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Library policies are designed to create a productive and respectful space for everyone. Review the information below to learn more about our circulation guidelines, collection development, and more.

Review Our Policies

  • Food and Drink Policy

    Policy Implemented: September 2014

    Policy Statement

    Maintaining the privilege of having food and beverages in the library depends on the help of library patrons in minimizing the risk to the library and its materials. Food and drink aren’t allowed in many academic libraries because the potential for damage is great. This policy balances patron comfort in the library with the need to preserve library collections and protect the facility from damage, pests and harmful molds.

    The principal goals of the Charles J. Meder Library Food and Drink Policy are as follows:

    • To preserve library collections and protect the facility from pests and harmful molds
    • To promote recycling of appropriate food and drink packaging
    • To help ensure the health and safety of all library users and a long life for library collections, furnishings and equipment
    • To respect our hard-working cleaning staff by taking responsibility for personal behavior
    • To allow the Library to direct library funds towards purchasing materials that support the curriculum, rather than towards replacing resources, furnishings and equipment damaged by food and drink

    The key to success is the willingness of library patrons to be responsible about consumption, disposal, and spill containment and clean-up. If at any time the presence of food detrimentally impacts the library (damaged books, damaged furniture, pests, etc.) the library will return to a no-food policy.

    Reason for Policy

    The Charles J. Meder Library Food and Drink Policy is intended to protect library materials, computer equipment and furnishings, and to maintain a pleasant, comfortable and clean environment for library users and staff. Certain types of food and drink are allowed in the Library. All library users must follow the policy and must “Leave NO Trace”.

    Applicability of the Policy

    All Library patrons (college employees, students and community members) should be familiar with this policy.



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    Procedural Guidelines

    Maintaining the privilege of having food and beverages in the library depends on minimizing the risk to the library and its materials. The key to success is responsible behavior with regard to consumption, disposal, and spill containment and clean-up.


    Small, non-messy, contained cold snacks and non-alcoholic beverages in spill-proof containers with lids are permitted in the library.


    Hot food and all food utilizing trays, plates, and utensils are not permitted in the library. All food and drinks are prohibited near computers and laptops.

    Areas of the Library Where Food and/or Drink are Permitted or Prohibited

    Food and Drink that meet the requirements above are permitted anywhere in the Library with the following exceptions:

    • To preserve library collections and protect the facility from pests and harmful molds
    • Food and drink are prohibited in the Library Archives.
    • Noisy food (loud crunching, rustling of chip bags, etc.) is prohibited in designated silent areas.
    • Food and drink are prohibited in the library instruction lab (A327).
    • Food and drink are prohibited near all computers and laptops.

    Guidelines and Principles

    Please follow these simple principles borrowed from the Leave No Trace Principles:

    Dispose of Waste Properly

    Make sure to place recyclables in recycling bins and non-recyclable garbage in trash cans designated for those purposes.

    Leave Everything as You Found It

    Leave library/technology resources, furnishings, and equipment as you found them--or in better condition than you found them.

    Report all spills: No fault policy - If something is spilled, please report it to a service desk (Circulation or Reference) so we can help you clean it up and provide paper towels etc. The Library Staff will not blame you, and in fact, will thank you for telling us about it!

    Be Considerate of Others

    Respect the next library/technology user and the next generation of library/technology users.

    Exceptions and Non-Compliance

    Library personnel reserve the right to determine a food’s mess and/or a beverage container’s permissibility.
    • Anyone not complying with this policy will be asked to remove the food and/or drink.
    • Unattended food and/or drinks will be discarded.
    • Exceptions to this policy may be made for library and campus events and offices located in the library.

    Forms/Online Processes




  • Library Noise Policy

    Policy Implemented: September 2014

    Policy Statement

    The Charles J. Meder Library is committed to provide a welcoming environment that is conducive to a variety of study needs and strives to maintain an appropriate academic atmosphere.

    While the library staff will do its best to enforce this policy, the cooperation of the entire Library community is required. It is the responsibility of all Library users to select an area that best fits the activities they wish to pursue so as not to disturb others. Please respect the rules of each study zone and be mindful of your peers.

    Silent Zone / Silent Study

    In this area there is:

    • No talking (whisper if necessary)
    • No cell phone conversations
    • Cell phones must be set to silent
    • No listening to music or movies without headphones

    Quiet Zone / Quiet Study Areas

    In these areas, there is:

    • Brief, occasional talking in a low speaking voice
    • No cell phone conversations
    • Cell phones must be set to silent
    • No listening to music or movies without headphones

    Group Study / Group Zone

    In these areas, there is:

    • Collaboration and conversation at a normal speaking volume
    • No cell phone conversations
    • Cell phones must be set to silent
    • In the group study rooms, music and movies are permitted at a low volume for collaborative study

    Cell Phone Zones: Cell phones and all mobile devices must be turned off or set to silent when in the Library. Cell phone friendly zones are located in the back of all three floors of the Library. If you must use your cell phone to make or receive calls, please go to the cell phone zone, keep it brief and at a low volume.

    Music (even with earphones) that is loud enough to disturb others is prohibited.

    Reason for Policy

    The Charles J. Meder Noise Policy was developed in response to patron comments and customer satisfaction surveys. Compliance with library policies helps to ensure an atmosphere conducive to study and research.

    Applicability of the Policy

    All Library patrons (college employees, students and community members) should be familiar with this policy.


    Library personnel reserve the right to determine appropriate noise levels. Exceptions to this policy may be made for academic purposes and/or library and campus events.



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