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Students reviewing online course materials

Charles J. Meder Library

The library is your go-to space for academic resources, research support, quiet study, and group collaboration. We've got everything you need to succeed.

Search Everything

Search the Charles J. Meder Library for articles, books, music, movies, databases, and more.

Advanced Search | FLCC Catalog | Journals | Course Reserves

  • Browse Research Databases

    Access journals, popular magazines, newspapers, audio, and video.

    A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J-K | L | M | N | O | P-Q | R | S | T-U | V | W-Z | Browse All

  • WorldCat

    Search for materials from libraries around the world. Then, submit an interlibrary loan request to gain access to the resource.

Explore the Library

The library offers many resources and services to support students, faculty, and staff in their academic pursuits. From books and e-books to databases and research assistance, the library is your one-stop shop for all your informational needs.

FLCC student chooses a library book from the reference section at the Canandaigua campus.

Find & Borrow

Learn what library resources are available to you and how to access them. Find books, media, research databases, and other materials online and in person. 

Find Resources
FLCC students using a tablet computer to participate in an online class

Library Services

The library offers many services to support your research and learning. Explore our research guides, printing and computer access, meet with a librarian, reserve space, and more.

Library Services
Three FLCC students study at together in the Library at main campus in Canandaigua, NY.

About the Library

This section provides directions, hours, library policies, and more. Many library services are available to the public, so find out how we can support you today.

Learn More
FLCC student studies at a single person station in the Library.

Library Archives

Discover the history of FLCC with this special archival collection. View an index of materials online and then schedule a time to see the artifacts at the library.

Explore the Archives

Additional Library Resources

Use these resources to jump start your academic projects. Our research assistance, subject guides, and room reservations will provide the information and space you need to complete your work.