Select Year
1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004
- CCFL holds program for adult students, January
Advisory Committees
- Data Processing
- Advisors appointed, March
- Hawks joins CCFL committee, March
- New advisory committee members appointed at CCFL, April
- Developmental Studies
- CCFL appoints members to studies advisory committee, March
- Hospital chiefs switch hats (photos James W. Doran, John E. Miller), December
- Adriaansen, Michele Jill
- Wed in double-ring ceremony (photo), December
- Arberger, Cathy Lizabeth
- Arberger-McCullough [George W. McClullough also alum], November
- Argus, Mary E.
- Argus-Van Epps (photo), November
- Baker, Catherine Marie
- Baker-Reuter (photo), June
- Bertrand, Gregory
- GOP backs Aronson, Bertrand (photo), June
- Bigger, Dawn
- College graduate (photo), July
- Boor, Christine
- Boor-Coons [Rickey Coons also alum], April
- Bricker, Lori
- Bricker, Thompson exchange vows (photo), November
- Bromka, Carl J.
- Swartwood-Bromka, July
- Buchholz, Lynn
- Buchholz is top, May
- Campbell, Ralph
- Nature center chief flies south, December
- Canne, Mary
- College graduate, July
- Carroll, Janey L.
- Graduated (photo), May
- Caves, Jeffrey C.
- College graduate, July
- Clark, Lisa Jean
- Clark-Landis (photo) [Timothy Landis also alum], June
- Cole, Peter F.
- Graduated (photo), May
- Collins, Nancy
- Honored by Pro-May realty (photo), March
- Conner, Joan
- Hospital nurse heads long-term care unit (photo), March
- Constable, Anne
- Anne Constable and Scott Marino (photo), October
- Constable-Marino, May
- Crosier, Christine A.
- Engaged (photo), October
- Crosier, Pamela Sue
- Crosier-DeRaddo (photo) [Sullivan Charles DeRaddo also alum], July
- Cummings, Janette Lyn
- Engaged (photo), January
- Dean, Brycie Anne
- Engagement announced, June
- DeCook, Lorraine
- DeCook-Ricciotti (photo), December
- DeRaddo, Sharon Judith
- DeRaddo-Cowan (photo), July
- Derby, Ruth Ellen
- Derby-Walters (photo), July
- DeRidder, Edward
- DeRidder graduates (photo), June
- Dillon, Bobbie
- Catching up on a college education (photo with daughter Katie), April
- Duckett, Mary Kay
- Duckett-Burris (photo) [Charles Burris also alum], October
- Ellsworth, Robert M.
- Engaged (photo Lori A. Boyd), May
- English, Karen Dianne
- English-Mulcahy (photo), March
- Faber, Philip
- Naples group to study ways to cut government, December
- Feldman, Donald
- Beeman-Feldman (photo), April
- Fleming, Carol Anne
- Fleming-Moracco (photo) [Thomas Moracco also alum], May
- Fospero, Michael A.
- To college (photo), July
- Foster, Helen
- Garden talk, April
- Frederick, Kelly
- Frederick-Turner (photo), May
- Garver, Michelle Marie
- Garver-Couse (photo), October
- Geherin, John Francis
- Camden-Geherin (photo), November
- Gordon, Jennie
- Gordon appointed Recreation Supervisor of Gates (photo), December
- Gunkler, Julie Ann
- Vows exchanged in Phelps church (photo), September
- Hebding, Sherilyn
- Engaged (photo), January
- Heckman, Bill
- Get ready to garden (photo), March
- Johnson, Robert G.
- Long-Johnson (photo), August
- Joyce, Doreen R.
- Engaged, February
- Joyce-Jensen (photo), July
- Kelsey, Linda A.
- Kelsey-Cook (photo) [William G. Cook also alum], June
- Kidder, Laurel M.
- Kidder-Hotchkiss (photo) [Robert E. Hotchkiss Jr. also alum], July
- Klue, Sandra Renee
- Klue-Hardin (photo), July
- Knowlden, Sue
- Knowlden, Galek named Newark Wayne's "nurses of distinction" (photo), March
- Kuhn, Janette Marie
- Engaged (photo), January
- Kuhn-Aruck (photo), August
- LaBarr, Susan L.
- CCFL graduate, September
- Laise, Dale Elizabeth
- Laise-Merklinger (photo), August
- Lamphier, Joanne Carol
- Lamphier-Rendino (photo), July
- Landis, Lisa Clark
- Welcome back, Lisa - A former student returns to school as teacher's aide (photo), June
- Lanzoni, Matthew
- Two named to board (photo), May
- Lattimore, Deborah S.
- Engaged (photo), March
- Laurenza, Donna
- Area resident joins realty firm (photo), April
- Joins Coldwell, March
- Laws, Julie Ann
- Engaged (photo), July
- Liberio, Karen
- Engaged (photo), July
- Lowe, Kimberly
- Lowe-Evancho (photo), August
- Makepeace, James
- Naples group to study ways to cut government, December
- Matriscino, Sharon
- Matriscino-Lynch (photo), April
- McCumber, Nancy Ann
- McCumber-Guard (photo), December
- Miles, Timothy Wade
- Schaefer-Miles (photo), September
- Mills, David Erwin
- Hall-Mills (photo), October
- Minns, Tammy Lee
- Minns-Olmstead (photo), January
- Moon, Linda
- (photo) [running for office], April
- Muilwyk, Edward Marinus
- DeTorio-Muilwyk (photo), November
- DeTorio-Muilwyk exchange vows (photo), December
- Naeye, Daniel J.
- Trickler-Naeye (photo), November
- Nessler, Rena
- VA promotion (photo), September
- Nunn, Tamara
- Nunn-Copp (photo), April
- Olsen, Shaun Marie
- Olsen-Jones (photo), October
- Orlando, Christopher C.
- Bohrer-Orlando, October
- Oyer, Mike
- Troop 10 Boy Scouts wrap up exciting season, December
- Perez, Janet E.
- College names personnel officer, May
- Phelps, Robyn L.
- Phelps-Hanna (photo), June
- Posick, Joseph
- Margaret Frommert and Joseph Posick (photo), April
- Rector, Mary Beth
- Engaged (photo), February
- Reifsteck, Rachel
- Graduated, July
- Rinebold, Tina
- Engaged (photo), May
- Roberts, Mary Elizabeth
- Engagement announced (photo), January
- Roenke, R. Michael
- Collins Landscape maintenance choice (photo), April
- Rush, Kimberly
- Kimberly Rush and Daniel Hoyt [also alum] (photo), April
- Ryan, Stephen
- (photo) [running for office], April
- Samere, Joe
- Growing poinsettias is a family affair, November
- Sanders, Bryan
- Break a leg, November
- Scattaglia, Michele Lee
- Scattaglia-Zwick (photo), November
- Schuck, Sandra E.
- Director of long-term care nursing named (photo), February
- Shepard, Julie Anne
- Engaged (photo) [Jon W. Spike also alum], January
- Sittig, Robert C.
- . . . joined Ted Collins Tree and Landscape, November
- Southard, Sally Jane
- Southard-Loicono (photo), May
- Sprague, Alan
- Norsen-Sprague (photo), July
- Thacker, Cheryl
- Engaged (photo), May
- Treese, Rebecca
- Engaged (photo), January
- Van-Gee, Christine
- Van-Gee - Eaton, December
- VanVechten, John
- John VanVechten, Linda Keyes named local banking managers (photo), January
- VerStraete, Gary Michael
- To wed in October (photo), August
- Vinci, Valerie M.
- Married, December
- Wade, Kandy
- Engaged, December
- Wakeman, Lorinda
- Wakeman-Davis, April
- Weise, Jana Marie
- Weise-Regas (photo), August
- Williams, Laurie
- Laurie Williams and John O'Mara (photo), December
- Williams, Michele
- Engaged (photo), January
- Yannotti, Anthony Ralph
- Engaged (photo Carla Ann Stajura), April
- Stajura-Yannotti (photo), December
- Yerkes, Amy
- AAUW award (photo), July
- Young, Deanna L.
- Young-Holvey (photo), November
- Zaepfel, Jen
- Irland, Zaepfel off to good starts, December
Alumni Association
- Alumni event [after-theater reception], March
- CCFL alumni picnic, June
- CCFL alumni planning reunion, October
- CCFL alumni receive awards [Marci Muller, Sam Lansing, Charles Rouse], June
- CCFL classes of 1975 and 1976 organize weekend reunion, November
- CCFL host alumni reception, February
- CCFL plans picnic, May
- Community college June alumni picnic, May
- Big-name acts set for shell (photos Dan Fogelberg, Huey Lewis, Gordon Lightfoot, Don Henley), April
- Circus
- Elephant trainer Ben Williams . . . (photo), June
- Diana Ross
- Ross returning, April
- Exhibits
- "Furniture from Mars" on exhibit at CCFL Fine Arts Gallery 34, November
- 'Furniture from Mars' on exhibit at CCFL, October
- 'The Max Drawings' on exhibit at CCFL [Sigmund Abeles], December
- Bruce MacWhorter
- Artist Bruce MacWhorter to open first solo exhibit (photos), February
- CCFL fine arts Gallery 34 to exhibit "Why Not"?, February
- New exhibit at CCFL fine arts Gallery 34, March
- Faculty art at CCFL (photo Wayne Williams), April
- Jerome Witkin
- ad, January
- Artist's vision isn't pretty picture (photo), January
- CCFL to display Syracuse professor's art collection, January
- Linoleum prints to be exhibited at CCFL (photo) [Dennis Revitzky], October
- Prints on exhibit [Dennis Revitzky], October, September
- The art scene (photo) [Wayne Williams mentioned], July
- Poetry Readings
- Poetry reading [Hayden Carruth], April
- Poetry reading planned at CCFL [Robert E. McDonough], November
- Poetry writer, fiction writer (photo David Michael Nixon, Nancy Kress), April
- Outlet bridge closes Monday [mentions concert traffic], April
- Summer music 91 - ad, June, May
- Tiny tots concert (photo), January
- Shows
- Baseball card show and sale to be held at CCFL guest appearance by Joe Altobelli, November
- Card show, November
- Sport-card show, October
- The return of the boys of summer - They show up on skinny cardboard cards and this weekend they'll be at a CCFL show and sale (photo Bob Lowden), November
- Spring Arts Festival
- CCFL to host spring arts festival, May
- Drama, concerts, art at weekend festival, April
- Music, theater and art at CCFL spring festival, May
- Thaxter Cunio and Susan Moore
- CCFL to host chamber music concert (photo), April
Benefits and Charities
- Blood Drives
- "A silent way to help" (photo Dallas Farrance), January
- Oxfam
- Taste of hunger in banquet fare (photo Nancy Lee), November
- Secret Santas spread gifts, joy [AV/library donations], December
Board of Supervisors
- Cut office building, Hicks recommends [CCFL vertical expansion mentioned], January
- No more 'business as usual' [CCFL expansion, faculty contracts], February
- Supervisors
- Belmont, Robert
- New faces on Thompson Hospital board, June
- Thompson Hospital selects new members to directors, May
Board of Trustees
- CCFL at full strength: Trustee named; another recommended, April
- CCFL board elects officers [Gail D. Love, Patrick S. Burns and Philip Oestreich], January
- CCFL board vacancy to be filled after 2 years, January
- CCFL elects officers (photo Gail D. Love, Philip Oestreich, Patrick S. Burns), January
- CCFL has 2 openings on board of trustees, January
- CCFL meeting, August
- Personal finances: making them public, February
- Trustees
- Bugliosi, Ed
- Farmington resident appointed to college board of trustees (photo), April
- Burns, Patrick S.
- Area resident reappointed to CCFL board (photo), May
- Burns reappointed to CCFL board, April
- Langer, Nancy
- Dems taking aim at Bristol GOP control (photo), October
- Trustees of CCFL re-elect chairwoman, January
- Budget cuts will affect volunteers, courses, April
- CCFL budget reflects cuts, tuition hikes, June
- CCFL is facing a tight budget year, November
- CCFL may cut - courses could go if aid fails, April
- CCFL OKs $17 million fiscal plan, July
- Colleges continue to struggle financially, July
- Comptroller faults SUNY practices, April
- County budget cuts studied by panel, April
- State budget axes Regents incentive, May
Buildings and Grounds
- County office building
- Center finished on time [leasing part for EMS program], September
- Expansion
- CCFL addition approved, February
- CCFL expansion bids are pleasant surprise, February
- CCFL expansion on track, January
- Community college plans expansion, January
- Construction to greet CCFL students, August
- County borrows $1 M for bridges, landfill, March
- County eyes $25 million building plan, June
- In the heat of summer, CCFL expands to ease the enrollment squeeze (photos Joyce Graham and building project), July
- Projects, programs in the Finger Lakes, May
- Summer construction at CCFL (photo), July
- Supervisors OK college expansion, February
- Group buys land to give to CCFL, August
- Heat and humidity combine to close CCFL temporarily, September
- Heat delays some CCFL classes, September
- Mayor sells 46 acres to college - purchase price: $279,000, August
Career Development
- Career Day [Criminal Justice], October
- Career Discovery workshop offered at CCFL, October
- Career plans seminar at Newark center, June
- Career workshop, November
- Career workshop set at CCFL [for women] (photo Ingrid Young), October
- Careers workshop Saturday at CCFL, April
- CCFL study gives hints on job seeking, October
- CCFL to hold workshop on changing careers, May
- CCFL to sponsor career workshop, September
- Horticulture, January
- Local students find job hunt getting tough (photos Aaron Fisher, Kealhi Clemons, Jim Bogue, Arlene Genovese), June
- Women teachers, students join in repeat of career workshop, January
- College graduates, June
- College graduates 500 at 23rd commencement (photos Gail Love, Barry Rude, Louise Slaughter), June
- Editorial - Three cheers for CCFL - Mrs. Ricard Rivet, June
- Speaker
- Louise Slaughter to speak at CCFL commencement, April
- Slaughter at commencement, April
- Slaughter stresses value of education (photo), June, May
- Victory walk for grad (photo Valerie Schultz, Vickie Schultz, Pat Kurzejeski), June
Conferences and Workshops
- AAUW to meet, April
- Mediator talk [Josephine Lombardo], April
- Child Abuse
- Abuse identification and reporting course, November
- CCFL offers course on identifying child abuse, October
- Child abuse identification course, September
- Child abuse reporting course at three sites, May
- Child course, May
- Child Care
- Child care council to hold workshops, December
- Communication
- Seminar slated (photo Ross Quinn), May
- Ethics
- Question of conscience discussed by students (photo Kelly Clarke, Josh Carlson, Ryan Chapman, Alicia Clark), April
- Funding
- Funding seminar, May
- Literacy Volunteers
- Literacy volunteers April 20 conference, April
- Math and computer teachers to meet, March
- Nursing
- "Thriving in turbulent times" - ad, November
- Nursing workshop due at CCFL, May
- Roles in nursing workshop at CCFL, May
- Workshop to help nurses, October
- Rabies workshop set at CCFL, March
- Science teachers
- CCFL and ESF co-sponsor workshops, July
- Teleconference at CCFL [Self care for the bereavement caregiver], March
- Western New York Communities Against Drug Abuse
- Red Ribbons, October
- Youth to youth project is teens helping teens (photo), December
- Gil Eagles to speak at CCFL, August
- In the mood to learn (photo Gil Eagles), August
Courses and Programs
- Adult Literacy
- Adult literacy, April
- CCFL schedules adult literacy classes, August
- CCFL to offer adult literacy courses in Palmyra, March
- Victor one of four locations for adult literacy education, January
- Art
- Colleges adopt computer in graphic arts courses, August
- Art History
- Art history course offered at CCFL [Women in Art], December
- BOCES presents program on artists who visit schools, September
- CCFL-BOCES offer 35+ Spring courses, December
- Driving course to be given [tractor trailer], April
- Local artists featured in 'Arts Showcase,' September
- Business
- Area students among winners of business symposium and competition [high school students], April
- Newark students attend annual business symposium and competition (photo), April
- Students earn awards at business contest, May
- Wegmans plans management program for students, December
- Child care
- CCFL plans three professionals' courses, December
- Community Education
- Budget cuts close some summer schools, but classes expand locally, May
- CCFL announces enrichment and development courses, September
- CCFL announces enrichment courses, August
- CCFL announces October credit free courses, October, September
- CCFL offers credit free courses, November
- CCFL offers wildlife rehabilitation class, October
- CCFL to host child care training workshops, August
- CCFL to offer children's arts & crafts workshop, October
- CCFL to offer furniture restoration and appraisal course, September
- CCFL to offer January and February credit-free courses, January
- Child care, September
- Classes for children, adults slated at community college, May
- College for Living
- A college that teaches basic living, January
- CCFL sponsors developmentally disabled adults, January
- CCFL sponsors program, September
- Clients complete courses, December
- Food for the body, spirit (photo Walter "Jake" Gent), July
- Living skills, August, January
- Yates ARC clients go back to school (photo Jennie Snyder, Colleen George, Ray Malpeso, Eric Sterlin, Brian Bishop, Mary Alice Burris, Mark Moniot, Miriam London), December
- Computer used for landscape design, January
- Credit free courses, March
- Credit-free courses, February
- Credit-free courses beginning next week, January
- Design course, January
- Driving course, March
- English as a second language offered, January
- Heavy equipment operators' course, February
- Kids' College
- CCFL lists Kids' Colege programs, May
- CCFL offers summer kids' program, May
- She's feeling sew-sew (photo Carrie Kolomic), June
- Self-awareness course being pushed, October
- Conservation
- Field camp - CCFL conservation students 'rough it' to make the grade (photos Dave Irway, Bill Opett, Greg Knapp, Jamie Finch, Matt Bement) (photos didn't copy well), June
- Field Days
- Conservation field days being held at Hopewell, September
- Poster display, October
- Walk in the woods (photo), September
- Developmental Studies
- Academic Support Center
- Paralyzed, city man exercises the brain (photo Frank Jones) [tutor], October
- Who'll volunteer for VA? (photo Dorothy Ralston and Frank Jones, tutor at CCFL), April
- Electronics/Computer Technology
- Hand-on electronics at CCFL open house, March
- Basic EMT course, December
- Basic EMT offered, January
- CCFL cuts hurt rescue squads - EMT classes canceled, June
- College rescues EMT classes, July
- EMT course at nursing home, March
- Four EMT courses begin next month, December
- CCFL has language courses, September
- CCFL to offer second language class, August
- Second language, December
- CCFL to offer high school equivalency courses, August, December
- GED courses offered in Palmyra, April
- Institute
- Business owners seminar offered, February
- CCFL launches training program, March
- Executive: educate students about quality (photo Robert M. Mehalso), May
- Quality education [Robert Mehalso's speech at CCFL mentioned], June
- Seminars slated, September
- Small business program planned, December
- Start with 'guerilla tactics' when going into business (photo Don Svoren), November
- Legal
- Legal terminology class - ad, June
- Math
- CCFL to host calculators seminars for math instructors, July
- Nursing
- CCFL prep courses for RN boards, March
- Prep courses offered for nursing boards, February
- Spanish
- Academic language courses, December
- Summer School [High School Students]
- CCFL principals [Mary Joan Geise, Dr. Joseph Peone Jr.], July
- Life is a book . . . in summer school, June
- Summer high school program offered by CCFL, June
- Technology
- Science-technology open house arranged, May
- Telecourses
- CCFL announces fall telecourses, August
- CCFL announces summer telecourses, May
- CCFL announces telecourses for spring term, December
- CCFL offers telecourses during spring semester, January
- CCFL summer courses begin on cable TV, June
- Travel and Tourism
- Learning about travel agency employment, February
- Travel agency career course, August
Dean's List
- CCFL [Kelly Fogarty], January
- CCFL [Michael Rivet (photo)], January
- CCFL announces dean's list for Fall Semester, January
- Dean's list, January, July
- Farmington women lead CCFL scholars [Nancy Tripp and Kathleen Cook], January
- Local students receive CCFL honors, December
- On the dean's list, June
- Six Victor students achieve dean's list CCFL recognition [Bonnie Bunker, James Davern, Lori Ellis, Angela Wheaton, Erin Rohr, William O'Brien], December
- Arsenic and Old Lace
- CCFL theatre to perform 'Arsenic and Old Lace,' March
- CCFL to stage 'Arsenic, Old Lace' (photo Francine DiTomaso, Kelly Fogarty, Larry Van Cassele), March
- Performances set by theater group, February
- Children's Theatre
- Dish for the King
- "A dish for the King" (photo Francine DiTomaso, Jeff Manning, Tracy Makovitch, Jack Stover, Bill Pettine, Joe Gundy, Aaron Newman), January
- Wake of Jamey Foster
- 'Wake of Jamey Foster' (photo Richard DeBadts, Michael Lancaster, Tessa Case, Sunny VanDeWater, Nancy Lee), October
- CCFL play this weekend, November
- CCFL theater department to perform "The Wake of Jamey Foster," October
Earth Day
- 'Garbage concert' at CCFL center (photo Glenn McClure), April
- Turkey seminar, April
Empire State
- Information session to be held, December
- College is the answer for most 1991 Wayne Central graduates, November
- Community colleges boom as competition's costs soar, January
- Community colleges ride out the recession (photo David Erway), October
- Community colleges' open door, May
- Two-year colleges benefit from recession, December
- Black History Month
- 'Black Voices,' February
- Black poetry reading Tuesday at CCFL, February
- Community College Week
- CCFL faculty and staff share their time and talent with the community - ad, February
- Math contest
- CCFL announces winner of sixth annual high school math contest, May
- CCFL hosts the sixth annual high school mathematics contest, March
- Math contest, April, March
- Wayne wins math contest, May
- National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week
- CCFL schedules alcohol awareness programs, October
- Parents' Day
- CCFL schedules annual Parents' Day, October
- CCFL to host Parents' Day, October, September
- Science Olympics
- A science team (photo Matt Durkin, Sean Hagenbach, Dan Lin, Rosemarie Mannik, Laurie Rolland, Brian Smith, Steve Wisniewski, Nora Yip, Laban Lu, Joan Flint, Harriet Petropolous), December
- CCFL holds science Olympics, December
- GHS takes first in science Olympics, December
- Schools garner science Olympic awards, December
- Science Olympics planned, November
- To host science Olympics, November
- Webster wins 2nd, December
Extension Centers
- Gananda
- Gananda adds CCFL English course, October, September
- Geneva
- Bank to raze vacant cleaning plant, December
- CCFL board OKs lease agreement, August
- CCFL officials look for larger center, October
- CCFL outgrows Geneva center, January
- CCFL takes over city summer school, January
- CCFL trustees name Geneva center leader [James R. Clawson], November
- CCFL's new Geneva home is postponed, January
- Parenting series offered by BOCES, February
- Newark
- Alternate use committee (photo Roy Romer), July
- BOCES to open new career resource center, December
- CCFL to meet with Newark leaders, October
- Clinical center to open tomorrow [CCFL mentioned], March
- Wayne Central
- CCFL to offer evening credit courses at Wayne Central, August
- CCFL to offer night courses this fall at area high school, July
- CCFL's new center sets open house, July
- Credit courses set at Wayne Central, July
Faculty and Staff
- Adams, Clayton
- Naples school board race features three seats, no opposition, April
- Adams, Jeff
- . . . promoted to assistant professor, May
- Amann, Floyd F. "Bud"
- Named at MCC, March
- Banaszewski, Bill
- Fish law calls for bigger rainbow or a bust, March
- Beitz, Victoria A.
- New staff appointed at CCFL, December
- New staff at CCFL, November
- Braddon, Kimberly Wager
- New faculty appointed at CCFL, October
- Bridgman, Bruce
- Canandaigua honors athletic greats in 'Hall' (photo), October
- Hall-of-Famer (photo), October
- Canough, Corrine M.
- New at CCFL, September
- CCFL faculty members earn promotions [Bruce Bridgman, Fred MacNamara, Ann Robinson, John Sinton, Richard Evans, Sandy Brown, Jeanne Fagan, Thomas Lucas, Karen O'Donnell, Kathy Riesenberger], June
- Champaigne, John and Peggy
- Death notice for Harold Champaigne [John's father?], April
- Chapman, Frances
- obituary, August
- Clawson, James R.
- New staff appointed at CCFL, December
- New staff at CCFL, November
- Colf, Lilian Chang
- Assistant controller at CCFL appointed, April
- Commisso, Rosemary
- County arts council, July
- Coons, John "Jack"
- Staging a race a costly affair, April
- Cooper, Charlotte
- Three at CCFL honored (photo), June
- Three CCFL employees receive SUNY Chancellor's Award, May
- Crawford, Lynne A.
- CCFL instructors, March
- D'Abbracci, Jean
- Four seek three board seats (photo), May
- DelCour, Kathy
- New service fee increases are not likely to be a boon for the area's notary publics (photo), July
- Dodge, Marty
- . . . chainsaws logs into furniture (photo), August
- Fitzpatrick, Edward
- New faculty appointed at CCFL, October
- Friday, Don
- Greetings from Brother Benjamin Bey, March
- Gilman, Bruce
- Article published, June
- CCFL professor publishes magazine article, May
- Outlet said to need good cleaning, May
- The future of the Finger Lakes - Who's responsible?, June
- Wave of hope for Finger Lakes - groups mobilize to push reforms, June
- Glover, Joanne
- CCFL president's secretary steps down after 24 years (photo), May
- Gordon, Joseph B.
- CCFL names director [of student services] (photo), March
- Director of student services appointed, April
- Guild, Marlene [curriculum coordinator]
- Penn Yan woman honored by BPW (photo), June
- Hughes, Barbara
- . . . appointed coordinator of administrative computing services, January
- Insalaco, Thomas
- A show in perspective - Finger Lakes and its two companion exhibits celebrate varied excellence (photo of paintings), April
- Area artist wins award (photo of painting), April
- Painting out the pain - Canandaigua artist confronts brother's murder on canvas (photos), June
- Jones, Judith
- Artful holidays - profile of an artist (photo), November
- Kathleen DelCour, Robert Gerbin, Ellen O'Neill, Sandra Camillo, Charlotte Cooper, Robert Lowden, Frances Mandery, Barbara Schreiber, Sharon Tobey and Keith Murphy have received the CCFL merit award, June
- Kennedy, Edward
- Whitman hosts FHA leadership meeting, November
- Kuryla, Peter A.
- CCFL instructors, March
- Legg, Ruth
- A celebration of the movies, March
- County arts council, July
- Lewis, Fred
- Genevan to review latest Tom Clancy book, November
- Lomber, Elaine
- 'Intellectuals' reviewed at library's literary lunchtime (photo), January
- Lowden, Bob
- Coach to conduct clinic in Italy, April
- Pitching baseball and pasta in Italy (photo), July
- Malinowski, Pat
- CCFL professor addresses convention [College Composition and Communication], April
- Margolis, Richard
- Historic renovation in pictures (photo Powers building in Rochester), March
- Marion, Dan
- "Treepruning facts and myths," December
- 'Tree Doctor' offers tips on damage (photo), February
- An enigma and eyesore - Over 100 years old and dead, this white oak tree, standing in the middle of Townline Plaza's parking lot, has become a curiosity for many people, July
- Centuries-old tree is finally cut down (photo), September
- Editorial - Let the dead tree stand - Roy Grau, July
- Marshall, Julie
- New at CCFL, September
- Massey, Deborah A.
- Board appoints two to CCFL professional staff, June
- Two join CCFL staff, July
- Matteson, Susan
- Concert to highlight chamber music, February
- Organ recital, February
- Matteson, Whit
- This weekend in Canandaigua and Geneva (photo), April
- Maus, Henry
- Canandaigua will adopt Soviet city - trips being planned to Staraya Russa, June
- Meder, Charles J.
- CCFL president plans to retire, March
- CCFL president to retire in '92 (photo), February
- Meder announces '92 resignation after 20 years heading CCFL (photo), February
- Milhalenko, Beverly J.
- Board appoints two to CCFL professional staff, June
- Two join CCFL staff, July
- Miskell, Stephen P.
- New faculty appointed at CCFL, October
- Moberg, Ed
- . . . was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation, December
- Gail M. Moberg obituary, August
- Gail McKeeby Moberg, former teacher, activist dies at 45 (photo), July
- Moore, Putt
- 3-on-3 tourney, April
- Morrell, Ed
- Three at CCFL honored (photo), June
- Three CCFL employees receive SUNY Chancellor's Award, May
- Noonan, Allison [Hays]
- Alum honored, January
- CCFL PR director honored by her hometown school, January
- O'Donnell, Karen
- CCFL teacher speaks at seminar, May
- Council dinner, September
- LCC president, July
- O'Donnell to lead reading teachers group (photo), June
- Reading speech, November
- Ortiz, James
- James Ortiz heads West Ontario United Way campaign, October
- Palumbo, Mary Lou
- CCFL faculty member presents at national conference, May
- Mary Lou Palumbo speaks in Cincinnati (photo), June
- Parker, Christopher
- CCFL faculty, August
- Phillips, Paul
- Local watchers not surprised, December
- Rapp, Marvin
- Greetings from Brother Benjamin Bey, March
- Reece, Jean D.
- CCFL faculty, August
- Rice, Patricia D.
- CCFL faculty member inducted into Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, May
- Delta Kappa Gamma elects Victor woman (photo), June
- Inducted, June
- Nine women join educators' group, July
- Rivenburgh, Ed
- CCFL librarian speaks at conference, June
- CCFL staff member a featured speaker (photo) [at American Association of Community and Junior Colleges], May
- Three at CCFL honored (photo), June
- Three CCFL employees receive SUNY Chancellor's Award, May
- Samanta, Prashanta G.
- New faculty appointed at CCFL, October
- Smith, Frank
- Bird-lovers can't duck waterfowl identification program at CCFL, September
- Habitat change and loss, December
- Spencer, Pamela Sue
- New leaders in SUNY's advancement community, December
- Starks, Gretchen
- Literacy meeting, May
- Thorpe, Al
- Thorpe says Democrats weren't trying to sway Harris' decisions on firehouse (photo), February
- Urbatis, Carol S.
- CCFL appointment [coordinator of advisement and assessment], July
- VanZetta, Nancy
- . . . was recognized for her continuous and outstanding service to NYSFAAA, December
- Vitalone, Pat
- County honors diligent CCFL library worker (photo), July
- Working hard for money (photo), July
- White, Chris
- Poster contest, November
- Young, Ingrid
- Big turnout at SUNY job fair (photo Julie Khoury), April
Faculty Association
- CCFL elects alumni officers, August
- CCFL faculty name leaders [Susan Smith, Keith Batman, Mary Beth Bell, Pat Pietropaolo], June
Financial Aid
- College finances information night, November
- Financial aid program planned, December
- G-C to sponsor college finance info. program, November
- Middle-income families need help paying for college, October
- Scholarships
- 5 from CCFL receive Chamber awards (photo Pat Busby, Jeanne Leonard, Joan Peck, Nicole Rider, Jackie Shepard), May
- AAUW offers scholarship, March
- AAUW scholarship, April
- Adult scholarship, May
- Adult students [Sherry Kosienski, Louise "Tammy" Nelson, Joan Peck], April
- Area CCFL students win scholarships [Brenda Marie DeBernadis, Karen A. Pepson, Agustina Torres, Bruce T. Gage, Cathy A. Nellis, Karen Marie Bowers, Wendy Doyle, Kimberly J. Pierce), December
- Auxiliary names scholarship recipients (photos Jennifer Lonneville, Deborah Graf, Andrea Rae Ransom), June
- CCFL foundation announces scholarship [honoring Gary Adams], November
- CCFL foundation establishes Gary Adams Memorial scholarship [for women], December
- CCFL students receive scholarships [Christine Barber, Jerry Collado, Elsie Mandy, Kim Solt, Kim Stanton, Holly Swift, Greg Young], January
- CCFL's Ellis awarded Sheriff's scholarship [Jeff Ellis], December
- Chamber Adult Student Scholarship recipients (photo Joyce Stull, Debra Stephens, Matt Lanzoni), January
- Computer studies fund seeks private sector contributions [for Brenda S. Brockman Beck scholarship], June
- Daystar gives scholarship [Ben Konarzewski], February
- Farmington woman wins nursery award (photo Patricia Brocksopp) [Dan Disbrow also won], March
- New CCFL scholarship is available to women [Gary Adams scholarship], November
- New scholarship established at CCFL [Brenda Brockman Beck Memorial Scholarship], April
- Police groups give scholarships to six criminal justice students [Dana Hand, Alesia Sweeney], December
- Receives Kiwanis International scholarship [Javier Farfan Cedron], April
- Recycling scholarship received by CCFL student [Ben Konarzewski], January
- Scholarship [Ben Konarzewski], January
- Scholarship honors CCFL's Brenda [Brockman] Beck, May
- Scholarship recipient (photo Dan Disbrow), March
- Scholarships [reading/writing], June
- School aid topic of meet, December
- Seminar to inform parents about financial aid for college, February
- Public access TV channel up in air, September
- CCFL Foundation Board officers elected [Charles E. Hetterich, Martin Hayes, Anne Henry, Donald Zamperetti, George W. Hamlin IV], October, September
- CCFL gets grant for faculty center, January
- CCFL grant funds are up 18 percent over previous year, November
- CCFL has announced an 18 percent increase in grants . . ., September
- CCFL receives grant monies, September
- Computers
- CCFL receives grant, September
- Computer grant helps at CCFL, October
- Entrepreneurship Support Program
- Education, February
- Nursing
- CCFL gets FLAHC grant to spur interest in nursing, November
- CCFL receives grant to help increase number of RN graduates, September
- Grant to help increase number of RN graduates, October
- Teaching
- CCFL receives grant to initiate college teaching center, February
- Receives grant for teaching, February
- Immunization, July
- Part-time college students must show immunization proof, July
- Requests for AIDS testing on rise in colleges, December
- "We support the Greater Canandaigua Area Chamber of Commerce" - CCFL, January
- CCFL proud of its many accomplishments, March
- Baum, Kurt
- World War II POW to speak at CCFL, May
- Global Awareness
- "Children of the Tribe" and "The Rice Ladle" - The changing role of women, January
- Awareness program at CCFL to feature 'Killing Cars,' November
- CCFL global awareness program to feature Polish film "Moonlighting," October
- CCFL global awareness series Japanese food, April
- Diamond, Sander A.
- Lecture on Germany at CCFL, November
- Global awareness series, September
- Global awareness series addresses postwar Taiwan, April
- Jancar, Barbara
- The Natural environment in eastern Europe: can it be saved?, November
- Japan lecture set, February
- Japanese films set, January
- Japanese flower arranging program at CCFL, April
- Ost, David
- Emerging Europe, September
- Schedule - ad, January
- Slaughter, Louise
- Slaughter talks about Baltic states, October
- The Taiwan miracle examined at CCFL [Dr. Jian Chen], February
- Van Dussen, Gregory
- Global Awareness series highlights Northern Ireland, October
- Visual communication [in Japan], March
- Scholar's Forum
- Hodik, Barbara J.
- Architect, artist, designer profiled (photo), September
- Professional women are topic of lecture, September
- Scholar's forum, August
- Kress, Nancy
- Science fiction, April
- Science fiction writer to speak, May
- Hakki, Mohamed
- Journalist: Gulf War enhanced peace (photo), March
- Kuwaiti journalist hopes war brings peace [Mohamed I. Hakki], March
- Middle East lecture [Mohamed Hakki], February
- The crisis in the Middle East is examined by bureau chief [Mohamed I. Hakki], March
- Sakharov, Vladimir
- Defector says Gorbachev won't last (photo), April
- Russian defector to speak at CCFL (photo), April
- Sakharov to address CCFL scholar's forum, March
- Schedule - ad, February
- Wasserman, Harvey
- Ecology activist leads the fight against nuclear dependency (photo), April
- Stone, Ward
- College holds wildlife talk, November
- Chorale
- Broadway music concert - ad, July
- CCFL Finger Lakes Chorale seeks new members, June
- Chorale rehearsal, June
- Chorale rehearsal set, January
- Finger Lakes chorale seeks new members, June
- Finger Lakes chorale to perform, April
- Finger Lakes chorale to perform Messiah, November
- Join the Finger Lakes Chorale - ad, January
- New members sought by Finger Lakes Chorale, January
- Singers prepare for chorale season, June
- Singing auditions, August
- Tenors needed, September
- Flute choir concert, February
- Flute concert, March
- Lincoln Hill Singers
- CCFL singers to hold winter concert, November
- Singers to perform holiday dinner concert, December
- Wind Ensemble
- 'Hit Parade' marches to Shortsville, Rochester (photo Frank Verget), April
- Big band salute at CCFL, May
- CCFL wind ensemble plans international show, November
- Dollars for scholars is the goal - Wind ensemble seeks to raise money for scholarships (photo Frank Verget and band), June
- Ensemble to perform at Lilac festival, April
- Ensemble to perform Christmas miniatures, December
- March through March (photo band and director Frank Verget), February
- Marching band, February
- Music of the British Isles - ad, October
- Wind ensemble [Christmas concert], November
Name Change
- CCFL name change backed, January
- CCFL name change delayed by county, January
- CCFL name debate, February
- Editorial - A Taxpayers' suggestion - Bob Kehrer, March
- Editorial - Resist CCFL name change - Marjorie Donahauser, February
- Editorial - Thoughts in CCFL name, building - Leo M. Saxby, March
- Leo settlement awaits board verdict - Community College of the Finger Lakes name change also on supervisors' agenda, January
- Ontario backs retirement deal [name change mentioned], February
- CCFL sets orientation, December
- CCFL to host orientation, January
- CCFL to host orientation program for part-time students, July
- CCFL to orient part-time students, August
- New student orientation set, January
- Orientation, July
- President Search
- CCFL committee begins search for new president, May
- CCFL presidency committee named, May
- CCFL presidential screening committee members announced, April
- CCFL presidential search on schedule, November
- Search committee begins screening, October
- Will stalled CCFL contract talks affect search for new president?, November
- ad, January
- BOCES adult courses registration scheduled, April
- CCFL announces fall BOCES, August
- CCFL announces fall registration, August, July
- CCFL announces spring registration, December
- CCFL courses [summer school], June
- CCFL lists times for fall registration, July
- CCFL name locations for spring registration, December
- Jan Plan, December
- Register for BOCES courses, July
- Registration dates set for BOCES-CCFL courses, December
- Victor registration for CCFL Jan. 17, January
Salaries and Contracts
- Bargain, don't blame, November
- CCFL faculty calls Ontario County inflexible in pay talks, November
- CCFL faculty make complaints public, November
- CCFL faculty marches in 'walk-out' over stalled contract negotiations (photo Mary Wilsey, Ray Geary, Rick Cook), October
- CCFL layoff warning spurs faculty protest [vote of no confidence for Dr. Meder], December
- College faculty protest slow contract talks, October
- Layoffs loom for CCFL profs, December
- Mediator joins CCFL staff talks, September
- Mediator to handle CCFL, city impasse, August
- What does the future hold for CCFL?, December
Speakers Bureau
- CCFL offering speakers on a wide variety of topics, September
- CCFL offers speakers' bureau brochure, August, October
- Speakers' Bureau brochure, January
- Baseball
- Award winners [Steve Parsels MVP, Kevin Rhinehart most valuable pitcher, Ken Stuber most improved], May
- Bartucca helps oust CCFL from tourney, May
- Bunting Laker (photo Robin Morales), April
- Camp
- CCFL hosts summer baseball camp, June
- CCFL to host summer youth baseball camp, July
- CCFL bats boom in sweep of Erie, April
- CCFL captures third straight win, April
- CCFL men, women handed lopsided doubleheader losses, April
- Fast pitch clinic, November
- Free throw contest winner [Christie Englehart], January
- Laker baseball advances easily, May
- Lakers bow in 10th, 6-4, May
- Lakers can't cash in, lose, April
- Lakers can't scale OCC nine, April
- Lakers in Region III baseball tourney, May
- Lakers look to add to historic season (photo Brian Oddi), April
- Lakers lose in bottom of the ninth, March
- Lakers near perfect, April
- Lakers split in baseball openers, March
- Lakers split in weekend games, April
- Lakers split with MCC, April
- Lakers sweep Broome, May
- Three up, three down for CCFL Lakers, April
- Winter baseball camp at CCFL, January
- Basketball - Men's
- Area coaches favor UNLV to win NCAAs, March
- Big win for Lakers, January
- CCFL beats buzzer in OT to top Morrisville, 94-92, January
- CCFL beats undermanned Cayuga, January
- CCFL cagers open tomorrow, October
- CCFL concludes domination of OCC, February
- CCFL harriers place sixth; cagers swept in twinbill (photo Mark Kiser), November
- CCFL keeps rolling, routs Cayuga, 105-58 (photo Dan Brown), January
- CCFL men absorb junior college hardships, December
- CCFL men down Elmira for first win, December
- CCFL men fall in title game, August
- CCFL men fall, women win two, November
- CCFL men hold off Nazareth, January
- CCFL men lay claim to first conference crown, February
- CCFL men romp over RIT, women stumble twice, January
- CCFL men top Broome, January
- CCFL men's team rolls past Elmira, 83-64, January
- CCFL suffers rare loss, January
- CCFL unable to hold on to lead, lost in OT, December
- CCFL wins Midstate tourney, February
- CCFL's Pullen leads the way in semis, 113-90, February
- Conference champs (photo Matt Colegrove), February
- He's jammin' (photo Cory Anderson), March
- Herkimer a big test for CCFL, February
- Lakers avoid letdown, win, January
- Lakers get home-court edge, February
- Lakers go inside, win, January
- Lakers have no time to brood over loss, January
- Lakers lay claim to No. 1 by routing Jefferson (photo Dick Pullen), February
- Lakers pound Brockport squad, 104-79, January
- Lakers shock MCC, 91-86, in overtime (photo Nate Porter), December
- Lakers sink OCC again, advance in Region III playoffs, February
- Lakers tune up for big game, January
- Lakers win at buzzer, January
- Lakers win easily, January
- Lakers' season comes to end at hands of top-seeded Herkimer, March
- Men's recreation roundball tourney, November
- Miller, Street lift CCFL men, December
- Moore sees spark despite CCFL loss, December
- Naz JVs run over CCFL, November
- Pullen haunts his old college in 94-77 victory (photo Dick Pullen, Matt Colegrove), January
- Rebound basket wins for Lakers, January
- Red-hot Lakers rip Onondaga, 90-68 (photo Dick Pullen), January
- Still good season for the CCFL men, March
- Unstoppable or not, Lakers still too much for ranked OCC (photo Dick Pullen), January
- Basketball - Women's
- CCFL back in action, December
- CCFL feels right at home, December
- CCFL hangs on for 74-66 win, November
- CCFL loses in OT to strong Jefferson, November
- CCFL loses third straight, January
- CCFL men fall, women win two, November
- CCFL routs Erie C.C., 92-43 (photo Dee Dee Craig, Michelle Wells), January
- CCFL women bank on strong recruiting class, November
- CCFL women continue to roll by downing Corning 68-48, December
- CCFL women end losing streak at 4, January
- CCFL women in quarterfinals, February
- CCFL women lose game, key player, January
- CCFL women make foul shots when it counts, February
- CCFL women roll in second half for win, January
- CCFL women sweep, February
- CCFL women upset, January
- CCFL women win first this season, November
- Comeback falls short for CCFL women, March
- Finger Lakes a hot spot for recruiting [Mickey Record quoted], January
- Freshmen lead CCFL win, December
- Frustration continues for the CCFL women, January
- Lady Lakers drop Genesee C.C., January
- Lady Lakers extend hot streak, December
- Lady Lakers fall after thrilling win (photo Paula Keith), March
- Lady Lakers rebound to down Mohawk Valley, January
- Lady Lakers set to host Region III tournament (photo Dee Dee Craig), February
- Lady Lakers stay hot with lopsided win, December
- Lady Lakers suffer fourth straight loss, January
- Lady Lakers top Cayuga, November
- Lady Lakers win twice, February
- Lady Lakers win, set mark with 127 points, December
- Laker women drop opener, November
- Tourney brings stars to CCFL, February
- Women's collegiate programs raid area for over 20 players, January
- Cross Country
- Binghamton upends CCFL harriers, October
- CCFL cross country team in running for another national berth (photo Chris Ells, Doug Diver), October
- CCFL harriers place sixth; cagers swept in twinbill (photo Mark Kiser), November
- CCFL runners in third; Lady Lakers fall again, October
- CCFL runners take 7th; soccer team in 6-1 rout, September
- CCFL runs to 12th in Albany Invitational, October
- CCFL runs to 8th, May
- CCFL voted at national host in '92, November
- Cross Country meet scheduled for CCFL, October
- Finger Lakes Triathlon draws 200, May
- Frosh must help for CCFL to regain championship form, August
- Jr. Olympics cross country winners, November
- Lady Lakers lose to Morrisville, 2-1; CCFL runners move to 3-0 in dual meets, September
- Laker runners place 3rd, September
- Lakers look to continue run to top (photos Stewart Van Buren, Phil Fahrenholz), August
- Lakers run by Monroe, September
- Lakers run to thirds in invitational, August
- Lakers third in state, head to nationals, October
- Long-range goal for CCFL team, May
- Near sweep as CCFL runners defeat Cayuga, September
- Runners romp over Cayuga; men's soccer team tips Erie, September
- Splashdown (photo Rich Cole), November
- Waterloo has memorable race, May
- Young leads CCFL in marathon (photo Greg Young), May
- Hall of Fame
- Sports hall of fame inductees [John Wilbur and James Bullis], July
- Wilbur, Bullis enter CCFL Hall of Fame, June
- Soccer
- Camp
- CCFL to host soccer camp, July
- Registrations taken for CCFL soccer camp, June
- Men's
- CCFL runners take 7th; soccer team in 6-1 rout, September
- CCFL's men blast Niagara (photo Matt Hill), September
- Keuka men win first, September
- Lakers place second; men's soccer team falls, September
- Runners romp over Cayuga; men's soccer team tips Erie, September
- Women's
- CCFL falls 1-0 to Alfred Tech, October
- CCFL runners in third; Lady Lakers fall again, October
- CCFL women's soccer team to be tested this season, September
- Lady Lakers lose to Morrisville, 2-1; CCFL runners move to 3-0 in dual meets (photo Kelly Hudson), September
- Lakers fall in opener, September
- MCC drubs Lady Lakers, October
- Score close, but not game in CCFL's loss, September
- Unbeaten MCC blanks CCFL, 4-0, October
- Softball
- CCFL men, women handed lopsided doubleheader losses, April
- CCFL women lose more than a game, April
- CCFL women play better, lose 2, April
- CCFL women rebound, May
- Doubles losses for CCFL softball, April
- Kuhn, Ellis lead CCFL to twinbill wins, April
- Lady Lakers at best, April
- Lady Lakers hope to improve on dreary 1990 softball season, April
- Lakers open with two wins, April
- Lakers sweep in softball finale, May
- OCC has the formula to beat CCFL softball, April
- Softball clinic, December
- Sombathy named CCFL MVP, May
- Spa Apts. takes CCFL Christmas crown [fundraiser], December
- Tennis
- Listing of tennis courts in Finger Lakes communities, May
- Timber Sports
- CCFL chops to top (photo Matt Karp, Scott Bingham), April
- CCFL men and women both win (photo Tony Guerrerio of Dartmouth), April
- CCFL to host Intercollegiate Woodsmen's competition, April
- CCFL woodsmen aim for major fall titles, October
- CCFL woodsmen built from scratch (photo Scott Bingham, Greg Muscato, Brett Battaglia), April
- CCFL woodsmen teams finish third in Canada (photo Angela Burbott), November
- CCFL woodsmen teams victorious (photo Kathy Kos), April
- CCFL woodsmen's teams fare well at meet, November
- Championship team attracts students (photo Kathy Kos, Erica Burbott), April
- Chop, toss, roll - woodsmen's competition isn't easy work (photo Amy Mott, Matthew Karp, Dave Jewett, Leah Marshall), April
- Logging in (photos Don Gross, Kathy Kos, Erika Burbott, Ann Berington, Amy Mott), April
- Muscles and height aren't keys to success (photo Scott Bingham), April
- US, Canadian college students in CCFL woodsman's competition, April
- College and universities (ranked by number of full-time students), November
- Awards [see also Financial Aid, scholarships]
- 3 named outstanding adult students at CCFL [Sherry Kosienski, Louise (Tammy) Nelson, Joan Peck], May
- Widmer's Honors Banquet
- Banquet recognizes CCFL students, June
- CCFL honors [Ruth M. Card, Edna Yackel, Pat Busby], May
- Clubs
- Art Club
- Lithography demonstration, April
- Conservation Club
- Stewards of the Wilderness - by Marty Dodge (photos), August
- Honor Societies
- Phi Theta Kappa
- 7 inducted in CCFL honor society, February
- CCFL honor society names new members, October
- CCFL honors society inducts new members, October
- CCFL student leads Phi Theta Kappa (photo Theresa J. Fisher), April
- CCFL students named to honor society, March
- Elected PTK VP [Theresa J. Fisher], April
- Ellis elected [Jeff Ellis elected region program secretary], April
- Honor society [Sherri Ann Baylor], March
- In the running [Theresa J. Fisher, for national vice presidency of the Phi Theta Kappa New England Middle States region], January
- State awards, April
- Students honored [Theresa Fisher, Jeffrey Ellis], October
- The Angel tree at CCFL, November
- Newspaper
- Welcome back!, October
- Students
- Addante, Lisa
- Addante-McFadden (photo) [Richard McFadden is alum], August
- Archer, Tricia
- To college (photo), June
- Avedisian, Scott
- To college (photo), June
- Bacon, Sarah Kay
- Bacon-Bolles (photo) [Jonathan Cory Bolles also student], July
- Barrington, Anne
- Two CCFL graduates join Peace Corps, June
- Two CCFL graduates volunteer for Peace Corps, June
- Woman tells mother she will stay in Haiti, September
- Bouwens, John
- Wed in candle light ceremony (photo), November
- Brown, Connie Marie
- Brown-Minier (photo) [Richard L. Minier II also student], July
- To college (photo), July
- Bullock, Chad
- To college (photo), May
- Bulman, Gloria D.
- To college (photo), August
- Calnon, Rebecca
- To college (photo), August
- Catalano, Melissa A.
- To college (photo), June
- Champlin, Dana Marie
- To college (photo), August
- Clark, Heather
- Rotary honoree (photo), April
- Clark, Stacey Lee
- Clark-Phillips (photo), May
- Crombach, Earl
- To college (photo), August
- Cummings, Janette Lyn
- Engaged (photo), February
- Dancause, Denise Marilyn
- Dancause-Canfield, April
- Dancause-Canfield (photo), April
- Davis, Jason
- To college (photo), July
- Day, Shari A.
- Day-Vaughn (photo), August
- Deisering, Craig
- Entering CCFL, July
- To college, June
- Denson, Heather L.
- Engaged (photo), July
- Eddinger, James
- To college (photo), June
- Ellis, Jeffrey
- . . . awarded Honors Scholar Certificate, November
- Fenn, Noel
- Tree recyclers pack mall, December
- Fernaays, Amy Lynn
- Engagement announced (photo), March
- Ficcaglia, Tara
- To college (photo), June
- Foy, Erin
- To college (photo), July
- Gillmor, Judy Lynn
- Gillmor-Vanderhoof [Matthew D. Vanderhoof is alum], September
- Godley, Kimberly Anne
- Engaged (photo), July
- Harvey, Shannon C.
- To college (photo), July
- Hauss, Stacey J.
- Engaged (photo), June
- Johnson, Jeffrey L.
- To college (photo), July
- Konarzewski, Benjamin J.
- In conservation, June
- Litzenberger, Carina Ann
- Litzenberger-Bennett [Eric T. Bennett is alum], November
- Mateo, Cataline
- To college (photo), June
- Miller, Sherry L.
- Engaged (photo), January
- Miller-Kayn (photo), December
- Minier, Richard L.
- To college (photo), August
- Mott, Amy
- Two CCFL graduates join Peace Corps, June
- Two CCFL graduates volunteer for Peace Corps, June
- Naragon, Evelyn
- Engaged (photo), August
- Nellis, Cathy A.
- Engaged (photo), August
- Orbaker, Michelle Marie
- Engaged (photo), November
- Palmer, Karen
- To college (photo), June
- Pestle, Mary
- Teen talk - Should school officials have control over student newspapers? (photo), December
- Popielarcyzk, Timothy
- Study program helps area man graduate (photo), February
- Pulver, Kimberly
- To college (photo), July
- Rice, Maureen
- To college (photo), July
- Richardson, Chadwick
- To college (photo), June
- Schilling, A. Leigh
- Career scholarship winner announced (photo), April
- Seabury, Shannon M.
- To college (photo), July
- Sergent, Brian L.
- To college (photo), July
- Sharpe, David J.
- Smith-Sharpe (photo), May
- Siler, Jeffrey
- obituary, August
- Smith, Jennifer Lynne
- Engaged (photo) [Scott Lee Sennett also student], February
- Smith, Melinda
- To college (photo), January
- Swift, Amy
- Amy Swift and David Palumbo (photo), December
- To Oswego [Amy Lin Colf, Leelannee M. Peck, Benjamin Todd Pursell and Laurie Kay Scharles], September
- VanAuke, John
- Canandaigua Emergency Squad: sacrificing time to save lives (photo), May
- Weigert, Kim
- Canandaigua Emergency Squad: sacrificing time to save lives (photo), May
- Weisbeck, Anne
- To college (photo), June
- Wheeler, Michael A.
- To college (photo), May
- White, Lew
- White CCFL's second Academic All-American (photo), June
- Williams, Pamela
- To college (photo), August
- Wilson, Kimberly
- Wilson-Delforte (photo) [Nicodem Delforte also student], September
- Aid hike recommended for community colleges, October
- Applications up, April
- Campus closings coming?, January
- College newspaper publisher claims legislative pressure, April
- Comm. colleges link education, economy - Letters to the editor - Mel Miller, November
- Concern over education cuts, February
- Editorial - Cuomo record pathetic - Tom Vierhile, February
- Enrollment at SUNY falls slightly - but community colleges get record number of students, November
- Henderson: Community Colleges have gained acceptance, stature (photo John T. Henderson), December
- Mel Miller examines future of NY's community colleges, November
- Public colleges post biggest tuition increase in eight years, October
- Some SUNY officials got pay raises amid fiscal woes, May
- SUNY closings are threatened, November
- SUNY leaders want more funds, September
- SUNY may shrink to balance its budget, December
- SUNY plan would set standards - Trustees are asked to push more tests, September
- SUNY studies switch to trimester schedule, December
- Tentative education restorations agreed on, May
- CCFL and SUNY Brockport develop new agreement, October
- CCFL transfer agreement [Niagara University], July
- CCFL hikes tuition, July
- Colleges boost fees over $20,000 mark, March
- Local colleges facing tuition increases, March
- Major tuition change may be forthcoming, February
- SUNY tuition raised, June
- SUNY tuition to vary in latest plan, January
- Trustees approve $300 CCFL tuition hike, June