Armstrong, Ass't Administrator of Wayne Economic Corp.; Gary Lagenor, Newark Deputy Mayor; Gail Love, Chair of Board of Trustees, Billboard | 5x7(3) |
10/16/90 | Rick Monheim and students | 5x7(3) |
1991 | Helene Ribble and students including Pam Vanhoute and Felecia Barnett, Frank Mandery and students including Karen Vitalone and Joyce Jackson | 5x7(4) |
1992 | Newark Building | 5x7 |
3/1/94 | Frank Mandery and students including Jackie Ubiles, Michael Knight, Elana LaPlaca, Bruce Bridgman and students including Mickey LaPlaca | 5x7(6) |
9/21/94 | Newark staff: Laila Paliotti, Barb Delube(?), Sue Ann Butwell, Bob Morris, Stephanie Olsen, Jane Irwin, Sharon Nedrow, Vinnie Cowert, Ed Gullo, Shirley Schulze | 5x7(2) |
5/95 | Rebecca Hartwell-DeNeef (student), Stephanie Olsen, Laila Paliotti | 5x7(3) |
1990s | candids, including Clara Manuel | 5x7(12), 3x5 |
7/10 - Victor Extension Center
9/89 | blood drive, students | 5x7(4) |
? | Registration | 5x7 |
1989 | Mary Beth Taylor and classroom | 5x7 |
7/11 - Other Extension Centers
? | Willard Psychiatric Center | 5x7 |
? | Flint BOCES | 5x7 |
? | Seneca Army Depot | 5x7 |
? | maybe Willard | 5x7 |
8/1/1 - Educational Technology
? | Taping of Economics USA with Kathy Delcour and John Sinton, Cindy Kneut doing taping | 3x5 |
8/4/1 - Art
? | student candids, including Joanne Yankovich, Jane McComb | 5x7(23), 1.5x4, 8x10(2), 3x5(2) |
? | Paul Steckel and students | 5x7 |
? | John Fox and students | 5x7(6) |
? | Wayne Williams and students | 3x5, 5x7(3), 8x10(3) |
1995 | Helen Santelli and students | 5x7(4) |
1980s | sculpture of William Simon for U of R, created by Wayne Williams | 3x5(2) |
8/4/2 - Business
? | Edie Lawson and class | 5x7 |
? | Industrial management | 5x7 |
? | Brenda Brockman and class | 5x7 |
2/26/90 | John Sinton and class | 5x7(3) |
?, 3/7/90 | Dick Stryker and students | 5x7(6) |
2/26/90-1996 | Bruce Bridgman and students | 5x7(13) 3x5 |
? | Jim Baird and students | 5x7(3) |
? | Don Zamperetti and students | 3x5(2), 8x10 |
12/8/77 | Speaker at business club lunch | 5x7 |
Fall 1982 | Marketing class: L. Barnes, Professor James Baird, D. Orlando, T. Lucey, T. Scharr, C. Swallow, G. Richardson, L. Drennan, J. Caster | 3x5 |
3/8/90 | Student in Lawson's economics class | 5x7 |
? | Bookkeeping | 5x7 |
? | Ethics and business breakfast in Stage 13? | 5x7(2) |
1989 | Ethics: Jim Baird and Andy Harkness | 5x7 |
3/14/95 | Steven Miskell and class | 5x7(3) |
? | candids | 5x7(4) |
11/93 | Sue Smith and class | 5x7(3) |
10/93 | Ed Fitzpatrick and class | 5x7(2) |
2/95 | Kathy DelCour and class | 5x7(9) |
6/94 | Gloria Benbem and class | 5x7 |
10/93 | Rich Larkin and class outside | 5x7(3) |
9/95 | Jeanne Fagan and class, Don Zamperetti in background | 5x7(3) |
2/95 | student intern at Inn on the Lake | 5x7(2) |
5/96 | Kathy DelCour and class | 5x7(3) |
9/96 | Jeanne Fagan and Don Zamperetti and class | 5x7(3) |
1990s | Mike Procton and class | 5x7(2) |
1990s | Cynthia Rochford and class | 5x7 |
8/4/2 - Business Olympics
10/87 | Candids and awards | 5x7(6) |
8/4/2/1 - Retailing
1970s | students working in retail | 5x7(5) |
11/78 | students working | 5x7 |
1970s | Eastview Mall (extension center classes taught there) | 5x7 |
5/79 | Catherine Blake, '78 graduate retail business mgt, employed by Stuart's | 5x7 |
1990s | Students setting up display window in business department | 5x7(4) |
8/4/3 - Conservation - General
1970s? | Marty Dodge and class | 5x7 |
6/7/94 | Fish census: Frank Smith and students | 5x7 |
1990s | Bruce Gilman and students, including Gail Plant | 5x7(4) |
3/13/91 | Marty Dodge and students in woodshop | 5x7(3) |
3/13/91 | Steve Connelly and students in woodshop | 5x7(3) |
1970s? | Bill Banaszewski and students taking seminar field exam | 5x7 |
1970s | Ed Pfeffer and students | 5x7 |
1980s | Chris White and students including Jamie Varney | 5x7(2) |
1980s? | Frank Smith and students | 5x7 |
? | Boardwalk on nature trail, Marty Dodge with students including Suzanne Walker on boardwalk | 5x7(3) |
? | waterfalls | 5x7(2) |
1989 | E.A.C. Tree planting | 5x7(2) |
1980s? | Laurie Salzer and raccoon, Heinz Meng and peregrin falcon | 8x10(2) |
9/24/91 | Conservation Field Days: Barb Olds with hawk | 5x7 |
1990s | Marty Dodge | 5x7 |
1980s | Dedication of E.V. Boyle (boat): John Cable, Peter Friedman, Al Thorpe, Ed Moberg, Marilyn Hurlbutt, Bruce Gilman, Hank Roenke, Dr. Meder | 5x7 |
? | Candids: students working in woodlot? | 8x10 |
1990s | Steve Connelly and students on boat | 3x5 |
8/4/3 - Conservation - 4-H Field Days
? | Ron Missle teaching fishing | 5x7(2) |
10/89 | Joe Letta and kids, teacher holding frog with kids | 5x7 5x7 |
8/4/3 - Conservation - Cummings Nature Center
1975-76 | Grounds | 3x5(21), 5x7(4) |
Summer 1976 | Raymond Donohue '76 with oxen Dan and Duke | 8x10 |
? | Summer boardwalk building project? | 5x7 |
8/4/3 - Conservation - Field Camp
6/89 | Steve Connelly and students on boat with fish, Frank Smith, Mary Gleason, John Pimkowski, Sylvia Thomson, Tim O'Sullivan, Building a lean-to at Camp Cutler | 5x7(7) |
? | Field camp? Might be pond seining | 5x7(3) color |
8/4/3 - Conservation - Fish Shocking
? | Fish shocking | 5x7(3) |
4/89 | DEC Electro-shocking | 5x7(2) |
4/11/91 | Electro-shocking | 5x7(6) |
6/7/94 | Electro-shocking | 5x7 |
8/4/3 - Conservation - Florida Trip
Jan Plan 1975 | Loading car, Hank Roenke and students | 5x7 |
Jan Plan 73-75 | Flamingo Campground in Everglades National Park | 5x7 color |
Jan Plan 1989 | Group photo | 5x7(2) |
8/4/3 - Conservation - Herbert B. Collins Fish Culture Center
12/88 | Steve Connelly, Mrs. Collins, Dr. Charles J. Meder | 5x7(4) |
8/4/3 - Conservation - Nature Convention
Fall 1986 | NYSOEA (New York State Outdoor Educators Association) conference, including Sabrina Woodhams, Carol King, nature trail | 8x10(10) |
8/4/3 - Conservation - Pond Seining
5/89 | Frank Smith and fish, Steve Connelly and students | 5x7(9) |
8/4/3 - Conservation - Solid Waste Symposium
1985 | Symposium, including photos of Frank Smith and Assemblyman Henchy | 5x7(4) |
8/4/3 - Conservation - West Hill Nature Preserve
5/23/73 | $1,000 gift from student gov't for West Hill Nature Preserve, Ralph Campbell, Clifford Reed, George Reed, Lawrence Keith, student David Gotham and Peter Ells, William Banaszewski | 5x7 |
8/4/3 - Horticulture
various | Dan Marion and students | 5x7(33), 8x10, 2x2 |
1989 | Plant clinic | 5x7(2) |
? | candid flower arranging | 3x5 |
1980s | Jill Byington, Marci Muller, Hilary McCrystal | 8x10 |
1970s | Jerry Hallinan and students | 5x7 |
1990s | Ed Moberg and student | 5x7 |
8/4/3 - Horticulture - Greenhouse
6/19/78 | Groundbreaking: Elwood A. Garner, John T. Hicks, Robert Peters, Dr. Meder, Dan Marion, Ed Moberg, Lee Drake, Jim Williams | 5x7(5) |
11/78 | construction | 5x7(2) |
Spring 1979 | candids | 5x7(3) |
1978? | Ed Moberg and students | 5x7 |
1980s-1992 | candids | 5x7(9), 3x3(2) |
? | candids including Marci Muller, Jill , Dan Marion | 8x10(2), 5x7(3) |
8/4/3 - Horticulture - Sonnenberg
Fall 1975 | Grounds at Sonnenberg | 3x5(19), 5x7(6) |
Fall 1975 | Student worker | 5x7 |
8/4/3 - Taxidermy
5/89 | ? | 5x7 |
8/4/4 - Developmental Studies
6/9/92 | Jim Armstrong and student | 5x7 |
8/4/4/3 - Academic Support Center
? | Howard Green and student | 8x10 |
6/8/93 | Kim Kimble (student) and Mike Nolan | 5x7 |
9/95 | Jennifer Stanton (peer tutor) and students | 5x7(3) |
8/4/5 - EMS/EMT
3/31/93 | EMT training | 5x7(8) |
8/4/6 - Language Arts
Jan. 1975 | Gary Goodno and "Underground Film" class, Al Corbit, Elaine Lomber, and students in Job Orientation class | 5x7(2) |
5/16/90 | Mary Lou Boynton and class | 5x7(3) |
3/20/91 | Elaine Lomber and class | 5x7 |
5/13/92 | Mary Lou Boynton | 5x7 |
? | Wil Sproule and student, Bob Morris and student, Carlene Lankton and student | 5x7(2), 8x10 |
10/93 | Sandy Camillo and class, Chris Parker and class | 5x7(3), 3x5(2) |
9/95 | Elaine Lomber and class | 5x7(7) |
12/95 | Bob Morris and student | 5x7 |
5/96 | Chris Parker and class | 5x7(2) |
1997 | Suzanna Engman Benedict and class | 5x7(2) |
mid-1990s | Sandy Camillo and class | 5x7(4) |
8/4/7 - Math
3/18/91 | Sherman Hunt and students | 5x7(4) |
? | prof and students in trigonometry class | 5x7 |
3/96 | Carol Freeman and class | 5x7(3) |
10/93 | Kim Wager Chudnik and class | 5x7 3x5 |
? | Frank Mandery and students | 5x7 |
8/4/7 - Computer Science and Data Processing
11/78 | Data processing class | 5x7 |
3/20/91 | Pat Nettnin and students | 5x7(7) |
9/92 | Sandy Brown and students | 5x7(43), 3x5 |
? | Don Eckert and students | 5x7 |
? | Candids | 5x7(2), 8x10, 3x5 |
8/4/8 - Mechanical Technology
1970s | Leon Berthiaume and students | 5x7(2) |
1980s? | Leon Berthiaume and students | 5x7(2) |
2/23/90 | Selim Araci and class | 5x7(6) |
3/1/90 | Leon Berthiaume and students | 5x7(2) |
8/4/8 - Drafting and Design
6/92 6/94 |
Cad lab candids | 5x7(11) |
? | candids | 4x6(5), 8x10(2) |
11/95 | Marsha Walton and class, including Brian Lambert, Jason Kaber | 5x7(4) |
late 1990s | Marsha Walton and students | 5x7(3) |
8/4/9 - Music
? | Candids including Bob Pickert, students | 5x7(13), 8x10, 3x5 |
? | Catherine Kamm and student | 5x7(2), 8x10 |
3/20/91 | Sue Matteson | 5x7(2) |
12/9/94 | Sue Matteson and Mo Sherrill | 5x7 |
8/4/10 - Science Professors and students
1970s | David Prull, developmental psych students at Marcus Whitman with supervising principal Ralph Casperson | 5x7(3), 8x10 |
1970s-1990s | Pat Pietropaolo and students | 5x7(7), 3x5 |
1970s | Anne Johnson and student | 5x7 |
1970s | Frank Mooney and students | 7x7, 5x7 |
1970s | Lee Drake and students | 5x7(17), 8x10 |
1980s-1990s | Linda Hobart and class | 5x7(9) |
1980s | Linda Hobart and Leslie Davis, student | 5x7(4) |
1990s | Frank Razavi and student | 5x7 |
1970s-1990s | Rochelle Downing and students | 5x5, 5x7 |
3/29/90 | Technology Bound: Kathy Riesenberger and students | 5x7(3) |
1992 | Sam Samanta and students | 5x7 |
10/95 | Selim Araci and students | 5x7(2) |
11/95 | Deb Massey and students | 5x7(2) |
9/97 | Ed Morrell and student in library | 5x7 |
8/4/10 - Science Student Candids
late 1960s | Kitchen chemistry | 3x3(2) |
various | Student candids including Ann Terruli | 5x7(36), 8x10(13) |
8/4/10 - Science Labs
? | Lab photos | 5x7(3), 2x3 |
8/4/10 - Science Olympics
1981 | Group photos of Honeoye Falls/Lima, Penn Yan, Newark, Red Jacket, Seneca Falls, Marcus Whitman, Naples, Pal Mac, Victor, Honeoye, De Sales, Bloomfield, Midlakes, Geneva, Canandaigua, Waterloo | 5x7(16) |
? | Student candids | 5x7(8), 8x10 |
1987-1990 | Sherman Hunt, Bud Amann, and others | 5x7(4) |
1989-91 | Student candids | 5x7(5) |
12/3/93 | Pat Nettnin and students | 5x7(2) |
8/4/11 - Nursing
? | Candids, including 2/90 nursing lab, Ann Robinson, Liz Barnes | 5x7(15), 8x10, 3x5 |
3/96 | Lori Henley and students visiting home nursing lab | 5x7(7) |
8/4/12 - Phys Ed
1971 | Vickie Miller and students | 3x3 |
Jan Plan 1975 | Vickie Miller and beginning skiing students, Killington, Vt | 5x7 |
1970s? | Putt Moore and scuba class, Chuck and Vickie Miller demonstrate CPR, Chuck Miller and canoe class, Chuck Miller and sailing class | 5x7(4), 8x12 |
3/91 | Sue Hassel and class | 5x7(7) |
Summer 1995 | CPR non-credit class | 5x7 |
? | Cross-country skiing | 5x7 |
6/95 | Willie FitzPatrick | 5x7 |
? | Gilbert Jackson | 3x5 |
10/95 | Tennis | 5x7(2) |
11/95 | Exercise room | 5x7(3) |
95-96 | Kristen Bray and class | 5x7(7) |
8/4/14 - Social Science
? | Al Corbit and class | 5x7 |
Jan. 1975 | Bill O'Brien (ITE, Victor Insulators), Al Corbit, and class for "Developmental Psychology" | 5x7(2) |
1980s? | student and disabled children - internship? | 5x7 |
5/16/90 | Dr. Kennedy's class | 5x7(3) |
5/16/90 | Henry Maus and class | 5x7(4) |
? | Fred MacNamara | 5x7(2) |
9/92 | John Pietropaolo and class -Becky Burgess and class | 5x7(3), 3x5(3) |
6/15/94 | Fred MacNamara and class | 5x7 |
2/95 | Ben Richarson and class | 5x7(9) |
8/95 | John Pietropaolo and class | 5x7 |
1/96 | Ed Kennedy and class | 5x7(6) |
1/97 | Fred MacNamara and students | 5x7(2) |
9/97 | Jack Bricker and class | 5x7(3) |
8/4/15 - Visual and Performing Arts
late 1970s? | Dan LaVista and class | 5x7 |
? | AV candids | 5x7(3) |
10/92 | Rick Cook and students | 3x5 |
10/93 | Recording studio | 5x7 |
10/14/94 | Theater workshop: Colleen O'Mara and student | 5x7 |
3/20/95 | Broadcast lab | 5x7 |
2/96 | Editing room | 5x7(3) |
8/4/16 - Engineering Science
3/1/90 | John Urbanczyk and students | 5x7(6) |
1990 | Frank Razavi and students | 5x7(6) |
8/4/17 - Secretarial Science
1977 | Dean John Cable at Secretarial Science Open House | 5x7 |
1977? | Fashion show at the Sheraton | 5x7 |
4/19/78 | Secretarial Science Luncheon at Trenholm East, includes photos of Marcia Phillips DeCamp, Edith Blakeslee, Brenda Brockman, Deborah Hawkins (alumnus) | 5x7(5) |
1970s | Sue Knapp, Bonnie Harman, Edith Blakeslee -Edith Blakeslee and class |
5x7(3) |
? | student candids | 5x7(10), 3x4(2) |
8/4/18 - Criminal Justice
1970s | Criminal Justice manger scenes, including Marty Reynolds, Kathie Gelser, Randy Rowley, Dale Steverson | 5x7(3) |
December 1975 | Area law enforcement training: including Syracuse Chief of Police Thomas J. Sardino | 5x7(2) |
? | Paul Phillips (?) and students | 5x7(2) |
3/26/1975 | Geneva Police Sgt. Donald Batson, Dale Clark, Robert Healy | 3x3 |
? | Canandaigua police department | 5x7(2) |
4/3/81 | Dennis Crouch at firing range (student) | 5x7 |
3/18/91 | Don McCarthy and students | 5x7(2) |
1992 | Criminal Justice intern and officers | 5x7(3) |
2/96 | Paul Phillips and class | 5x7(4) |
? | Field work | 5x7(4) |
8/5 - Library - on Parrish St.
1968-69 | promo shot of students in library | 8x10 |
1968 | interior shots | 3x5, 5x7(4), 3x3(7) |
1968 | reshelving books | 3x3(8) |
1968 | exterior | 2x5, 3x3(3), 4x6, 5x7(3) |
1968 | Alice Fedder, librarian | 2x4(4), 5x7(3) |
1968 | promo shots of books | 3x5(2), 5x7 |
8/5 - Library - Construction
1969-70 | interior | 5x7(2) |
1969-70 | exterior | 5x7(4), 2x2(3) |
8/5 - Library - behind Sommers Building 1970-75
Jan. 1975 | interior, Reese Davis (assistant librarian) | 5x7(7) |
8/5 - Library - Library Construction 1995-96
1995-96 6/96 | construction, finished interior, Steve Varney and Bruce Jensen putting up shelving | 3x5(10), 5x7(4) |
8/5 - Library - Learning Lab
1979 ? |
Muriel Coleman and student | 4x5, 5x7 |
1970s | students at learning stations | 5x7(2) |
8/5 - Library - Lincoln Hill Campus Library
Jan. 1975 | Al Corbit and Zeke Lockemeyer in new library building | 5x7 |
1970s? | new library exterior | 3x5(2) |
1980s? |
interior, students studying (photos for promotional materials) | 5x7(13), 4x6(4), 8x10(3), 3x5 |
1987-88 | student, Donna Dobler, Charlotte Cooper | 5x7 |
1990s | Sandy Camillo (English) and student, student at listening station, students in library | 5x7(4), 8x10(3) |
11/30/90 | student candids | 5x7(2) |
5/14/92 | student candids | 5x7(4) |
5/10/93 | Dr. Hayes, Kim Kimble (student), other student | 5x7(3) |
6/20/94 | student candids | 5x7(2) |
1980-1990? | Doug Wolfe, Bill Hopkins, Ed Rivenburgh, Dave Wilkes, Susan Clayton, Gary Hilton, Mary Beth Bell, Pat Vitalone, Maureen Lahue, Jim Goff, Danielle Pollok, Stephanie Brenenson, Charlotte Cooper, Linda Pauling, Theresa Thurn, Sue Swingle | 5x7 |
11/96 | student candids in periodicals area | 5x7(2) |
Fall 1998 | Library staff: Frank Queener, Tammy Phillips, Michelle Eichelberger, Linda Pauling, Susan Clayton, Charlotte Cooper, Maureen Lahue, Pat Vitalone, Suanne Santee, Karen Clement, Sharon Malecki | 5x7 |
8/6/3 - The Institute for Workforce Development
May 1989 | Institute Opening: includes speaker Robert Mehalso, Lt. Gov. Stan Lundine, Steve Zalewski, Pat Pietropaolo, David Mathes, Ken Wilson, Mary Beth Bell, Russell Fowler, Dr. Meder, John Hicks, Keith Batman | 5x7(8), 8x10(10) |
1989-91 | exterior of building, interior | 5x7(4) |
11/5/1990 | Don Svoren and students | 5x7(5) |
6/4/1993 | James Parker, Dr. Hayes, Richard A. Roth (TQM sponsors) | 5x7(2) |
1990s? | portraits including Dan Hedberg, Judy Smith and classes, Dennett Pimkowski and class, Tom Hawks and class, candids | 5x7(19), 8x10(5), 3x5(7) |
1990s | staff photos: Ray Geary, Connie Trainor, Angela Petrucco, Don Friday, Charlene Jordan, Judy Smith, Ellen O'Neill, Karla Taylor, Barb Hackel, Trenton Hightower | 5x7(6) |
8/6/4 - Community Education
various | Candids, including Maria DePalma's drawing class, Jeff Adams' video class, Jim O'Neill's florist class, stenciling class, quilting, watercolor, piano, sign language | 5x7(49) |
ads | Linda Hooper, Evie Bottort, Dave Weeks, Keith P. Cochrane, ?, Ken Kelly | 5x7(6), 3x5(2), 8x10(3) |
9/21/94 | Ray Geary, Connie Trainor, Diane Hazen, Sally Crosiar | 5x7 |
7/97 | Elderhostel: includes Bruce Gilman, John VanNiel |
8/6/4/1 - Community Education - Kid's College
various | Fishing with Frank Smith and kids | 5x7(10) |
1980s | soccer | 5x7(5) |
7/22/92 | photography | 5x7(2) |
1985 | Doc and Katy Abraham and kids | 5x7 |
7/26/90 | Barb Chappell and movement class | 5x7(2) |
89-90 | sewing class with kids, including Megan Kolomic, Eryne Quinn | 5x7(7) |
91-92 | art class with kids | 5x7(8) |
1989 | Kitchen chemistry: James Yahnite and kids | 5x7(4) |
1980s | nature study: Charlie Rouse and kids | 5x7(3) |
8/10 - BOCES
? | Candids | 5x7(12), 8x10(15) |
12/89 | Candids | 5x7(2) |
Spring 1990 | Candids | 5x7(15) |
Fall 1991 | Candids | 5x7(8) |
3/29/94 | Dental hygiene instruction, Cosmetology | 5x7(7) |
11/16/94 | Woodworking | 5x7(7) |
9/95 | Tractor trailer instruction | 5x7(4) |
10/1 - Bookstore
Date | Subject | Size |
1968 | student shopping | 5x7 |
1968 | Helen Wallace, bookstore manager | 5x7 (3) |
1968 | Door to bookstore | 5x7 |
1969 | Bookstore on Main Street | 5x7 |
2/69 | Helen Wallace, Virginia Lemon (student) | 5x7, 5x10 |
1975-1989? | Lorraine Maher (manager) and student | 5x7 |
1990s | student trying on class ring | 2x5 |
1990s | bookstore interior | 2x5 |
1990s | Lorraine Maher, Jean Koch, Joyce Graham | 2x5 |
7/1/92 | John Stoddard and student | 5x7(2) |
4/95 & 1/96 | candids, Jean Koch and student, Jean Koch, ?, John Stoddard, Lorraine Maher | 5x7(8) |
10/2 - Cafeteria
1989 | Bobbie ? | 5x7(2) |
10/3 - Child Care Center
12/87 | Center opening: Ken Wilson, Chairman of Board of Supervisors; Ronna Stewart, director of Child Care Center; Dr. Charles Meder, FLCC president; Lyle Brown, Chairman of Board of Trustees; Pat Crowley, Supervisor; Clyde Beebe, Chair of facilities committee, Ronna Stewart and children on steps | 5x7(5), 4x6(2) |
? | child care candids | 5x7(11) |
9/27/94 | Day care construction | 5x7 |
11/5 - Rochester Area Colleges (RAC)
1970s | RAC seminar, RAC conference at Notre Dame Retreat House, Victor Ferkiss, prof. of gov't at Georgetown, RAC conference | 5x7(4) |
11/7 - Benefits and Charities - General
? | Poster asking for donations for homeless | 5x7 |
1989 | Habitat for Humanity, including Mary Beth Taylor, Barb Schreiber, Julie Smith | 5x7(3) |
1989 | Jail Days: including Barb Schreiber | 5x7(3) |
11/7/1 - United Way
5/89 | Lobster basketball - Dr. Meder, Ray Geary, and students | 5x7 |
11/7/5 - Oxfam
1/89 | Oxfam - including Henry Maus, Don Friday, Keith Batman, Marty Dodge | 5x7(3) |
12/1/1 - Commencement (Graduation)
June 8, 1969 | Trenholm East Inn: Dr. Satre, Dr. Meder | 3x5(2), 5x7(3) |
June 6, 1976 | Candids including speaker Marion B. Javits, board of supervisors chairman William McGowan, student president James Carra | 5x7(5), 3x3 |
June 5, 1977 | Candids including Dr. Meder giving out diplomas, speaker Howard Samuels, John Britting | 5x7(9), 3x5(2) color |
June 4, 1978 | Candids including John Socha, speaker Jack Bricker, Dr. Meder handing out diplomas, Board of Trustees chairman John C. Britting, student Kathleen Bay | 5x7(6) |
June 3, 1979 | speaker Connie Carpenter | 5x7(2) |
May 31, 1981 | speaker Clifford Wharton, Peggy Champaigne and students | 4x6 |
May 26, 1985 | Candids including Mia Principio (student), Dean John Cable presenting DEC Commissioner Henry G. Williams with tee-shirt | 5x7(2) color, 5x7(3), proofsheets |
June 1, 1986 | Candids including Dr. Meder, Dean John Cable, speaker James L. Emery, student president Juliann D. Sykes, chaplain Glenn Evans, Ed Morrell, Sherm Hunt, Rick Evans | 5x7(20) b&w and color proofsheets |
May 31, 1987 | Candids | 5x7(2) |
May 22, 1988 | Candids including student president Deborah Magavero, Dr. Meder, Board of Trustees, John Socha, Tim Tapscott, speaker Brewster H. Shaw Jr., Peggy Champaigne, Victor Fernandez, Brenda Smith | 5x7(13) |
May 28, 1989 | Candids including chaplain Mary Beth Taylor, Steve Connelly, students Jim Thompson and Helen Crowley | 5x7(7) |
June 3, 1990 | Candids including Susan Matteson, student president Matt Naiva, Gail Love, Josh Heller, Jack Bricker, Barb Chappell | 5x7(12) |
June 2, 1991 | Candids including student president Barry Rude, Dr. Meder, speaker Louise Slaughter, Peter Friedman | 5x7(2) |
May 31, 1992 | Candids including Gail Love, Dr. Meder, bagpipers | 5x7(6) |
May 30, 1993 | Candids including Nancy Langer, the Honorable Nancy E. Smith | 5x7(10) |
May 22, 1994 | Candids including Patrick S. Burns | 5x7(2) |
May 21, 1995 | Candids including Louise Mulvaney, Dr. Hayes, Nancy Langer, speaker John Hicks | 5x7(6) |
May 19, 1996 | Candids | 5x7 |
May 23, 1999 | Candids including Jan Holloway, John Oronato, Laurel Begy, Dan Marion, Elaine Bennett, Rich Larkin, Ed FitzPatrick, Amy Nichols, Sue Smith, Sharon Nedrow, Frank Queener, John Cromartie, June Oates, Tim Smith, JoAnn Wheeler, Sonya Moore, Pat Brown, Alison Hayes, Kim Dunay, John Fox, Mary Wilsey, Cassey Kent, Chuck Congdon | 5x7(6), 4x6(37) |
May 26, 2001 | Candids including faculty procession, Rich Larkin, Gloria Benbem, Laila Leon-Paliotti, Steve Lyons, Dr. Richard Rivers, Reverend Don Brown, Dr. Daniel Hayes, John Pietropaolo, Harry G. Burt, Greg Peterson, Lyle C. Brown | |
May 19, 2002 | Candids including board of trustees, Dr. Hayes, Michael J. Miller, faculty procession, Mike Procton, Barb Schreiber, Sharon Malecki, John Walker, Classic Brass, Don Brown, Karen Blazey, Rich Larkin, Jim Ware | 5x7(16) |
1970-1989? | Candids including Dr. Meder giving diplomas; Colleen O'Mara, Chris White, John Haluch, Keith Murphy, Ike Dunham | 5x7(19) |
1990s? | Candids including Charlie Snoddy, Chris White, Dr. Meder, Bill Bigham, Josh Heller, Bill Kramp, Jack Bricker, Jim Armstrong, Howard Green, Barb Selvek, Lee Drake, Sharon Tobey, Emily Buell, Pete Kuryla, Claire Blanton, Gloria Bemben and students, Ruth Legg and Peter Friedman, Bruce Gilman, Pat Rice, Frank Smith, Sandy Brown, Pat Nettnin, Paul Phillips, Don McCarthy, Liz Barnes, Rick Evans and Paul Phillips; Ed Moberg, Barb Chappell, Fred MacNamara, Ed Kennedy, Henry Maus, Josh Heller, Don McCarthy, Mary Lou Boynton, Jack Bricker, John Pietropaolo; Dr. Meder; Gail Love, Peter Friedman, Dr. Meder; chorus; Rick Monheim, Dr. Meder, Peter Friedman; Jude Thines, John Meuser; Bruce Gilman, Rich Larkin, Ed Morrell; Jim Baird, Nancy Colesman, Marty Dodge; Tim Hamlin; Dr. Meder | 5x7(34) |
12/1/2 - Nursing Commencement/Capping Ceremony
May 1989 | Karen Roach, Jackie Stranan-Dinoli, Annette Yost, Rose Ranney | 5x7 |
? | nursing students | 5x7 |
6/3/90 | Capping ceremony, Marilyn Hurlbutt and students | 5x7(5) |
12/1/3 - Convocation
Feb. 1975 | Dean Ralph Miller, Dr. Meder, Grove Nagel, Dave Carra, Al Corbit in bleachers, Linda Coddington, Kim Wojdula, Margaret Prescott, Lois Mulcahey, Susan McNeil, John Socha, Ed Kennedy, Edward Pfeffer, Jim Carra, Dave Carra - student convocation | 5x7(3) |
9/11/78 | “Sissy” Farenthold, President of Wells College, Bill DeCamp, Dr. Meder, John O. Nasarenko, student gov’t president | 5x7(5) |
9/85 | Geraldine Ferraro, photos include Barb Chappell, Dr. Meder, Dean John Cable, Jude Thines, Al Thorpe, Wil Sproule, Andrew Harkness, Henry Maus, Mary Ann Banaszewski | 5x7(11) |
9/15/87 | Don Rivers, Esq., CCFL '73 | 5x7(3) |
9/13/88 | Peggy Say (Terry Anderson's sister) | 5x7(9) |
9/11/90 | Dr. Richard John Del Vecchio, Prof of History at Nazareth | 5x7(4) |
12/1/5 - Lincoln Hill Dedication
11/9/1975 | Board of Supervisors, Board of Trustees, student trustee Kevin Delasota, Dr. Meder, Dr. Satre, Seneca Army Depot Color Guard, Bill McGowan | 3x5(8) |
12/1/8 - FLCC 25th Anniversary
4/3/93 | cake, Information table: includes Ann Robinson | 5x7(3) |
12/2 - Activities Day
5/2/90 | View of courtyard with crowd | 5x7(4) |
12/2 - Art Exhibits
6/89 | Spring Arts Festival: Frank and Mona Talomie | 5x7 |
4/89 | Faculty Art Exhibit: Wayne Williams sculpture, Thomas Insalaco painting | 5x7(2) |
6/89 | Apple Seed Art Show: Bruce ?, Nancy Ghertner, Tom Insalaco, Sharon Lubitow | 5x7 |
5/18/90 | Spring Arts Festival: girl and guitar | 5x7 |
4/10/91 | Wayne Williams and his sculpture at Faculty Art Exhibit | 5x7 |
? | Reception in hallway | 5x7 |
12/2 - Blood Drives
Sept. 1989 | Nurse and student in blood drive sponsored by Alpha Epsilon Chi | 5x7 |
12/2 - Career Day
1977 | Dean John Cable, Rick Johnson (speaker from Kodak), Bill DeCamp, David Prull, Al Corbit at General Assembly, Tar (?) Houle discusses a career as an accountant | 5x7(6) |
10/28/80 | General assembly, Kay Edwards, Executive Director for Rochester Area Career Education Council, proof sheets | 3x5(3), 8x10(2) |
2/16/89 | Conservation/Horticulture career fair | 5x7(4) |
1990 | Health Career Day at Newark Sheraton: Lorie Henley and Karen Wright (student) | 5x7 |
12/2 - Comedy
2/9/90 | Comedy night | 5x7 |
12/2 - Club Day
early 1970s? | candid - club tables set up outside | 8x10 |
12/2 - Concerts
? | Chuck Mangione | 5x7(2) |
2/88 | Paul Strowe | 5x7(2) |
3/14/94 | Soehner | 5x7 |
? | Glenda Dove Pellito | 5x7 |
3/2/89 | Harvi Griffin | 5x7(4) |
2/89 | All Four Fun | 5x7(2) |
12/2 - Earth Day/week
1990 | tree planting | 5x7 |
4/24/90 | Chris White and guitar at Earthweek Coffeehouse, Kevin Moss and guitar | 5x7(6) |
mid-1990s | Earth day clean-up: includes John Terninko | 5x7 |
12/2 - Exhibits
May 1972 | Lunar rock display | 8x10 |
1976 | Sportsmen's exhibition on National Hunting and Fishing Day | 5x7 |
12/2 - Family Field Day
4/18/90 | Woodlot with kids and teacher | 5x7(6) |
12/2 - Global Awareness Series
2/89 | Henry Maus giving introduction, Presenter, might be student who lived in China | 5x7(2) |
4/30/90 | Josh Heller, Mideast cooking | 5x7 |
12/2 - Health Fair
? | candid | 5x7 |
1978-1979 | candids | 5x7(2) |
12/2 - Honors Banquet (Widmer's) - see also Student Awards 7/6/17
1980s? | Candids: includes Dave Greer, Mrs. Greer, Dean John Cable, Bill Banaszewski, Russ Kimble, Marilyn Hurlbutt, Dr. Meder, Peter Friedman, Dan Marion, Barb Chappell, June Lincoln, Sherm Hunt, Jack Bricker, Nancy Langer, Pat Pietropaolo, Wil Sproule, Al Thorpe | 5x7(14), 8x10, 3x5(26) |
Spring 1989 | Laurie Broccolo - Alumni Achievement award, candids, Bill Banaszewski and Kenneth Ruedin | 5x7(4) |
5/25/1990 | Candids: includes Peter Friedman, Bud Amann | 5x7(2) |
5/28/1991 | Candids: includes Ray Geary | 5x7(2) |
1992 | award winners | 5x7 |
1993 | award winners including Jeff Emerling, Mark Salva | 5x7 |
5/26/93 | Alumni award winners: Beth Graham-Wadeikis, Kay Nozzolio, Jeff Nugent, Laura Hurlburt, Jeff Emerling, Mark Salva, Phyllis Todd | 5x7 |
12/2 - Lectures, Guest Speakers, Visitors
1/5/68 | Samuel Stratton presents Connie Carpenter with flag while Dr. Satre looks on, candids including Dr. Satre, Connie Carpenter, Philip Rowley, Stratton | 8x10, 3x3(6) |
2/14/69 | George Plimpton, Dr. Satre, George Plimpton promotional photo as "Paper Lion" | 3x5, 5x7(9) |
March 1976 | Dr. Albert Parry discusses "Detente" | 5x7 |
May 1976 | Doug Ridley discusses "fundamentals of Supervision" | 5x7 |
April 1977 | Harrison E. Salisbury (Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter) and Jack Bricker | 5x7(2) |
10/17/77 | Jack Bricker, Lt. Gov. Mary Anne Krupsak, Leo Hosenfeld (Democratic Mayoral candidate) | 5x7 |
? | Dr. Marvin Rapp gives lecture on colonial days, Jeff Adams running projector for Dr. Rapp | 3x5(3) |
11/89 | SUNY Chancellor Johnstone's visit, including Dr. Meder, Matt Naiva (student president), Elaine Lomber, Rick Monheim, Jim O'Neill | 5x7(10) |
1970s | Katie Caukins (Caulkins?) WCGR news | 5x7 |
2/28/90 | Gerald Chaka | 5x7(2) |
4/27/90 | Dr. Schindler | 5x7 |
4/18/89 | James MacKenzie (Xerox) | 5x7 |
5/10/90 | Ann LaBastille | 5x7(4) |
3/7/90 | Dith Pran | 5x7(3) |
3/22/90 | Randall Robinson | 5x7(2) |
4/27/90 | Louise Slaughter, including Dr. Meder and Bill Banaszewski | 5x7(2) |
3/18/91 | Mohamed Hakki (former Egyptian government official) | 5x7 |
1/28/93 | Kermit Larson, author of "Principles of Accounting" | 5x7 |
? | Arlette Miller-Smith, featured artist at poetry reading for Black History Month | 5x7 |
4/6/93 | Mark Lane, including Ray Geary and Dr. Hayes | 5x7(2) |
12/2 - Lively Arts Council
October 1971 | Membership coordinators: Mrs. John Emery, Mrs. Byron (Carolyn) Delevan, Mrs. Leigh Robartes Jr. | 5x7 |
12/2 - May Day
5/94 | Candid | 5x7 |
12/2 - Open House
1970 | Candids including Jim Williams | 5x7 |
12/2 - Parents Day
10/1/88 | Dr. Meder addressing parents in gym, candids, Alison Noonan Hayes, Don McCarthy (Criminal Justice) and parents | 3x5(4), 5x7(6) |
10/89 | Ray Geary, Bethany Graham-Wadeikis and parent, Charlie Snoddy, Gloria Bemben and parents, Jackie Glaser and parents, Kevin Moss - nature guide | 5x7(5) |
1988-92 | Addressing parents in gym, Rich Larkin and parents | 5x7(3) |
1990 | Paul Phillips and parents | 5x7 |
10/12/91 | David Prull and parents, Ingid Young and parents | 5x7(2) |
12/2 - President's Holiday Reception
1970s? | Holiday party: includes Carol and Don Vetter | 5x7 |
1980s | Candids: includes Ruth Legg, Dr. Meder, Howard Green, Bill Banaszewski, John Meuser, Al Thorpe | 3x5(33) |
12/89 | Alison Noonan Hayes, Jack Jones (D&C reporter), Dr. Meder, ice sculpture, Michael J. Miller (student president), Marty Dodge, Ray Vecchi, Frank Talomie | 5x7(10) |
12/11/91 | Dr. Meder and guests | 5x7 |
12/2 - Senior Citizens Day
? | Senior Citizens Day | 5x7(4), 8x10(2) |
12/2 - Shows
1980s | Simon Sez with Bob Schaffer (hypnotist) | 5x7(4) |
1988 | Trade show in gym | 5x7(3) |
1989 | 60's Excerpts | 5x7(2) |
13/1 - Faculty Workshops
Sept. 1968 | Faculty workshop: Connie Carpenter, Dr. Meder, Dr. Satre, Jack Quiggle, Bill DeCamp, Carlene Lankton, Marcia Phillips DeCamp, Wil Sproule, Grove Nagel, Wayne Williams, Bill Banaszewski | 5x7(3), 3x5(4) |
Spring 1969 | Faculty workshop: Dr. Meder, David Prull, John Haluch | 5x7(3) |
? | Larry Russell (asst director of Data Processing, BOCES), Bruce Gilman | 5x7 |
? | Adjunct faculty workshop: includes Henry Maus, Dean John Cable, Robert Pennock, Chuck Miller | 5x7, 8x10(4) |
Jan. 1974 | David Prull, Robert Ross, Joyce Barrett, consultant Joan Purtell | 8x10 |
Sept. 1974 | Faculty workshop "coffee break", Ed Morrell | 8x10 |
3/77 | Dr. Larry Carter, Marilyn Hurlbutt, Alice Fedder, Al Walker, Jack Bricker, Chris White, John Meuser, John Champaigne | 5x7(2) |
13/1 - Conferences
11/29/67 | Family Life Symposium: Dean John Lavery, Rev. Richard Bowen, Rev. William Nolan, Rev. Fred Magley | 3x3(12) |
1970 | Occupational Educational Conference: Dr. Satre, Robert Seckendorf, John E. Loveless, Lawrence Gray, John Skawski, Coleman Ryther, CCFL Board Chairman Michael Michaels | 5x7(5) |
1970 | Guidance counselors | 5x7(2) |
April 1976 | Conference at Sheraton: includes Bob Pennock | 5x7(2) |
13/1/4 - Workshops for the public
1970s? | Life Planning workshop | 5x7 |
August 1977 | W.O.W. Workshop | 5x7 |